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The story starts out non-con but then becomes very consensual with a little coercion.
Kate had been with her boyfriend Eric for four years now but known him for much longer. They had been high school sweethearts and she knew that he was the type of man that was going to succeed in life due to his charisma combined with good luck, charm, and smarts. She always thought back fondly to the first time they made love after going to the prom together their senior year. He wasn’t the biggest man in the world by any means, but their sexual energy made their lovemaking vigorous and exciting combined with the fact that Eric had been so sweet and gentle the first time they did it. He always found different ways to please her, either with toys or rubbing her clit while his cock drove deep into her body.

They weren’t about to be having children before marriage, so she always made him wear a condom. Even if they got married in the future, she knew she would still insist that he wear a condom. She was happy that they both agreed on this during a discussion about it. They both reasoned that they were still young and had their whole lives ahead of them which was a lot of time to bring a child into the world.

They started experimenting with anal shortly after they began having sex and this was the only time that Kate ever allowed Eric to avoid using contraception. It became a normal routine thing for them to do, having sex sometimes anally more than vaginally. Eric seemed obsessed with her ass and less reluctant to have vaginal sex since he had to use a condom there, but she had to admit she loved the feel of his cum deep inside of her ass whenever he decided to unload into her rectum.

Their life continued as normal and they ended up going to college in separate but close areas not long after graduating high school. Kate’s new roommate Cindy was very open minded and let her know right after they met that she was dating multiple men. Although Kate had been raised conservatively by her parents, Cindy’s personality was magnetic, and she found herself enjoying hearing about the many adventures that her roommate was having and had in the past with various men. It was hard to find good roommates these days and if she had to do that to keep her, she was all for it.

Sometimes Cindy was naughty and would sneak men into the dorm and Kate would hear their moans through the thin walls as they went at it. Kate swore that Cindy did it on purpose but there were times when she left the door cracked open late at night and it wasn’t long before Kate grew more curious and found herself peeking in at times when Cindy was having sex with whatever man she had brought in to the dorm. She saw penises of various sizes and varieties, but Cindy always said she preferred a bigger cock to satisfy her so the many young men she hooked up with had to have a significant package to get into her pants. A girl must have her standards, Cindy once elaborated.

There were a few times that Cindy allowed the men she slept with to fuck her without a condom. Kate was shocked when she saw the first man penetrating her with no protection, but also wondered what it would feel like if she let Eric have sex with her that way. When she confronted Cindy about it the next day, Cindy explained that she was on birth control and that the sensations were ten times better than what you would feel with a condom covered cock. She also stated that the ones who didn’t wear them were men she had known for a long time and trusted.

Kate had debated going on birth control but resolved to keeping things the way they were with Eric because they were working for both. Speaking of Eric, his old roommate Greg was extremely nice and always a gracious host and Kate got along with him well. But he suddenly had to drop out of college when his mother got unexpectedly sick with cancer and he had to move back home to care for her.

That’s the moment when things got wild. Eric had a new roommate the next day and when she first met Todd that weekend when she came to visit her boyfriend, she instantly loathed him. There was something about him that she found detestable.

After her visit left her uncomfortable her first meeting with Todd, she continued to be a voyeur and live vicariously through Cindy and her many men. Every time she visited Eric, she hated his roommate more and more because Todd insisted on hitting on her in front of Eric or when he wasn’t around. Every time it happened, Kate would confront Eric about it, but her boyfriend just laughed it off like it was no big deal saying that Todd was probably just joking around, or that’s just how Todd rolls.

It wasn’t amusing to Kate and she found Todd’s behavior unacceptable. But there also was not much she could do about it, as Todd was a strong jock that was a lot taller and more muscular than Eric. She reasoned that her boyfriend probably just found the man extremely intimidating, enough for him to watch on the sidelines as he insisted on hitting on his girlfriend inappropriately.

As she was coming out of Todd and Eric’s room one day, she met a girl named Lucy on campus who asked if she was Eric’s boyfriend. When Kate confirmed it, Lucy began to talk to her about how she was so lucky to be in the presence of Todd. Lucy was not unattractive by any means and she spoke openly about how Todd had seduced other men’s girlfriends into having sex with him which worried Kate even more.

Lucy then went on to explain that it was Todd’s large cock and dominant personality outside and inside the bedroom that seemed to make the girlfriends that he seduced give in to him and let them have his way with them. She even claimed that one of the girls had ended up pregnant because Todd refused to use condoms.

By the end of the conversation Kate was shocked and appalled by this new information about her boyfriends’ roommate. But when she called Eric and told him about the it it was the same old routine of him telling her not to worry and that it was probably just rumors because Lucy was jealous that Kate was in the presence of the star football player of the college.

Kate didn’t believe that for one second, but she let it go to make Eric happy. Their sex life was still as good as it was when they were first together, and all Kate cared about was him being happy. She missed Eric’s former roommate Greg and wished things could go back to the way they were before, but she knew that was impossible and that he had done the right thing going home to be with his family.

It wasn’t long before Eric got a job to afford his own place after Kate insisted that they get away from Todd and the terrible roommate situation. But to make matters worse, after hearing about this, Todd said he had been thinking about the same thing and Eric somehow found himself agreeing to get a place for the three of them to live in together.

Kate was so furious that she nearly broke up with Eric right then and there, but he told her Todd had given him an offer he couldn’t’ refuse in that all three of them would be splitting up the rent. He had been perplexed that they hadn’t thought of this in the first place.

Despite insisting that she get a job too, Eric had instead taken an internship at a software firm as a developer that was paying him extremely well. As much as she wanted to work, school kept her busy enough and she stopped feeling guilty when Eric came home and showered her with gifts out of his paycheck that made her feel special. He was insistent that he take care of them both and be the provider of their soon to be family together after marriage. She made a promise that once college was over, she’d get a job to help. She wasn’t going to be jobless forever and she had no intentions of becoming a stay-at-home Mom either.

Thankfully due to Eric and Todd both having jobs she didn’t see Todd that often. When they were home alone together, she insisted on being in her and Eric’s room and she kept the door locked and only came out to go to the bathroom to pee. She was busy with homework and studying anyways and Todd thankfully never seemed to bother her, he just seemed amused that she did everything in her power to avoid him.

