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A first try of a little blue pill, bought to give my wife joy, helps it work for my first man...

Last night, I swallowed my first-ever little blue pill - wow, it gave me a boost, and my first introduction to a fantasised experience: inserting my prick into a man....
But the story needs some background before getting to last night....this might take a few words!...

My body, at 52, is getting older and my years of heavy beer-drinking have taken their toll on my stamina, and on my penis' get-up-and-stay-up ability. I was a virgin until 21, faithful to my first wife, the mother of our 2 now grown boys, for 18 years, now into my 3rd marriage, a Thai woman who wanted sex as much as possible - 5 times, well 4 1/2, we made it in one 24-hour period once - but who seemed to lose her desires the day we married. If she has let me try occasionally since then, she gets wet fast, and seems to really want the sex - but I have begun to suspect it is all a bit 'Hollywood', and increasinlgy feel unexcited to the point where my cock doesn't remain ramrod enough. I give up. What I really love to do is suck on her breasts, and eat her cunt, but mostly I am pushed away with a " I'm tired, just need sleep!"
In my past 11 years, I have worked and lived away from my native Australia, in Vietnam and now semi-retired in Thailand. I am fortunate to still earn investment income sufficient for my cheap lifestyle if I don't work, while my wife works full-time: we are comfortable.
I have had sex with a few, only a few, other women, and sucked a couple of ladyboys in various countries, but mostly when travelling on business, and what I really need is to sleep with a body, any body will do: I just don't like to sleep alone.
I have never had full intercourse with a man, but it has become more and more an obsessive desire; a shemale would be wonderful, as I love to suck and cuddle breasts so much, but thoughts of truly sucking/being sucked by/fucking and being fucked by a real cock have taken more hold these past few months.

Recently, I went to Vietnam for a month's holiday - well, it was Lunar New Year, and Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) is a great place to celebrate it, but I also vaguely needed to talk to my bank about my investments there, wanted to see the many friends I have there, and seriously decided to try and find a new job in this New Year. My Thai wife doesn't like it that I like Vietnam so much, but she accepted my trips now and again.
On my second morning, as I was riding pillion on my motorcycle taxi, my mobile rang and a sweet, female voice asked in good English " Anh (Mr.) Steve, this is Thi - do you remember your friend Thi?"
I was flummoxed, and I don't like to have my mobile out in view when riding a Honda, so I stammered " Yes, I remember a Thi...but, how did you get my did you know I was here...Thi, I'll call you back, I'm on a Honda, ok".
I did some banking, bought my newspaper and went back to my usual morning small, cheap restaurant/bar - which previously was run by my Vietnamese wife's family (she was Wife number 3, ran off with another, younger man after 7 years, after accumulating most of my considerable wealth - given freely by a loving husband true, and no hard feelings [well, actually, she can make me still feel hard...but that is yet to come in this story...]) and mostly furnished and equipped with my money.
This trip it had been taken over by another owner/manager,and my ex-wife's family no longer there, but it was routine for me to go there, drink 2-3 beers and read my newspaper: that was my morning, every morning virtually. Boring? Never! In Vietnam, there is too much life to absorb, 5 minutes just watching the world go up and down any single street is a kalaedoscope of a hundred interesting glimpses - I love it.
So, I got my beer, opened my paper, then sent an sms to my wife back in Bangkok, and then called the stored number of Thi.
She answered - but to cut our first conversation short: yes, it was an old friend of my Vietnamese wife and I (yes, I should tell you my wife's name was/is Sa), and a friend whom I had known for all these past 11 years, but I hadn't seen for about 3 years....wait, wait.. a little more explanation about Thi:

Thi previously was a man wanting to be a woman. When I first met her she had gone part way, had medium-sized breasts already so I guess she was on hormone treatment, and ran a hair salon near our house where I loved to go for a relaxing Sunday hair wash and shave by one of her girls. She and my wife grew up in the same neighbourhood, and were long-time friends. She was very pretty to me. Thi even organised a group of her man-girl friends, ladyboys I guess I should say, who put on a spectacular fashion parade as star act for our 5th Wedding Anniversary, which was also a farewell party as I had been promoted and transferred to the regional office in Bangkok. I liked Thi a lot.
While living in Bangkok, Thi had come over with 2-3 other ladies, and they all stayed to recuperate in our apartment, after undergoing various cosmetic surgeries at a well-known Bangkok hospital. Exactly what Thi had I didn't know, but gathered it was the next stage: removal of her penis, and creation of a vagina.
Next time Thi came, my wife accused her of stealing some money in our apartment - I didn't believe she would have - and she left on bad terms with my wife, but friendly to me as I supported her. (To this day, I think it was just another way for my wife to get some extra money from me to secrete away for her planned future).

