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Trying to reach for your pants whilst a girl is clawing your back is no easy task. “Linda,” I hissed as I successfully removed my mouth from hers.

“I need to get a condom, it will just take a second,” I pleaded.

Linda glared at me with that look that usually told me I was being idiotic. “I’m on the pill idiot, you know that,” she simply replied and went back to clawing my already tender back.

Linda resumed kissing me with a ferocity I was actually unfamiliar with, during our random hook ups she was usually the more composed one and I was the carelessly horny one. Today the roles had taken a 180-degree turn. Suddenly, Linda turned us over resulting in her being on top of me. A chill ran down my spine as I saw her piercing brown eyes glare at my own brown orbs. She looked like a very hungry lioness eying her next meal. She started to grind on my hardness that was painfully pinned between my abdomen and her labia.

“Yesss, right there,” she hissed after the tip of my cock bumped on her bundle of nerves. Repeatedly, she grinded on my manhood, letting her wetness engulf the whole of my crotch area. I couldn’t help myself but to admire her beautiful form, she looked like a goddess on top of me. Eventually her breaths started to become shorter and her nostrils flared alerting me that she was about to cum. I quickly sprang into action and held on to her waist as tight as I could. Linda had a habit of losing control of her limbs when orgasming and right now we at the edge of the bed and I wouldn’t want her to fall off.

“Fuck yesss, oh my God, yes, yes, yes, yesss,” Linda screamed as I felt her go limp on me.

I gently laid her down on the on bed and quickly aimed at her entrance. Giving her no time to get over her aftershocks, I thrust inside her ferociously, which earned me a weak ‘oh.’ As soon as our pelvises met, I fucked her swiftly with short thrusts whilst using my fingers to rub her clit. My orgasm was approaching at an alarming pace. I really wanted to experience simultaneous orgasms with Linda but she was still recovering from her earth shattering orgasm so it would take time for her to cum again, so I needed to step up my game.

Withdrawing from her silky insides, I turned her over, her ass raised in the air into a doggy position. I thrust in again, fucking her with longer strokes. Linda let out cute moans as I hit her spongy spot inside her pussy. It was time to go for broke, my orgasm was coming so I latched my mouth on the sensitive part of her neck earning a surprised gasp from Linda. Finally, I inserted a finger in her unoccupied orifice that caused her to clench her powerful vaginal muscles, choking my little man and also tightening her sphincter almost crushing my finger.

A high-pitched scream from Linda and a rush of wetness from her pussy announced her second orgasm of the night. I came too a second later, flooding her insides with my seed. My legs gave out as I fell on top of Linda. We were both breathing as if we had run a forty-three kilometer marathon. After a minute of catching my breath, I eventually rolled off Linda. My eyes were getting heavy now, I wasn’t someone who slept right after cumming but Linda had really done a number on me today.

“Thank you Jay,” that was the last thing I heard before sleep finally overtook me.


“Moyo, what the fuck are you doing? You are a defender for God’s sakes get back to the defense line now,” coach shouted. I was actually getting annoyed with him. He was forcing me to play as a wingback whilst he perfectly knew I was a striker.

“Sorry coach,” I lamely replied whilst sprinting back to join the other defenders.

We spent three hours practicing, going over our formation and new strategies. After running five excruciating laps to ‘cool off’ as coach kindly put it, practice was finally over. I couldn’t wait to get to the showers and wash off the itchy grassy and dirty grime on my body but unfortunately I had to wait as the coach had called me.

“Yes coach,” I said as I stood next to him. Standing at 202cm (6.6 feet) and weighing about 87kg (191 pounds), coach was a giant. At 191cm and weighing 77kg, only three of my team mates where taller than me and two of the where goalkeepers.

“Jaden, I noticed you were very frustrated with my decision making, yes I changed your starting position, so what?” Coach Reid looked expectedly at me obviously waiting for me to reply. I remained quiet arguing with the Head coach would surely result in me sitting on the bench for the rest of the season, so instead I just looked down.

“Moyo, you know that Theo suffered a hamstring injury last practice and that little shit Winston was suspended for the whole season for using drugs and as much as I hate to do this you are my last option. I know you are one of our best strikers but right now I need you to play as a defender, you are tall, strong and strong in the air, all of these qualities make you a good defender.”

“They also make me a good striker,” I mumbled under my breath but I think he heard.

“It’s not a permanent thing, it’s just for the remaining five games and by next season you will be back at being the centre forward. Besides you will be more of an offensive fullback than a defensive fullback so you could actually join the attack and add to your goal tally.”

What Coach was saying actually made a lot of sense but I knew defending and attacking for 90 minutes was impossible for me, my stamina wasn’t quite there yet. I had scored 37 goals in the 41 games we had played and I was topping the goal rankings in the league and the guy who was on second place had 21 goals so I wasn’t worried about being overtaken so I decided I would stick to defending only for now.