The inevitable happened when one day Todd came home from work early. Eric was pulling a double shift for some overtime because it was a holiday weekend. Kate looked shocked to see him, but she said not a word as Todd walked right on by her with a mumbled hello and went straight to the shower.

It was like clockwork that her pen ran out of ink and she had to go to her room to get another one. As she was walking down the hall to the bedroom, Todd emerged from the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. Surprisingly enough this was the first time that Kate had seen him shirtless. He had a hard, muscled body, and she would be a flat-out liar if she didn’t think that good genes ran in his family.

She couldn’t help but watch as the water dripped down his chest to the happy trail leading down below. But she wasn’t fooled easily by that charming smirk on his face, and she scowled and pushed past him to get another pen to do her homework. She almost wanted to close her door and lock it, but she was cramming for a hard test and she had left all her work on the couch in the shared living room.

She came out a few moments later and stopped at the end of the hall to see Todd watching television on the couch in the living room next to where her notes lay. She took a moment to study him then. He had short dark hair that was slightly wavy. His eyes were a bright emerald green that reminded her of the sea on a beautiful sunny day. He had a rough jaw and unlike Eric he had stubble on his face that seemed to enrich the masculine aura that oozed from him. His body was hard and muscled, whereas Eric was shorter and thinner. Muscular was not a word she would use to describe her boyfriend of many years. Despite that she had always been faithful and had no plans not to be in the future.

She reluctantly sat down beside Todd and began to write her notes with her newfound pen. For a while they sat in silence and it was Todd that broke it.

“So, do you want to talk about why you’ve been avoiding me ever since we met each other?” Todd asked, biting into his apple that he had been chewing on when she sat down. His brow was raised inquisitively, and Kate was not amused.

“Because you’re a loud mouthed, disgusting pig that I’ve heard shamelessly steals girlfriends from their devoted, faithful boyfriends.” Unlike other girls, Kate had no issues speaking her mind. She knew what a foul beast he was, and she wasn’t afraid to let him know it. She just hated that he was so damned good looking and alluring. Was that the real reason she was avoiding him? Because she had been secretly attracted to him this whole time? When spying on Cindy, was she wondering if Todd’s cock was as big as larger ones that she saw banging into her old roommate? There was a part of her that was curious whether she liked it or not. If it wasn’t for Todd’s bad attitude and blatant disregard to her relationship with Eric, she might think more highly of him.

He rolled his shoulders in a shrug. “Sounds like you have been talking to Lucy.”

“So, it’s true then?” Kate demanded, folding her arms over her chest as she turned to face him. She wanted to hear it from the man himself. “I mean, you have no issues hitting on me in front of Eric. It’s extremely disrespectful. You think just because he’s less intimidating than you that you can do whatever you want to him. He’s too trusting and has never been able to see through that. But I do.”

Todd gave a nod of affirmation. “That’s all true.”

Kate huffed in disgust. “Hence why I avoid you at every turn. You’re not a good person Todd and I don’t know what Eric sees in you. But I’d like you to just accept that we live with each other and I don’t want anything to do with you. Especially not in that way.”

“Or maybe you don’t know anything about me.”

Kate was taken aback by the raw emotion behind that statement. She was baffled as she watched him get up off the couch and go to his room. As much as she wanted to feel bad about hurting his feelings, he had confirmed that he knew he could take advantage of Eric because he was gullible, and to her that was wrong. She had been raised to see the best in people but for whatever reason she just couldn’t trust that Todd was a genuine person at all.

And yet somehow after that moment she found herself magnetically drawn to him from that day forward.

It was a couple weeks before they were alone in the apartment together again. Whenever Eric was there Todd either stayed in his room or came out and occasionally chatted with them both like a decent human being. For whatever reason, Kate’s accusations had seemed to change his behavior for the better. Eric and Todd joked and laughed with each other and Kate found Todd’s behavior confusing and arousing at the same time. Had he finally come to his senses and decided to lay off? Or was he just biding his time now? Was it a trick so he could just pull the rug out from under her when she let her guard down?

Just when Kate was starting to warm up to Todd, Eric was called in to work for a coding emergency with the software a couple days later while all three of them were watching a movie. After he left, Kate offered to make them dinner, and she had found herself slowly warming up to Todd despite her earlier hesitancy.

As she was getting milk out of the fridge Todd came up behind her and reached past her to get one of the bottled waters on the top shelf. Kate stiffened when she felt his hard body pressed into hers and despite herself, she felt a stirring between her legs that she had not felt a long time when she was alone with Eric.

“You know one of my hidden talents is cooking,” Todd said, surprising Kate yet again as he opened up the bottled water and took a sip. “Why don’t I help you cook?”

Kate wanted to refuse but despite herself she decided not to. “Okay. It’s just Kraft Mac and Cheese.”

“Which I happen to be an expert at making,” Todd murmured, his breath hot against her ear as his body remained tight against hers.

She was nearly trembling as Todd broke the contact first and went to work in the kitchen to help her with dinner. She got flushed when they both reached for the cheese packet and their hands touched with Todd standing near enough for her to feel the warmth coming off his muscular form.

Her reactions to his touch were embarrassing. She knew it was wrong, but she couldn’t help the way her body felt. And despite her inhibitions, every time they “accidentally” touched she felt tingles of pleasure where a woman should only feel when her boyfriend touches her.

She gasped as Todd placed one hand on her hip as he stirred the macaroni in the boiling water. She was pressed back into him with nowhere to go. She knew he heard the sound that came out of her mouth and could picture him him smirking behind her. But all she could do was grin and bear it as Todd took advantage of their proximity.

She felt rooted to the spot as Todd’s hand was on the move and suddenly on her bare stomach underneath her thin tank top. She knew she should have said something but when she opened her mouth to speak no words came out. She cursed herself for not wearing a bra, but she hadn’t expected to be alone with Todd and everything happened so fast with Eric leaving that she didn’t have time to go to her room and put one on. She was naïve in these situations, not even having fathomed the idea that Todd might try and feel her up if they were alone.

And feel her up he did. The noodles had a few minutes to cook so he had plenty of time to take advantage of the situation. His hand slowly crept higher until it rested just underneath her breasts. It was in that moment that she knew she should have cried out or pleaded him to stop. But instead she waited, frozen with fear and trepidation, to see if he would become even more adventurous.