My wife was at that stage travelling to/from Vietnam regularly, few weeks/a month at a time, leaving her daughter with me to care for. Her daughter I had met at 3 years old when I met her mother, and we had become very close in those, now, 7 years - I loved her as the daughter I had always wanted but never could have after wife #1 insisted on a vasectomy following the birth of our second son. Wife #3 wanted a reversal, but it was unsuccessful as the original doctor had cut too much to rejoin - so, no more sperm out of this prick!
Eventually, I became too lonely, so one Saturday when I saw the apartment's receptionist finish work, my wife was in Vietnam, my daughter gone for the weekend with our maid, I grabbed a pair of shorts and shirt - no time for underwear - and rushed to my car, my driver also off work for most weekends unless I needed him. I pulled out into the road, and abruptly was face to face with the receptionist, who had forgotten something and was returning to her office.
"Hi, do you need a lift somewhere? I am just going for a drive." well, speaking half English and half Thai, that's what I said.
Khun (respectful salutation) Ar smiled in embarrassment, and whispered a shy "I forget key. Go home". Like most Thais, she had studied English but was too concerned about loss of face to use it - makes conversations difficult a lot!
I waited while she got her keys, opened the passenger door - up at the corner, so other apartment people wouldn't see - and drove off. We were heading to her family's home in an outer suburb, when I saw the sign to Pattaya. I asked Ar if she wanted to go to the seaside, halfway to Pattaya, where I often went on a fast drive when lonely.
An excited reply "Yes!"
We struggled through conversations while I drove the hour there, sat in a seaside restaurant for hours, trying to put her at ease with simple conversation, and where eventually I gently caressed her hand, then returned to Bangkok, where I remarked I would like to sleep with her, but could not at my apartment, nor at her home: she wanted the same, so Ar directed me to a hotel, where we started/continued the affair which would eventually give my wife sufficient reason to blame me for our breakup (without acknowledging all her past trips to Vietnam had been to setup with a Belgian prick, as I later found out from friends), but also lead to my marriage to Ar....but, truly, that is another story. Now back to Thi.....

Ar knew Thi from seeing her at our apartment on her hospital visits twice before. But after the accusations from my wife, I hadn't seen her for 3 years or so.
One day when Ar came with me to catch my flight to Vietnam, when I was still working I travelled to Vietnam frequently, as well as Laos and India, and Ar spotted Thi at the check-in; Thi was on the same flight, so naturally we talked - well, I talked as Thi couldn't: her throat was still bandaged after having the final op to remove/change her manly adam's apple is it? Whatever the operation, I surmised she had now done it all: and she was beautiful, oh my she was a woman! Just couldn't talk.
So, here we are, some years on, and I haven't been in HCMC for 6 months, and she is speaking in a voice I had never heard, and could hardly visualise as belonging to the Thi I had known and talked with all those previous years. A woman's woman for sure now.

She asked where I was, and suggested she would like to see me at my hotel later and talk. My ex-driver had an office below Thi's apartment, and he had told her I was in town, hence her call to me.
I bought my bread for my lunch, paid for my beers, and hopped a motorcycle taxi (ubiquitously, quintessentially a part of HCMC life, and normally still referred to as a 'Honda' as they have long dominated the market share) home to my hotel.
Thi arrived 15 minutes later, and I told reception it was ok, she was a long-time friend and could come and go no hassles. (Vietnam is still quite restrictive about 'morals').
She came up to my room, and walked in - fashionably dressed, hair longer, body still so slim, and as beautiful as I had pictured. And the Voice! So womanly, so sweet, and the only difficulty I had was rationalising the new voice with the remembered old one: didn't take me long.
We talked and caught up on news about people, neither of us had seen my ex-wife for quite a while as she and her daughter live in Australia, and soon Thi announced she had always wanted to be more than a 'friend' towards me, but couldn't while I was married to Sa...but now, she would like to come back tonight, and sleep with me!
Yes, I am married still to another, and my wife, Ar, was always pretty sure in Vietnam I would get up to 'something', "...but make sure it stays there" she had told me every previos trip.
But I wanted Thi to sleep with me - sex/no sex I didn't really care, but I wanted to feel her body a first time, and cuddle her, if only once.
I did.