“Okay coach I will do as you say.”

A big smile appeared on his face, he patted me on the butt and walked away towards to where his assistant was standing. I was about to walk towards the changing rooms when I saw my besty in the stands. She never came to my soccer practices because she supposedly hated sports so I immediately knew something was wrong.

As I reached her, I immediately knew that she was not okay. Linda was crying softly in her hands. Until now, I had never seen her cry unless during her earth shattering orgasms so I knew right away that something serious had happened.

“Linda talk to me, what’s wrong?” I asked her whilst sitting beside her and hugging her.

She looked up at me and I realized she looked like she had been crying for a while, her tears started to fall harder.

“Shhh, everything is gonna be okay.” I comforted her.

“No it’s not gonna be okay,” she shook her head and put her head into her hands again crying harder now.

I started to think about what could possibly make Linda do this, maybe she had caught her boyfriend cheating. I quickly scratched that one out, the last time her boyfriend cheated, it resulted in her fucking me like a crazy bitch in heat and right now there was no fucking coming my way. Maybe one of her parents had died.

“I just came back from the clinic, lately I had been puking and having constant headaches so I went to the doctor for a checkup. He said I’m pregnant Jayden,” she sobbed into her hands.

“Oh shit, how did it happen?” Linda shot me that look which told me I was being an idiot.

“I mean you were on the pill right so how did it happen,” I asked.

“That was the same question I had too. The doctor said the pill I was taking had an approximate failure rate of 2% and unfortunately we are now part of that 2%.”

“That is just dumb luck,” I said whilst running a finger slowly on her back willing her to calm down until I realized something. “When you said we, you meant you and Travis right,”

‘Please be Travis,’ I prayed inside my head.

Linda slowly removed her head from my sweaty chest and looked into my eyes, “I haven’t slept with Travis for three months now. The doctor said I am six weeks pregnant.”

Six fucking weeks, oh shit six weeks ago we had fucked all night long and we didn’t use condoms. Fuck, I was going to be dad at twenty, fuck my life. I carefully extracted myself from Linda to give myself a little space to think. I wanted to be mad at someone but I knew I couldn’t be mad at anyone by myself, I should have worn that damn condom.

“I’m sorry Jaden, I never meant for any of this to happen.” Linda went into a fit of crying again. As much as I wanted to continue sulking over the situation I knew I had to support Linda right now, I mean it’s not easy to be nineteen and pregnant with your best friend’s baby. Therefore, I willed myself to be strong, so I went and hugged her again.

“Everything is gonna be okay Linds, I’m here for you whatever you decide, I will never leave you alone. We are in this together Linds,” I whispered to her softly.

I was a Christian and the idea of abortion wasn’t something I would like but it Linda’s body and life we were talking about. I couldn’t ruin her entire life just because of my beliefs.

“I’m keeping it, I mean I’m keeping her or him,” she whispered into my chest.

I could feel her fear. She was thinking I wanted her to abort the baby. Though I was relieved that she was not aborting, I knew this was going to affect our lives deeply.

“I’m glad you are. Don’t worry I’m going to be with you every step of the way, we are gonna get through this together,” I said whilst stroking her shoulders reassuringly.

“My parents are gonna kill me. Look at me nineteen, pregnant and soon to be dead,” Linda let out a sadistic laugh.

“Well, we will die together then.” I simply said hugging her tighter.

“I just hope they won’t make us marry each other,” Linda said in a low voice.

I guess marrying Linda wouldn’t be a pain in the ass. She is beautiful, we always have amazing sex and to top it all off we have known each other for nine years.

“Jaden, don’t tell me you actually thinking about it?” Linda had removed her head from my chest and was looking at me as if I had grown two heads.

We had tried the dating thing when I was sixteen and it had almost ended our friendship. Both of us liked to cheat but neither of us liked to be cheated on. Nevertheless, there was now a child in the picture, no matter what, we had to grow up and be good parents even if we weren’t going to marry each other. I knew Linda was not keen on the idea of us getting married so I chose to avoid the subject for now, we would talk about it later on.

“It’s getting late now, let me take you home.” I changed the subject.

Linda silently agreed also noticing that the sun was setting. We made our way to my Volkswagen Golf, which I had gotten as a birthday present from my folks on my eighteenth birthday. I drove off from the parking lot making my way to Linda’s place. A small apartment her parents were renting for her.

In less than twenty minutes we had arrived at her place. Parking in the driveway, I switched off my car. “Are you going to be okay?” I asked.

“I think so. Could you maybe stay with me today? I don’t wanna be alone at the moment,” she spoke in a barely voice.

“Sure, I’m here for you remember?” I was actually startled by her request. The Linda I knew would have dragged me without as much as asking.