She didn’t have to wait long, as his large hand suddenly closed the gap and cupped her breast, kneading and fondling it like it was putty and he was molding it to his liking. When he pinched her hardening nipple, she gasped and threw her head back into his rock-hard chest as she fell back against him.

To this day, she had no idea why she did not speak up or tell him to stop. Todd forgot about the noodles and both his hands came under her shirt and began to caress her breasts. His rough hands groped and squeezed them, and she could feel his fingers rolling over the nipples, arousing her further. She was melting under his touch when she should have been turning around and slapping him in the face to get him to stop.

“Oh, God,” she moaned out, finally finding her voice. Only it wasn’t to tell him to cut it out. Instead she was moaning and gasping as he pinched her hard nubs and squeezed her tits.

When she felt his growing erection against her ass, that was when she suddenly came to her senses.

“Todd, we have to stop. Please. This has gone far enough!” She suddenly exclaimed, reaching up under her shirt to try and pry his hands off her tits.

Todd was too strong and easily overpowered her. He managed to get her hands at her sides, and he growled into her ear. “That’s no way to behave, Kate.” And he twisted her nipples so painfully that she saw stars, crying out from the sudden pain he made her feel.

“That’s what happens to bad girls that don’t behave. Are you a bad girl, Kate?” He snarled it into her ear.

Kate was terrified. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. And now she knew that she was the naïve one. Her head was spinning, and she didn’t know what to say. She didn’t want to feel that pain again. It had nearly made her pass out. She had never had someone be as rough with her as Todd was being.

“Please, stop, Todd. I don’t want this!” She begged him.

Todd ignored her, and to her horror she heard the button on her shorts pop open, followed by the sound of her zipper being pulled down. Before she knew it, Todd was kicking her feet apart to spread her legs nice and wide for him and she could feel his hand going under her shorts and into her underwear.

“No, Todd, please!” She was full of panic, squirming around to get out of his grip but she was no match for the hung jock that was quickly finding out that he could easily manipulate her into getting what he wanted. She was terrified at the feel of his erection against her ass, it was huge just like the stories she had heard suggested, and she wondered if it came down to it if it would even fit inside of her.

Todd’s large fingers slipped into her slit and began to explore. She whimpered as he placed his hand in front of her face, pulling his fingers apart to show her juices between them. “You don’t want this? You’re a slut just like all the other girls, Kate. You all act like you don’t want it but the truth is that you’re just like the rest of them. By the end of the night, you’ll be begging for me to fuck you.”

“No!” Kate called out, grabbing feebly at his arm as his fingers were suddenly slipping inside of her slick entrance.

“Yes!” He hissed, as his fingers made quick work of building her up to an orgasm. To her shame it didn’t take her long to explode on his fingers. The moment his thumb began rubbing her clit in circles she was a goner.

She cried out her unwanted release and fell limp in his arms. “Please, Todd. You’ve had your fun. No more! I beg of you!”

To her shock he withdrew from her and steadied her on her feet. “Noodles are done.”

She was breathing heavily as she looked at him with a shocked expression, as he acted like nothing had just happened between them.

She didn’t know what to think. Her head was foggy from her orgasm. It had happened so fast that she almost thought she had dreamt it. She just knew that she had to get out of that kitchen, so she made quick work of fixing them both bowls of mac and cheese before she grabbed her homework and rushed into her bedroom and slammed the door.

She had a good cry and she managed to calm down by the time that Eric came home from work. She pretended to be asleep as he stripped and got into bed beside her but all she could think about was what happened between her and Todd.

She fell into a fitful sleep hours later but had vague dreams of what had been done earlier that night.

The next morning, she thought of telling Eric what happened, but she couldn’t bring herself to. She hated lying to him, but she resolved to just not telling him about it and hoping that life could go on.

And it did until next time she and Todd were alone together. She tried to stay in her room most of the night and was mindful to do homework in their bedroom with the door locked.

But Todd knocked on her door and said he needed her help with a leak under the sink. She reluctantly left the safety of her room and went to the bathroom with him.

“I need you to hold the pipe still while I tighten the bolt to stop the leak.”

She hated it but she did as Todd said, sitting down on the floor between Todd’s legs as he reached around her to tighten the bolt. She was too busy concentrating on holding the screw to understand the situation that she had unwillingly put herself in with him.

The pipe finally stopped leaking as the bolt was tightened enough and Todd dropped the wrench with an exasperated sigh. She was then very aware of just how close they were in proximity.

“Thanks,” Todd said, making no move to let her up from the floor.

She felt his hand on her hip and the same thing that happened to her last time happened again. She froze. Soon enough Todd’s agile fingers were stroking her belly and moving up to her breasts. He took less time this round to cup her tit and knead it and she bit her lip to stop from crying out as he pinched her stiffening nipple.

His other hand shoved into her shorts and before she knew what was happening his fingers were inside of her and his agile digits were fucking her to a quick and intense orgasm. All she could do was hold on for dear life as he manipulated her body in ways that Eric never had. Sure, her man had made her cum but never this quickly and with such intensity. Todd’s fingers were longer and thicker than Eric’s and felt incredible inside of her. She knew that he knew what he was doing as he began to rub her sensitive nub in just the right way to send her over the edge fast.

Her fingers were digging into his leg as her whole body shuddered and her tight little pussy clamped his big fingers tightly as she came.

It all happened so fast that her head was spinning. Todd’s lips found hers in a heated kiss and at first, she resisted, but she soon found herself kissing him back as she came down from her high. She let out a moan as he continued to gently stroke her clit to prolong her pleasure, and despite herself she was getting extremely aroused by his disgusting behavior.

Finally, she managed to pry her mouth away from his as her bearings came back to her. “Todd, please. Please, stop! I can’t do this to Eric!”

To her shock, he removed his hands from her body and helped her up. “Okay. I understand, Kate.”

She left the room quickly and collapsed on her bed, crying into the pillows. How could she just let him violate her like that? She hadn’t said a word! But despite everything, the two orgasms that Todd had now given her were the best she had experienced in a long time. It was like he knew all the right buttons to push to get her to become putty in his hands.