And now I am home in Bangkok, with just the memories of Thi - and my sore pubic bones reminding me of last night - wait. wait..not yet!
Thi came that night, and we slept. Yes, I did suck her very nice breasts, and I did feast on her vagina, but no more than this. Truly, I tell my cock to go to sleep when I travel, to try and avoid getting myself into trouble, and as I age, my cock sleeps easier. With Thi, I just wanted to cuddle after saking my thirst; and this is what we did that night.
Thereafter, she came by most afternoons when I normally have a 1 hour nap, but she told me she had a monetary supporting Singaporean guy she had met who phoned her to check she was at home every night - what a pain!! - and so we only slept together one more whole night - just afternoons until I flew home. Thi was fairly unresponsive, her nipples never really hardened, her vagina never soaked as if in pleasure, but whether this was because I didn't excite her or is this a natural consequence of her operations I don't know, and didn't want to ask at this stage, and when I asked her one day if she was waiting for me to make love with her, she said "Only if you feel Love".
She knew, as I knew, it was too early to proclaim Love, so I didn't.
But now, at home, I miss her a lot: is that enough for Love? She doesn't answer my sms' or emails, so I guess not at this stage. But I have a strong feeling about Thi.
Those feelings may have been intensified when the day I arrived home, my wife's period began, and cuddle is all I have been allowed since. Sometimes this is not enough.

My wife, Ar-remember? - is trying to diet, whereas I like to go out to eat at the local market, cheap, unpretentious places, enjoy a beer and smile at the cute girls and boys who work there, so Ar has said I go out for a beer, then come home after she finishes work and she buys dinner for me to eat; this lessens her compulsion to order a meal she says.
A couple of days ago, I decided to go at about 5pm to have a drink at a, frankly speaking, fairly squalid little bar up at the end of my village. I had been there a few years back, later at night, and knew it was really a karaoke/girlie bar, but late afternoon just to have a beer and read my paper, watch the Lives passing up and down, gave me a small, new sense of excitement.
As I was finishing my beer, with only the owner/manager lady there, one of the girls working there arrived, and she was cute and pretty and smiled at me a lot, but I had to go.
That night, I needed sex with my wife, but was again rebuffed, so frustratedly went downstairs, turned the tv back on, then off, and walked the 2kms to the bar just mentioned.
This was about 11pm, few customers, karaoke singing on, and 5-6 girls working, one of whom sat with me, shared my beer and cigarettes and took my hand to place on her body to caress. During the time it took to down 3 large bottles of Heineken, most of the other girls practiced their English with me, limited to "I want you. I love you" but it was all fun and I always enjoy the banter in such places. Until Khun Oh started to get in on the act.
When the girl sitting with me went to the loo, Oh slid her body past mine and sat beside me - well, lounged beside me/over me rather more apt descriptions, rubbing my prick, taking my hand and telling me I was big and she was also big. A few pats of her groin showed me she had a reasonable prick in her jeans, though she appeared to have reasonable tits up top, a small overall stature, with makeup and hair like a lady, but yes, a ladyboy. Oh was not what one would call beautiful, but she was certainly fun and could speak passable English to complement my passable Thai, as she also helped herself to my beer and cigs, while grabbing my crotch repeatedly and claiming to need me.
My money was finished! Oh had ordered one more bottle, but I protested as I knew I had about 20 baht left in my pocket, so I paid for 90% of the bill, and promised the boss I would return the following day to pay the balance.
Oh was exasperated I was leaving - she was horny to say the least!- even though she understood I had a wife sleeping at home, even if not waiting for her husband, I did have to go home, promising to return.