As soon as we were went in, I quickly excused myself and went to the bathroom to take a shower. During my shower questions like, how I was going to take care of my Linda and the baby and if both our parents would accept our situation and support us. Currently I was being paid five hundred dollars per week at my club but I knew the money would not be enough to take care of Linda and our baby.

I let the hot water run down my naked body, hoping it would wash away all of my stress. The door leading into the shower opened, revealing a naked Linda standing sexily on the doorway. She walked towards me seductively. “I need you,” those three words were enough to make me crazy with lust.

Slowly I walked towards her, still dripping water from the shower. I looked into her eyes and saw the emotion behind them, I then knew she didn’t need me to fuck her she needed me to make love to her. Dipping down my head towards her, I passionately captured her lips with mine. She responded hungrily and proceeded to push me into the wall grinding her pussy on my hard thigh.

Dropping my hands to her tight ass, I gently squeezed the two beautiful globs causing Linda to moan inside my mouth. I moved my hands to her thighs gently took hold of them and then wrapped her legs around my waist. Linda never removed her mouth from mine during the whole thing but kissed my hard. At a snail’s pace, I blindly guided our entwined bodies towards her bed. As I plopped her down on the bed, our lips briefly separated.

“Take me,” she whispered seductively and oh boy did I take her. I came four times that night though I’m sure the last two times I was shooting blanks and Linda came seven times.


“Here is some ice for your jaw,”

I took the ice from Linda’s small hands and put it on my aching jaw. I winced as soon as it touched my bruised cheek but a moan of relief escaped my mouth as the coldness numbed my cheek lessening the pain.

“Your dad really packs a mean hook,” I told Linda.

Linda looked a little flustered, “I’m sorry Jaden, if I had known he was to react like that I wouldn’t have made you come with me.”

“It’s okay Linds. I deserved the punch, on the bright side he accepted your pregnancy,” I tried to smile but ended up wincing as I experienced another sharp pain. I am sure he broke something there.

That morning we had visited Linda’s parents to inform them about the pregnancy. Linda’s mom was awfully quiet for a moment whilst Linds’ dad looked like he wanted to punch something which turned to be cheek, ouch. After punching me he told us he was going to support his daughter. Linds’ mom asked us to explain how it happened since she knew Linda was taking the pill. Linda told her what the doctor had said. Minus the punching incident, the day actually went well. Mrs Larson (Linds’ mom) promised to help us during Linds’ pregnancy and after too. In addition, Linda would spend the last three months of her pregnancy at home with her parents.

As for me, I had no one to tell my parents had died in a car accident last year. At least they had left their finances in order. We weren’t filthy rich but we were comfortable, we had a house in the high density area of Harare, three cars one of which was my VW and my dad had a few shares in a chain of filling stations in Zimbabwe. I had refused to stay with any of my relatives, the pay I was receiving from my club and the money from the filling stations covered all of my expenses comfortably but I knew a baby would be expensive and would surely strain my budget. On top of that, my contract was expiring soon and I knew plans to renew it would go into the wastebasket.

There was no way I was going to keep playing in Zimbabwean Premier League, I needed to start earn real money. I had to call my uncle (my father’s younger brother) who was living in Italy. He was a scout for FC Empoli, a small but good Italian Serie A club. I knew he could hook me up with other scouts in Europe, that’s where the money was in football.


Living with a nagging woman for five months is no easy task. I had heard that pregnant women are extra horny but with Linda it was the opposite, it’s like she was unhorny or something. As horny as I was, I couldn’t have sex with anyone since everyone thought I was marrying Linda. Im sure girls didn’t want to sleep with me not because I was married but because they thought I was married to Linda. Ever since Linda had broken Travis’ sidechick’s nose no one wanted to mess with Linda.

Linda had made it clear that she wasn’t marrying me and I totally agreed with her, we were better at being friends than being in a real relationship. Though my Christian values made me want to marry her I knew we would both regret it later so I just agreed with her.

I had insisted that Linda should stay with me so that I could attend to her every need during her pregnancy. At that time it seemed like a really good idea, I would later find out that it wasn’t. I didn’t know it would be such an extremely bad decision on my part. Linda had become a nightmare. I blamed the pregnancy hormones. Sometimes she would get angry with me for the smallest of things. She had the weirdest cravings, pickles dipped in peanut butter, sour milk (she used to hate sour milk) and the worst of all dirt, yes dirt. She would send me to bring dirt from anthills specifically so that she could eat it.

One time she woke me up at 2 am saying she wanted ice cream. If she wasn’t my besty im sure I would have murdered her right then, nobody absolutely nobody interrupted my sleeping time.