It didn’t happen again for another week. Kate felt extreme guilt every time she found herself craving Todd’s touch or thinking about their brief moments together. Every time she had told him to stop, he had. But she found herself drawn to his dominating nature. He wanted her so he took her. Twice now.

Kate soon found herself stealing glances at him every chance she got, especially when he walked shirtless around the house. He seemed to notice she was looking but he didn’t seem to be gloating about it.

Eric was none the wiser. They were still having sex regularly like a normal couple. They went out to dinner frequently; they had a good time together. And yet even when she was with Eric, she was thinking about what it would be like if she was out on a date with Todd. How different would it be? Eric had such a chilled and laid-back personality that she wasn’t even sure how he would react if he knew what had gone on between her and his roommate the last few weeks.

Kate soon found herself less fearing of being alone with Todd. She reasoned that if they sat apart from each other or she avoided being near him what had happened would not again.

So, things went back to normal. Another week went by without incident. Eric went to work, and Kate made dinner for her and Todd. They ate and then Todd offered to help Kate do the dishes. She agreed and soon enough Todd was drying the dishes as she washed them. It was times like this when she saw the gentle side of Todd that she craved his touch. But she knew it was wrong. She was with Eric and she loved him. And yet the temptation to stray was there and had been all along.

It shouldn’t have come as a surprise when the water was draining that Todd came behind her to reach over her to put a dish that he had just dried away. She bit her lip as she felt his strong, muscular body against her smaller frame. It never ceased to amaze her just how tall and built he was. She knew he was doing what he was on purpose. He had to be! This was how it started the last two times their sexual encounters had gone on.

She could feel his growing erection pressed against her ass and she could only wonder what that cock looked like in the flesh. She couldn’t’ deny that she had fantasies about it. Who wouldn’t? The man was hung like a horse!

She sighed as Todd placed his hands on her hip and began kissing her neck. It felt good but she knew it couldn’t happen. But again, her voice refused to come.

Before she knew it his large, rough hands were in her shirt and he was caressing her breasts. They felt so different than Eric’s hands, so much stronger and almost like sandpaper in texture. She thought he was going to do more like usual but to her surprise he suddenly spun her around and captured her lips with his.

She was so taken aback that she didn’t let out any protests. She was soon kissing him back, her fingers tangling into his hair as they made out with passion. His leg came between them and his hands came down to cup her ass, forcefully grinding her against his strong thigh. She found herself getting wet through the thin shorts she wore and unconsciously rocking against his solid muscle. There was no denying he was making her feel good in this moment.

He kept kissing her and she felt his hand going between them and into her athletic shorts. She made no move to stop him as his fingers plunged into her dripping cunt and he began to roughly fuck her with them. She moaned against his mouth, sucking at his tongue and biting his lip as he worked her to another glorious orgasm.

She couldn’t help but find herself writhing against his fingers, rolling her hips to meet them as they curled inside of her to reach all the right spots to get her to cum. She screamed against his mouth as she came hard against his limber digits plundering her depths.

Todd picked her up and placed her on the kitchen counter. She was catching her breath as he pulled her shorts down past her hips along with her underwear. It was only when the cool air hit her bare private parts that she realized what had been done. But she had no time to recover as he straightened himself and his lips covered hers in a passionate kiss. She gasped with delight as his fingers plunged back inside of her and his thumb stroked over her sensitive clit to bring her to another earth-shattering release.

She was trembling as they kissed and barely registered him pulling back to take her shirt off, leaving her completely naked before him. It wasn’t until he was kissing her breasts that she realized what had happened. Instead of protesting she clung to him, gripping the back of his neck as he sucked and licked her nipples, his fingers never ceasing their expert ministrations below.

“Oh, God, yes! I’m cumming, Todd!” She cried out, as her second release of the night hit her like a truck. She could only cling to him for dear life as she saw stars behind her ears and nearly blacked out from the intense pleasure.

When she came to Todd had taken off his shirt and was undoing his jeans. She couldn’t find her voice to say no. And when she saw his cock, she nearly fainted. It was huge, easily 9 inches in length and nice and meaty and thick.

She gasped as he moved her to the kitchen island and lined up his cock with her slit. She could feel that hard length rubbing the length of her pussy, grinding against her bare, shaved cunt. She found herself rolling her hips against him before she could stop herself, her breathing picking up as she realized that this had gone way too far.

“Todd, please. You’ve done enough now. We must stop, please. I can’t do this to Eric!” It sounded so weak coming from her mouth. They had already done more than she expected, and she had no idea how things had escalated so quickly.

“Relax. I’m not going to fuck you. I’m going to cum on you.”

He was going to what? Her head was spinning as he continued to grind and rub that enormous girth all over her wet heat. But he was true to his word and he never penetrated her. Soon enough he was humping her harder and she found herself meeting his thrusts, feeling that hard slab of meat rubbing over every inch of her outer labia and more importantly the sensitive nub that he seemed to know how to manipulate to bring her pleasure beyond her wildest dreams.

Todd’s grunts were getting louder and she could only watch as he pulled away, furiously jerking his cock. Huge globs of cum suddenly shot out and covered her tits and stomach. She had never seen so much cum ejaculating out of a dick before. Heavy ropes of his seed painted her skin before he was spent. It felt so dirty and wrong but the feel of his hot sticky cum on her body turned her into a melting puddle of goo.

Before she could stop herself, she found herself gathering some of his cum onto her fingers. It tasted salty with a mix of sweet, very different than the pure saltiness of Eric. She gathered up more and licked it off her fingers, until she realized what she was doing and quickly felt ashamed.

She rushed out of the kitchen and into the bathroom to take a long shower. By the time she came out Todd had retreated to his room, seemingly satisfied with their steamy encounter and done with her for the night.

She knew things had gone too far this time and that she had to prepare herself to stop Todd the next time he tried to do things with her again. When Eric came home that night, she pleaded with him to move out with her into an apartment or house of their own. Eric didn’t understand why and said they could talk about it in the morning when he was less tired.

But when she brought it up after a fitful night of sleep, Eric just seemed to shrug it off and wanted a reason for the sudden change. Despite him making good money they were already at their limit with bills and couldn’t afford to move. When she said she would get a job to help take the load off, Eric changed course and said he would start setting some money aside to afford the down payment in a few months to a new apartment or house to rent.