The next night, after my wife had gone early to sleep, I swallowed the one Viagra pill I had bought in Vietnam to bring home for my wife's enjoyment - oh, expensive, and I didn't know if it would work for me or not so I only bought the one to test - then watched the news to give it time to start working if indeed it was going to, then climbed expectantly and randily into bed - one minute later, I said "I am going out for a beer, maybe see you tomorrow!" as Ar, again, refused anything more amorous than cuddling.
Me - I was surprised, but my prick was up for it, shall we say, I just wanted something exciting, and it has been 2 months or more since I have actually made love to anything but my hand (on only 1-2 occasions at that); I needed more! I needed to feel some... SOME THING, ANYTHING...some stimulation in my life, show me my prick still works for more than a few minutes. Show me some Life in my Life.
The Bar I thought of, the girls smiling and laughing and joking I thought of.
Khun Oh, I thought of.
So I threw on my shirt and shorts, no desire for underwear constricting my desirous cock, and walked the length of my village, around the corner and across the road to the bar. They were happy to see me, to say the least!
Well, I was a novelty, bit like a monkey in the zoo I often felt in Thailand, as I doubt they had many/any foreigners visit what was a bit of a seedy place - foreigners with money would go elsewhere, pay twice what I pay for a drink, and umpteen times more for the 'bar fine' if they took a girl out; me, I go local, and probably have more laughs, along with more money in my pocket when I left.
Tonight, however, I also had something of a stick,a log, not really hiding down in my shorts, and Oh grabbed me and led me speedily to a booth.
I barely had time to agree, yes, a Heineken please, before she wanted to be all over me, with a few customers and the other girls watching! Oh didn't care, she had to feel me, and soon taste me - though just a few slurps to prove to herself what her hands told her: I was bigger than she had ever had. (I am not enormous, thickish, not sure maybe 71/2 - 8 inches long when full, but apparently bigger than the standard Asian man, as I have been told many times).
"I want you" she said, while feeling me up, keeping me up - though, actually, I didn't feel I needed any stimulation to stay up. Why didn't I buy more Viagra, I thought, if this is what it does!
"I can't", I said every time as I drank my beer, ordered another, while trying to keep her mouth from giving me hickeys on my neck, and from putting mouth to mouth - this is not normal in Asia, and shows a 'working girl' if someone does try. I also had to prevent my pants being torn off as she couldn't resist getting inside to grab my rod, and several times to bob down and have a few sucks.
Honestly, if one needs to be turned on: Oh was pretty damn good at it! She took my hand while unzipping her jeans buttons and guided me to her stiff prick, thin and maybe 5-6" now as she really was turned on. It had a foreskin, whereas I was circumcised, but smooth to feel, and better to taste - which I did by slipping under the table and gobbling away on the first, real prick ever - others I had sucked had been far more 'lady' than 'boy' with very small cocks, more like a little finger. Oh's penis was real man's and - well, it was nice..understand? She took my other hand up under her blouse and under her fake boobs, to show me she wasn't much of a woman/more a Man, but she had some breast swelling, so I guessed she is on hormones.
My cigarettes had mostly been smoked by all the girls, so Oh went to buy me some more, returning also with a packet of condoms....
"I want you" she said again, flashing the pack of condoms, to which I replied "Oh, I really don't have much money, promise." And this was true: my wife gives me an allowance weekly, but since she lost her ATM card she keeps mine mostly with her, as she says I just spend money too fast with it.
"100 baht to go to a bungalow is all; I want this!" she hissed, grabbing inside at my cock.
After 3 large Heinekens, when the lights flashed to show it was closing time, I gave in, paid for my beers and also for taking Oh out, and we left together.