When her mom brought back Linda to their house for the remaining months of her pregnancy, I was elated. I could focus on my football career without interruptions. Coach was mad at me for my shitty plays in the last three games and he had told me that the Kaizer Chiefs scouts were not impressed either though I could care less about them. Don’t get me wrong, soccer in South Africa paid well but not as much as European football and most of the times Zimbabwean players who went to play in South Africa never really went far.

My uncle had told me that his club was looking for some fresh talent particularly defenders. It wasn’t ideal but it had to do, I would play as a goalkeeper if there was need, as long as I got paid I had no problem. Ever since I found out we were having triplets I had instantly known that I had to go to Europe at any costs.

Since our league was over, I was relaxing at home on a Saturday watching Sky Sports news. Highlights for the El classico were showing and I had missed the live match because of Linda sending me to collect her anthill dirt. The vibration of my phone pulled me away from thoughts. It was my uncle calling.

“Jay, good news, Empoli want you. I convinced them you were a good player and would strengthen the team’s defense.” I couldn’t believe it.

“But how, they have never seen me playing but they still want to sign me?”

“Since I am the chief scout they took my word for it, so you better show them you are an exceptional player or else I will boot you back to Zimbabwe myself.”

“I promise I won’t make you regret this, thank you uncle,” I said excitedly in the phone.

“Hey, I haven’t even told you how much they are offering yet.”

“I trust you, I know you would negotiate a good deal for me.” I seriously trusted him after all he was my father’s brother and my agent so I knew he would do what was best for me.

“It’s good to hear you have faith in me, it means a lot. Basically they are offering a one year contract with an option to extend and the weekly wages will be three thousand five hundred and fifty Euros minus the IRPEF tax of course. What do you think?”

It was too good of a deal to pass up. Taking this deal would secure my children’s futures. “It’s a good deal, I will take it.”


“Just tell us already why you brought us here. My feet really hurt and back is cramping so spill it already,” Linda hissed obviously annoyed with me, her hormones were talking again.

I had invited Linda and her parents to dinner after I had signed my contract, which came through the fax machine, and I wanted to tell them the good news but Linda obviously wasn’t appreciating the element of surprise I was trying to incorporate.

“Okay okay, I will tell you. Im going to Italy, I signed the Empoli contract today.” I said looking at their faces. Linda looked happy for a change, her dad maintained his usual cool expression but I could see a little smile dancing on his lips and mom looked a little puzzled.

“Jaden, are you telling me you wont be there for the delivery?” asked Linda’s mom with concern dripping from her voice.

“No Mrs Larson, I won’t be going till July when the transfer window opens so I will be there for the delivery and also have an extra two months.”

Linda’s mom visibly sighed with relief, she deeply cared for her daughter and I’m sure if I had said I wasn’t going to be present for the delivery she would have killed me.

“Okay then let’s toast to your success and the health of my grandkids,” said Mrs Larson raising her glass of champagne. Mr Larson grumbled something about Linda making him old too soon but no one paid attention to him.

“Cheers,” we said at the same time.

Dinner went without a hitch. Linda decided she was going to sleep at my place much to the displeasure of her father who was evidently opposed to the idea but Mrs Larson calmed him down reminding him that Linda was now an adult. I left with Linda and headed to my house. I really didn’t know why Linda wanted to sleep at my place but I guess I would find out in due time.


Linda had said she wanted to give me a present and I had been expecting a tie or something lame, im happy to say I was wrong. She head led me to the bed and kissed me ferociously. I was happy to see that her sex drive was back again. After making me sit on the bed, Linda had done a three minute strip tease (yes I was counting) and proceeded to strip of my clothes.

“This is for being a good man and not deserting me,” said Linda as she kneeled on the floor between my legs as I was sitting on the bed. She licked the head of my dick tentatively, teasing me with her tongue, tonguing my pisshole and licking the whole eight-inch length. I couldn’t take it anymore, removing her mouth from my crotch I made her stand up. I was not going to shoot my six month old load in her mouth, this one was going into her pussy.

Making lie on the back, I went on top of her avoiding putting pressure on her baby bump. I rubbed my cock up and down her slit, bumping on her clit everytime. Kinda started to shake in orgasm and I hadn’t even penetrated her yet. As she was in the throes of her orgasm I penetrated her carefully. In and out , I sawed her pussy. Linda was moaning and releasing an occasional, ‘Oh my god.’

My climax was coming and I knew it was going to be a big one. I think Linda noticed too because she looked me in the eye and dazzled me with her sexy smile. She flexed her Kegel muscles, gripping my cock delightfully. In turn I sucked on her neck which earned me an, ‘Oh fuck,’ from Linda and a rush of wetness which almost pushed out my dick.

Finally, I flooded her womb with my cum which induced another orgasm from Linda.

“I love you Jaden,” she screamed in ecstasy.

“I love you too.”

Wait, did she just say I love you and did I say I love her too?
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