That was enough to satisfy Kate, and she agreed that that would be best. Eric still didn’t understand why and seemed to like the arrangement they had with Todd, but the man clearly had no idea what had gone on behind his back and Kate wasn’t about to tell him. She felt horrible for cheating on Eric so many times with his ass of a roommate, but for whatever reason she couldn’t stop herself from feeling drawn to the disgusting jock that seemed to revel in violating her body when Eric was not home.

It came as no surprise to her when the moment they were alone, Todd took advantage and got her off to numerous orgasms with his fingers and soon enough his tongue. He even continued to rub his cock along her pussy until he came all over her body. As the weeks went on, he grew bolder, encouraging Kate to jerk him off during their sessions. She found herself reaching down and stroking that mammoth cock with vigor as he thrust between her legs, and she squealed with delight as he ejaculated copious amounts of his manly spunk all over her tits and stomach.

She found herself growing more comfortable with the situation as time went on. So comfortable that a few weeks later she told Eric that she was fine staying with Todd, He was pleased with her decision because he wanted to spend their money on other things. They soon purchased new furniture for the house and other various decorations and appliances to make the house more comfortable for the three of them.

The moment that Eric left the house Todd and Kate were all over each other. She found herself melting into his kisses and letting him strip off her clothes. She eagerly spread her legs for him so he could feast on her wetness, humping his face as he brought her to numerous orgasms with his sprightly digits and tongue. She would grip his head as he thrust his tongue inside of her, tasting her juices and reveling on them. Their affair had now become a consensual one, but she knew in her heart that she wasn’t willing to let Todd do more than what they were already doing. And she would certainly never leave Eric for him. If that was his endgame, he was going to be sorely mistaken.

Todd suggested he fuck her tits and she found herself squeezing them together as that huge rod of his thrust between them. His cock was so long that the tip easily reached her mouth. She grew curious and began to suck and lick the head every time it encountered her lips. She was soon actively suckling the head and enjoying the taste of the precum that came out of it. His dick was hot and hard and she found herself wanting to have more of it.

“Oh, yeah, just like that, Kate,” Todd moaned, thrusting harder and faster. The sounds he was making just served to turn her on even more.

It wasn’t long before she felt the sensitive head throbbing and pulsing between her lips and Todd was cumming in her mouth. The volume shocked her, but she quickly recovered quickly and found herself eagerly milking his balls dry with her lips and tongue, swallowing his seed. To her surprise he was still hard as she continued to suck, and he moved her to the floor without warning.

She placed her hands on his strong hips to steady herself and feasted wantonly on his big dick. She sucked, slurped, and rolled her tongue along the tip, collecting the tasty treat of his juices that gathered there without hesitation. His hands were soon in her long brunette locks and he began thrusting toward her mouth. She was gagging and choking on his huge cock as he fucked her mouth and she found giving him a blowjob to be extremely erotic.

She stroked her clit as she blew him and took him deep into her throat, deeper than any cock had ever been. She had given Eric blowjobs before, but they were nothing in comparison to what she was doing to Todd. He seemed to have the stamina of a bull. She worked him over for a good twenty minutes before he announced he was going to cum. This just seemed to spur her on and she sucked him with even more fervor until his large cock left her mouth with a pop and he was jerking it rapidly in front of her face.

“Open up. Eat that cum like a good little girl, Kate. Don’t waste a drop,” he growled out, fisting his cock with fury as he felt the familiar tingling in his balls as he prepared to unleash a torrent of cum into her mouth.

Kate did what he said and opened her mouth to accept his manly seed. She squealed as the heavy ropes landed on her tongue as Todd fed her a huge mouth full of his hot sticky spunk. She swallowed it down and from then on out blowjobs became routine. She loved sucking his big cock and couldn’t’ seem to get enough of it.

She let Todd fuck her tits and mouth whenever he wanted, becoming more and more compliant with him as time went on. And more addicted. She couldn’t help it. He was so different from Eric and their sexual energy could not be denied any longer. She found herself craving him and that big slab of meat between his legs. Just thinking about how he made her feel sexually got her wet between the legs instantly.

A part of her loathed Eric for not being able to see what was right in front of him. The longing glances, the blush every time she and Todd touched. It was so obvious that they were involved and yet Eric was completely clueless, thinking that his girlfriend was faithful and never even having a clue that she was worshiping Todd’s big cock behind his back day in and day out.

She had been involved with Todd for six months now. She and Eric were still a couple and when he was around, he was her world. They went out on dates, and they did normal couple things, including having sex regularly. She kept telling herself that the things she did with Todd were beyond her control and she had fallen prey to his dominant nature. Would Eric believe that when he found out? He was so gullible that she convinced herself that he would. The possibility of Eric leaving her if he ever figured out what was going on never crossed her mind. They loved each other and this wouldn’t break them, right?

But at the same time her feelings for Todd were growing too. How could they not? Their sexual chemistry was off the charts. But she didn’t once think of having an actual relationship with Todd. The things that happened between them were not meant to be leading up to her having to choose between the two men. She would choose Eric in a heartbeat. They were soulmates, they were meant to spend their lives together. And when she thought of her future, she saw Eric.

But of course, the inevitable happened and they ended up having sex. They had taken to fooling around in Todd’s bedroom. One way or another she always knew she would end up in his bed.

Todd had just brought her to another shattering orgasm with that magical tongue of his. As per usual as she recovered, he rubbed his cock all over her slit to get it nice and wet. She sighed at the feeling, letting him do what he wanted for now as she recovered from the sexual gratification that he had brought her.

That all quickly changed when she felt the large tip of his cock pressing against the entrance to her pussy. Her eyes snapped open and she looked up at him in fear.

“Oh, come on, Kate. I think it’s time, don’t you? You knew this was going to happen eventually. And I’ve been patient. I’ve waited long enough. Your cunt is mine to do what I want with it,” Todd gloated.

“Todd, no! Please! Anything but this! I can’t have sex with you, I love Eric! I love him so much, Todd, please don’t do this!” Kate pleaded, trying to sit up to push Todd off.