A short Honda ride later, we checked into a short-stay hotel, rather hidden away down a small soi, and were shown into a room.
I gave Oh the money and she went to pay at Reception, while I threw off my clothes, emptied my bladder, and had a shower to make sure I was a clean and fresh body for him to enjoy.
Oh was a Him, and I was prepared to give myself into the experience, especially after she returned, threw her arms around me and dived into my mouth, tongue probing strongly, wilting me until I returned the moment, my tongue to her mouth. (But I wished I could have cleaned my teeth of beer and cigarette smeels!) She then steered me to the bed to lie down, while she undressed, prick swaying as she also showered, then leapt on top of me, joining mouths again, my hands wanting to hold her and cup those small mounds of breasts, roam over her bottom and back and twist a nipple lightly, and suck on her ears and neck gently.
Oh moaned "Oh" as she rolled on to her back, thankfully releasing my hard prick, and her own, from being squashed between our bodies. We lay for a few minutes, spent with pre-loving, holding hands, touching bodies, kissing.
Whether it was the Viagra, or just being excited at the 'some thing' I had wanted, I can't be sure, but my prick was doing a good job of staying strong.
When I felt Oh's cock going flaccid, I turned around, gave her my cock and rear end (I have never liked the word 'arse') while I went down on hers. I must have done an ok job, as it didn't take long to stiffen again, as I peeled back the foreskin and, with no hiding under the table necessary, I went up and down the length and around the head, enjoying these tastes of a man-prick and small balls when I rolled them around in my mouth.
Funny, I thought, my cock had been leaking pre-cum for the past 2-3 hours, wetting my shorts in the bar, and making Oh giggle when she asked if I had 'come', to which I said "No, but I am ready". But Oh had no wetness, and no precum still - maybe, as with Thi in Vietnam - juices are changed when changing man-to-woman...I don't know.
But I had precum, as Oh sucked on mine and licked my - ok, on my arse hole, a viginal hole to date - will it remain so, who knows?
As I wet one finger with my own juices, and licked Oh's in return, sliding inside a little, she bucked and squirmed and moaned: "I want you first inside me. Now!" Then she rolled me on top of her, mouth seeking mine, her hand grasping my dick and guiding it towards her puckered opening. I vaguely thought of the condom pack, but I don't even know how to put one on - honest! - and hoped I wasn't being a complete idiot.
I felt one twinge of guilt, but this was sex, a sexual experience, I wasn't going to leave my wife and run away and marry Oh - just have fun and exciting times, no hurt to anybody..... so I found her hole and, with grunts at my size from Oh, slowly slid inside my first Man.
She rolled me over when I was inside, sitting up a little and then she did the most work, perhaps I was bigger than she had had before, and she controlled the depth, and very nicely I must say. I have never thought distastefully of having sex with a man, just never had done it, but there was nothing distasteful about this, as I licked her little nipples and breasts, kissed her when she lowered her face, and thrust upwards when she came down on the whole length of me. If not blissful, it was certainly incredibly enjoyable for the next 15 minutes or so, as I marveled that, yes indeed, I had yet to cum - what did I ask before?..oh yeah: why didn't I buy more Viagra...-
Oh became too tired, so we rolled together and I slid in and out in what I hoped was a stimulating manner for her - really, it was face-to-face and more like love-making to me than being behind thrusting; but that's just me and inexperience I was so nice, slow out, few short ins, then a long, powerful one to the depths. I was having too many parts of a new experience to know if I was hitting her prostate, or her abdomen, or whatever I read in some erotic gay sex stories, but I kept going, and Oh kept moaning.
But, though I was also massaging her rock-hard prick, and mine was still powerfully massaging her arse, she had no signs of precum still, let alone did she seem to be on the point of cumming. All the noises Oh was making, her body squirming, her hands clenching my own arse cheeks or back, her mouth all over - all this told me she, sorry: HE was excited no doubt, but there was no climax for either of us.
Deflated? No: both tired!! And my sore pubic bones today attest to the fact we joined bodies lustily and powerfully.
I slowed and lowered myself onto his chest, he straightened his legs down along my body, and we cuddled, still joined by my not-finished cock. I ran my hands up and down the side of his body, sliding in between us to circle his nipples and those cute breast mounds, then up and down the length of his shaft. I knew Oh wanted more, I wanted to give him more, but...
As much as I wanted, I could not stay longer and sleep all night, so I kissed Oh, rose and put on my shirt and shorts. He got up, grabbed me and kissed me wantonly, tugging at his prick, and I knew Oh wanted to have me too - maybe he can only climax when his prick is in a man - but it was late, and I DO have a wife at home I told him gently. I had to leave him there, sitting in a chair, pulling on his prick, while I whispered: "Thank you, Khun Oh, see you tomorrow, I will try", kissed her sweetly, and let myself out, feeling guilty about having no money left again to give her.

It was 0315 when a very long walk saw me sneak quietly into my house, shower thoroughly, and join my wife in bed for a cuddle. She never woke up, even with my large prick sticking between her legs until I too slept.

Tomorrow, well today, another tomorrow..what might happen? No doubt, I will see Oh again, and you and I both know the next experience must be...whatever is to come, in another Chapter.


2013-11-08 23:13:27
Well, this does come across as a true story, but more depressing than erotic.

anonymous readerReport 

2013-10-25 12:59:34
a94Osx Great article. Will read on...

anonymous readerReport 

2010-12-24 23:13:25
Hello! eebadee interesting eebadee site!

anonymous readerReport 

2010-10-31 14:19:35
so damn boring and nothing happened. took forever to even get to meet some one, then nothing woth reading. do not think readers look for this type boring story, sorry but this is bad.


2008-07-06 16:59:06
boring, boring and boring. this is worst I have ever tried to read. you are stupid asshole goofed up nut, get off this site. what a waste of time. 1/10 is way to high for this.

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