She gasped when his hand shot out and wrapped around her throat and he effectively pinned her down. “Don’t worry, Kate. You’re a good slut. You’re going to love it just as every girl before you has. Soon enough you won’t be able to get enough of my big cock in your tight little pussy. You’ll crave it every second of every day,” he groaned out, so smug and sure of himself that it scared her.

She gasped as the large bulbous head began to slip into her wet heat. It didn’t help that he had made her cum several times, so she was well lubricated for him.

She tried to protest but the words wouldn’t come out. This time it was because his hand was squeezing her throat. She couldn’t breathe as inch by delicious inch that big cock invaded her smooth cunt. Despite everything Todd was gentle with her as more and more of him forced its way inside.

She could feel her pussy stretching to accommodate him and knew that she would never be the same again. His large rod was reaching places inside of her that Eric never would and loosening her up to mold her to the shape of his cock and his cock only. And there was not a thing she could do about it.

It wasn’t until she had adjusted, and he finally started moving inside of her that he released her neck to allow her to breathe. She coughed and sputtered and caught her breath as he had his way with her. The sensations she felt were beyond anything she thought she could feel from having a man inside of her.

Todd was thrusting and groaning as he took advantage of her vulnerable state. Despite this, she soon found her hips rolling and bucking to accept even more of him deeper into her. She began to moan as that thick meaty cock hit all the right spots in her just as his fingers and tongue seemed to have done moments before this.

She had decided to accept what Todd had done, knowing there was no going back now. But then it dawned on her that she hadn’t seen him put on a condom. Oh no.

She gripped his arms and tired to push him, but she knew they wouldn’t budge. She opened her mouth to speak but found his lips meeting hers in a passionate kiss. She groaned into his mouth as their tongues danced together and their bodies moved in unison. That big cock felt so good inside of her that it was taking her breath away.

Finally, his mouth left hers and she could speak again. “Todd, you have got to pull out! You can’t cum inside of me! I’m not on birth control! You could get me pregnant!”

To her surprise, Todd nodded his acknowledgment. “Okay. I’ll pull out before I cum.”

This somehow reassured her that everything would be okay if he pulled out like he said he would. Resigned to her fate, she wrapped her legs around him and met his vigorous thrusts into her, completely adjusted and accepting of that mammoth shaft inside of her now.

It started to feel good. Really good. Before she knew it, she was bucking and writhing below him as that huge cock pumped into her with strong, powerful strokes. She felt another orgasm quickly building and it wasn’t long before her pussy gripped and milked him as she came on his thrusting rod.

He brought her to two more wonderful orgasms before she felt his large cock pulsing and throbbing inside of her. “Pull out!” She squealed, pushing on his shoulders.

To her relief he did, and she moaned as she felt his hot cum splashing over her stomach and tits as he jerked it furiously, painting her skin with his hot sticky seed.

She breathed hard as she recovered from the assault, her mind reeling as the realization of what happened dawned on her.

She slapped his arm hard. “I can’t believe you, Todd! I was willing to do everything else with you, but I never agreed to let you fuck me! You took advantage of me!”

He grunted as she slapped him, seemingly unphased by her outburst. “It happened, Kate. And it’s going to happen again. And again. You won’t be able to stay away for long.”

His arrogance just served to infuriate her. She gathered her clothes and stormed out of the room.

Thankfully, Eric had taken a week off work after it happened for his birthday. They went out on dates and when they were home, she completely ignored Todd. Eventually her anger died down and she decided to forgive him.

And Todd was right. Making love to Eric was not the same at all. It didn’t satisfy her like having sex with Todd did. And soon she was craving doing it again because her boyfriend just couldn’t scratch that itch that Todd had.

After Eric left for work for the first time after his week off Kate came into the living room and straddled Todd’s hips and began kissing him. “I forgive you,” she murmured against his smirking lips.

“It’s about time,” Todd said, as he began stripping her clothes off.

Kate helped him undress. She slid down his legs and began fellating him, moaning around that big cock that she had missed so damn much. When he was good and hard, she climbed up his body and once again straddled his hips, gripping his big unprotected dick in her hand and angling it to her entrance. She knew in that moment that she had no desire for him to wear a condom at all. Now that she had felt him bare inside of her, there was no way she could stand to feel anything else.

But Kate had to be firm. “You have to pull out again, Todd. You can’t ever cum inside me. I am not on birth control and I refuse to go on it. Understand?”

He nodded his head and groaned sexily as she slowly sank herself down on his turgid shaft. She felt that big monster stretching her for the second time, and it took her a few moments to adjust to the feel of that girth. It felt so different than when Eric was inside of her, so much more satisfying, and no barriers between them. She knew in her heart that Eric could never ever bring her the sexual pleasure that Todd did, which was why she craved the other man so much. There was no point in denying it now. She wanted that big cock, thought about it all the time, and she was hooked. Todd had hit the nail on the head when he had said she’d be back.

It wasn’t long before she was riding his cock with enthusiasm, bouncing on his lap as they kissed passionately and fed at each other’s mouths. Her fingers curled into his hair as their tongues danced and she felt that thick meaty rod of his kissing her cervix with each downward stroke. The feeling was both pain and pleasure combined, and she found herself holding him in a vice grip as she had her first of many orgasms of the night on his big dick.

When she recovered, he moved her so that she was on all fours on the couch. He then entered her from behind. She squealed with delight as he began to bang into her hard doggystyle, gripping her hips and pulling her into each of his savage thrusts. She knew it was going to take him awhile to cum and reveled in that fact as she already felt another orgasm building from the new angle. She wanted him to fuck her in any position he desired, and she wanted her pussy to bring him as much pleasure as he did her.

She could hear him grunting and groaning as he labored away at her tight snatch. She had another fantastic release as his pace increased and she knew his own was finally approaching.

“I’m gonna cum,” he moaned out, as he kept pounding into her with those brutal strokes.

“I want you to cum all over my tits!” She squealed.

He fucked her for a few more minutes and then complied, ejecting his large cock from her tight little pussy as she repositioned herself on the couch for him to do as she asked of him.

Kate watched with a big grin on her face as he furiously jerked that colossal cock of his until he was spraying her tits and stomach with a massive load of his spunk.

After that day, their affair continued and became more and more routine. The moment that Eric was out the door, she was fucking Todd in every way, shape, and form possible sans condom. Every position brought her more pleasure than the last, and Todd was considerate in pulling out each time he ejaculated. Soon she didn’t have to remind him to do it and it had become common practice for him.

They would fuck vigorously, and Todd would cum all over her tits. Sometimes he even pulled out and sprayed his seed all over the outside of her cunt. The feel of his baby making batter spilling all over her slit thrilled her like no other, and she would massage it teasingly into her labia, reveling in the feel of it on her most intimate place.

She took Todd into her mouth after and let him fuck her again or as many times as he wanted. If his cock left her before he came, she let him do what he wanted to her all night long. Todd never seemed to abuse that privilege, always respectful of her want to avoid pregnancy.

She was exhausted by the time that Eric came in the door from work. Surprisingly enough her boyfriend never caught them. They still had sex and she acted like she enjoyed it. A small part of her did, of course, but not nearly as much as the sex she had with Todd when he was gone. She reasoned that it was partly because she let Todd fuck her raw with no protection, and because they were doing it behind her boyfriend’s back. She had become Todd’s wanton slut and she couldn’t be happier with that arrangement.

She got a call out of the blue from Cindy, her old roommate. They agreed to meet for lunch and Kate fessed up about her affair with Todd. Cindy seemed shocked but when Kate told her all the details, she understood why Kate felt that way about Todd and didn’t want it to end.

Kate felt relieved that she could talk about it with someone who wouldn’t judge her. She wasn’t embarrassed about it anymore, but the fear of Eric finding out crushed her inside, because she knew it would hurt him and she never wanted to do that.

Cindy suggested she should go on birth control so that Todd could cum inside of her. When Kate said that would mean Eric could too, she was shocked when her old roommate suggested she do it without him knowing so he would continue to use a condom.

Kate quickly shot that down, as she was satisfied with the way things were going now. But after they parted ways with a hug, she could not help but think about the way Cindy described the feeling of a big cock shooting a hot sticky load deep into her pussy. She said it brought her to an orgasm that was indescribable, and Kate could not help but feel curious about what it would feel like. Todd already brought her pleasure that went beyond anything she had ever felt, and the seed had been planted in her mind that the sex could get even better if she let Todd have his way with her the way he wanted to have his way.

She knew the moment she became pregnant that Eric might figure out that she was fucking Todd. But then she reasoned that he was so naïve and gullible all she would have to say was the condom must have broken and she knew Eric would be satisfied with that answer. Despite everything, Eric had no idea what was going on behind his back, and the last thing his mind would resort to would be that Kate was having sex with their roommate and he had impregnated her.

Eric was working when Kate got to the house. She made a special trip to the pharmacy to get a plan B pill. If this was going to happen, she had to be prepared to take it the next morning. It was Todd’s day off and she found him in the living room watching TV. Without a word she straddled his lap and began kissing him. She broke the kiss to take her shirt off and then his. She could feel him hardening underneath her and knew she was doing something right as she began to grind down on that monster of a cock of his. She wanted it inside of her. She wanted it to fill her like she had never been filled. She wanted to feel him pulsing and throbbing as he ejaculated his cum deep into her fertile womb.

Todd could only groan as she undid his jeans and began to suck him to full hardness. She slobbered and bobbed her head along every inch of him, taking him deep into her throat. Then she suckled the tip and twirled her tongue around it, loving the way she heard him panting and groaning as she worked his cock over like no other.

After a few moments of blowing him she eagerly took her booty shorts off and straddled his lap. She began kissing him with fierce passion and reached down as they kissed, guiding that thick helmet of his to her entrance. It poised there and she teasingly rubbed him all along her slit to get him nice and slick with her juices.

“Today I am giving you a treat, Todd. Today I want you to cum inside me all you want until we are done having sex and you can’t go on anymore.” She giggled at the thought because she knew he could cum numerous times in a row, so this was going to be fun. “Just this one time today. Okay?”

Todd blinked with surprise. “Are you sure?”

She nodded. “Yes. Just this once. And only today.” Kate had to be firm on that rule. If they were going to be doing it on the regular, then she was really going to have to go on birth control without letting Eric know. But that was unlikely. The one time she had started taking it to surprise Eric she had gotten so sick that she would never forget the experience. She didn’t want to go down that road again.

Todd smiled with understanding. “Okay. Let’s get down to business then.”

Kate nearly rolled her eyes. “You’re so cute when you’re trying to be charming.” Hilarious.

But she immediately shut up mid-sentence when Todd grabbed her hips and angled her so that the bulbous tip of his big cock was directed at her weeping hole. She bit her lip with pleasure as he began to sink into her tight little pussy inch by delicious inch. She let out a loud moan as he hit rock botTodd and she was resting comfortably on his balls. It never failed to amaze her just how deep his cock could reach inside of her compared to Eric’s. And how much better it felt to feel Todd hitting all the right spots. Kate feared even without a condom that her man could never pleasure her like Todd could.

All that left her mind as she felt Todd began to thrust up into her. She bounced on his lap with wild abandon, wanting to bring him to orgasm quickly to feel him blast off inside of her for the very first time. The thought of finally being able to feel what cum being shot out into her thrilled her like no other. And the fact that it was Todd doing it and not Eric was a turn on all on its own. It was so illicit and dirty. She knew she was hooked on Todd’s big dick and could not live without it going forward. This was something she needed to do.

Thinking of the task at hand, she slammed all the way down Todd’s mammoth pole and began to rock and gyrate, moaning like a wanton whore as he could do nothing but hold on for dear life for the ride. He watched her tits bounce as she rode him hard, flying up and down his prick with incredible speed.

When Kate heard his grunts grow louder, she began rocking faster and faster, slamming her pussy down hard to his balls and then sliding back up and down his bare cock with impressive force. Todd knew now that she was doing everything she could to drain him dry quickly. And despite wanting to hold on, he was aware that she was going to be relentless until he gave her what he wanted. With how she was acting he was going to lose control quicker than normal.

He grabbed her hips and began to shove her up and down his thick meaty length. Driving her onto him again and again. His sounded like an animal as he grunted and groaned. He could feel that familiar tingling in his balls.

Kate must have sensed it because she gripped his shoulders and took over again, rapidly humping his cock, her walls squeezing and milking him, just begging him to fill her up with everything he had. She knew he must be very close by the look of pure confrontation on his face. She could see his features contorting as he couldn’t hold back much longer. The anticipation was killing her. She was doing everything in her power to make him cum buckets inside of her.

“Here it comes, Kate! Fuck!” He cried out, his fingers digging into her hips as she continued to ride him like a bucking Bronco. There was no stopping now. Just a few more strokes and he was a goner.

“Yes! Give it to me, Todd! Fill me up! Give me your cum!” She cried out, bucking and thrashing on his pole with wild abandon.

Kate screamed with ecstasy as she felt the first burst of Todd’s hot sticky seed shooting deep into her. Her pussy felt like it was melting. Her toes curled and her vagina clamped down on his cock, milking it for all it was worth. The pulsing and throbbing of his shaft and the feeling of that molten cum blasting deep inside were enough to send her into the most blissful orgasm of her life. Never had she ever felt a release so great. Could she go back to him pulling out after this?

She clung to Todd, hearing his guttural moans of joy, as he shot rope after rope of his virile seed into her fertile womb. There was so much inside of her that it began to leak down his shaft and balls and she found herself driving her pussy up and down his vibrating shaft to drain him dry. A few more drops were spilled and then he was spent.

They both collapsed together on the couch and she kissed him with passion, sucking on his tongue. She kept rocking and gyrating on the full length of him, groaning with pleasure against his lips. She could not get enough of him. She felt him hardening inside of her and they were soon fucking again. He came inside of her two more times and then blasted off into her mouth. It was the most joyous sexual experience of her life.

After she took a shower, she slept like a log that night. Eric was off to work again early in the morning and so was Todd. She woke up and found her purse in its usual spot by the door and she looked at the bottle of pills. Should she take it? She thought for sure that she was pregnant. And she knew that if she didn’t swallow one there could be a very big possibility she would be knocked up with Todd’s baby. But she was starting to wonder if it would be such a bad thing.

She put the bottle back into her purse knowing she still had a day or two to make her decision. You could take them up to five days later so said the instructions, but the percentage of effectiveness went down drastically every day. Did she care about that now?

Todd got home two hours before Eric. As soon as he was in the doorway, she was greeting him with a kiss. Their kisses soon became heated and she was rubbing his crotch over his slacks. She soon undid his belt as he guided her into his room. Their kisses never ceased as they continued to undress as they got into Todd’s room.

She lay back on the bed and spread her legs wide, guiding his naked cock to her shaved pussy. She moaned with pleasure as he slid in and she began to rock her hips and meet his deep penetrating thrusts. She wrapped her legs around his waist and clung to him as he labored into her. She knew she would have to decide soon.

“Don’t forget to pull out, Todd,” she reluctantly reminded him, confirming in her mind that she needed to take that pill as soon as they were done.

Todd sounded disappointed. “Okay.”

He soon flipped her onto her back and slid into her from behind. God, she loved this position! She eagerly met his thrusts and it was not long before she could feel his cock expanding and swelling, growing steely hard.

She was about to tell Todd to take it out when she felt him withdraw. She soon could feel his seed splashing onto her asshole and dripping down her sopping slit. She had not cum. She had been so close but when he pulled out her orgasm was ruined. She had felt it building but when Todd jerked away it wasn’t enough to take her there.

She soon felt him sliding back in as he resumed fucking her. He was grunting and growling as he pumped into her. She felt another orgasm building. “Yes… Yes! Fuck me, Todd! Fuck me so deep and hard!” She cried out, needing him to be rough with her.

Her next release was still not as pleasurable as yesterday. By the time she came Todd was not ready to explode again. He growled with delight as her slick walls milked him as she came for the first time that night. He fucked her right through her orgasm, and she felt another starting to form. But there was always that nagging in the back of her mind. That craving to feel him slam in as deep as possible and blast his hot cum straight into her fertile womb.

She could resist it no longer. She heard Todd announce he was going to cum and she was just on the verge of a big one.

“Yes… yessss…” She hissed, feeling her pleasure rising fast.

Todd seemed to take that as encouragement. His movements sped up and his breathing grew labored. His grunts and groans became louder and she could feel his rod pulsing and throbbing inside of her. He blinked with surprise as she began to buck back into him with wanton need, slamming her pussy down the length of his turgid flesh.

“Yes! Yes! Fuck me Todd! Don’t stop! Don’t you dare stop!” She begged, as she kept thrashing and writhing back against him.

“Kate, I can’t hold it! You’ve got to stop moving!” Todd pleaded, feeling his balls boiling. He was reaching his limit and he knew he had to pull out now or he was going to lose it.

Kate didn’t stop bouncing back on his hard hung dick. “Yes, yes, yes!” She cried out. She was lost now. She needed to feel it. She needed to feel him cum in her. She knew going forward that there was no going back.

“Ugh! Fuck yeah, Kate!” Todd cried out, slamming his hips against her ass and blasting heavy ropes of his baby making batter deep into Kate’s unprotected cunt. His fingers dug into her hips as he pounded his release into her and he watched her body seize up as forbidden pleasure skyrocketed through her form, giving her the release that she had been craving this whole time. It was his cum in her that triggered it, and she was nearly convulsing as her body shook and writhed as she trashed about with her orgasm.

After that day, she never made Todd pull out again. The feel of him throbbing and cumming inside of her was too much to resist. Now that she had felt it, she knew she could never go back to having him pull out. In fact, she became more ravenous for his body and his cock. They had sex at least five or six times a day. It was a wonder that they were not caught by Eric.

Each time Todd blasted off inside of her he gave her the best orgasms of her life. She was hooked now, and things could never go back to how they were before. Sex with Eric was no longer desirable or pleasurable for her. But still she loved him, and she refused to leave him. She knew what she had with Todd was physical. She couldn’t possibly love him, right?

The inevitable happened. She missed her period. She took a pregnancy test and it came back positive. Inside, she was delighted. There was nothing worse that her and Todd could do with each other now, as she was already pregnant.

She told Eric and he was thrilled beyond belief. But was this going to change things with her and Todd? After all he was going to be the father of the child. But only she and Todd would ever know that. Will Kate ask Cindy for advice? Will she continue her illicit affair with Todd? Will she eventually open her heart and find love with Todd and leave the oblivious Eric for him?

That is another story.
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