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When a girl is kidnapped, what will become of her
It was nine thirty. He had parked in s spot shadowed from the parking lot lights by a poorly trimmed tree. He mentally went over his preparations. Chloroform soaked cloth in a zip lock bag on the seat beside him. He verified that by touch. In the trunk were two rolls of duct tape and a ball gag. The trunk was closed but not latched. His door stood open and the bulb for the courtesy light had been removed. His keys were in his pocket. He had surgical gloves on. He was ready.

The girl frequently worked late and was often the last to leave this block of offices. The only other car in the lot besides his and hers had pulled out ten minutes ago. There was movement at the door of the office block.

She fumbled briefly finding the key to lock the door behind her then dropped the key ring in her big purse. She was short, maybe a fraction of an inch over five feet tall. She had honey blond hair, worn straight down her back about half way to her tight round ass. He had tracked her to three different coffee shops where she would spend her lunch breaks. On one such daytime encounter he also knew she had improbable blue eyes, a small nose and full lips. He had made a point of wearing dark glasses and other than the serupticous examination, had made no move to attract attention to himself.

She walked quickly across the parking lot to her car. While she dug in her purse for keys he pulled the chloroform soaked cloth from its bag, slipped out of his car, and in four long steps clamped the cloth across her nose and mouth. She struggled for a few seconds an went limp in his grasp. He half carried, hald dragged her to the rear of his car, opened the trunk and tumbled her inside. While watching the lot and street, he quickly bound her hands together behind her and her feet together Another wrap of tape bound her hands and feet together. He left the cloth under her nose and gathered up her purse and a shoe that had fallen from her foot, tossed them in with her and closed the trunk.

Back in the car, he surveyed the area for a moment before starting and driving slowly across the lot with his lights out. Well away from her car he pulled on the headlights and cruised by her car, looking for anything that might have been dropped. The area looked clear. He pulled out of the lot and cruised, carefully at the speed limit, to the old isolated farm house about five miles out of town.

He'd found the farm house a month or so ago and located the owner, an elderly widow through public records. The old lady was delighted to rent it to him for four months at two hundred dollars per month. He gave her a false name and address. And had prepared the place with food, water, and other items, all brought in late at night. He was careful to always park in the rickety old barn and spent some time doing yard maintenence durring the day.

He turned off the lights as he pulled off the main road and sat for several minutes to let his eyes adjust. He drove slowly to the barn, jumped out and opened the barn door then pulled in and shut the car off. He closed the barn door and waited for several minutes, peeking through gaps in the siding planks. Assured that he hadn't been followed, he removed the unconcious girl from the trunk and carried her into the house.

He dropped her onto a bed with a heavy wood frame and a thin mattress. He still had a few minutes before she would regain consciousness. He cut the tape and bound her ankles and wrists in heavy leather bands that he fastened to each bedpost with a length strong rope. He replaced the ball gag with a tubular device designed for forced oral sex. Emotionally exhausted he went to his bed in another room and was soon sleeping soundly.

She woke in the dark, head pounding. This was one heck of a hangover. But she hadn't been drinking. She clearly remembered leaving the office, locking the building door and walking to her car. Then a brief struggle and a strong chemical smell. She was on her back, but when she tried to roll over her arms and legs were restrained. She pulled against whatever held her without results. There was a slightly musty smell in her nose. When she relaxed she wasn't uncomfortable, but any slight movement came up against the restraints. She twisted her head around, trying to get an idea of where she was to no avail, the darkness was complete. Strain as she might, her best efforts only produced a faint creaking. Something was in her mouth, hard and smooth Eventually she slept.

Awake in the morning, he pulled on a black sweatsuit and covered his head with a black hood and mask. He stepped into the room and turned on a dim light to look over his prize. She must have struggled a bit. Her skirt was up around her mid thigh and the matching jacket was twisted around slightly. He inspected the ropes and leather cuffs that bound her then sat on the edge of the bed. He pulled on thin cloth gloves, also black, and gently stoked her face. Her eyes flew open and after a moment focused on him. He saw confussion and fear in those blue eyes. She tried to talk, but could only get some soft grunts past the gag.

"You are tied and gagged." he said softly.

She was terrified. This black clad man had her completely helpless. She couldn't talk. She could barely make any sound at all. Who was the man? Why was she here, bound helplessly to a bed? She watched as best she could as his black gloved hands straightened her skirt and jacket. He stood and left the room only to return in a moment with something silvery in his hand. An oddly bent pair of scissors, bandage shears, she recalled the name for them. He began at the cuff of her jacket cutting the material in a more or less straight line to her shoulder then across through the lapel. He walked around to the other side and repeated the cut there. He pulled the remains of the jacket from under her body and tossed it to the floor. He cut her blouse in a similar manner and it joined her ruined jacket.

She jerked and struggled to no avail as he went on to cut and remove her skirt leaving her in just her bra, panties and pantyhose. He cut away her pantyhose, struggling slightly around the ankle restraints. She shivered though the room wasn't cold. He covered her with a sheet and left, carrying her ruined clothes. Moments later he was back with a small paper cup of water.

"I have water." he said softly.

She was thirsty. Until this moment she hadn't realized how thirsty. She nodded vigorously. He opened the gag allowing her fist full breath. He dribbled water through the hole, no more than one small swallow and replaced the cap or plug. He turned off the light and left her in darkness. Hours later, it seemed, he returned.

He had cut away her outer clothing without much of a problem. She wore a matching peach colored bra and pantie set. She had eagerly taken the small swallow of water. An hour later he turned the light back on. He fed her a few small spoonfuls of the vanilla pudding and small amounts of water before replacing the cap on the gag. He left again, turning off the light, for another carefully timed hour.

She woke with a start when he came back after feeding her that bland pudding. She was almost glad he was back. She changed her mind when he climbed onto the bed, straddling her torso with his knees in her armpits. He fumbled for a moment and exposed his hard cock. Fear filled her mind, she shook her head from side to side denying what she was sure was coming. He painfully grabbed a handful of her hair, holding her head still, the after removing the cap on the gag, drove his cock into her throat. He pumped brutally into her throat as she tried to breath. She could feel blackness closing in as he spasmed, grunting and pulled out of her. She choked a few times and gasped for air before her recapped the gag. He watched as she wretched a few times. He left, turning out the light and leaving her in darkness again.

Fucking her throat felt pretty good. He had worried briefly that she might be sick and choke to death if she threw up. That would end his fun too soon. He left to clean himself.

She worked to get the taste of his cum out of her mouth. Most had been forced down her throat, but the last spurt seemed to fill her mouth and coat her tongue. Was this her fate, to be a sex doll for the man in black? It might not be so bad if she at least got some pleasure, but her pleasure seemed to the farthest thought from his mind. Some time later the light came on as he returned. She shrank from his as much as her bonds allowed. He pulled down the sheet and quickly snipped away her bra and panties. He placed a plastic backed absorbent pad under her hips. He fondled her breast roughly and pinched her nipples painfully before covering her and walking away, leaving her again in darkness.

She had nice tits he thought as he had removed her bra and panties. He enjoyed the way she had jumped and tried to scream when he squeezed them and pinched her nipples. He supposed the next thing to do was fuck her cunt. He would fuck her ass too, when other forms of fun paled.

She had no idea how long she had been here. There was no way to keep track of the time . She thought it must have been at least a day, maybe longer. She couldn't recall ever having been so thirsty or hungry. He had to feed her sometime, she thought desprately. The dim light came on again as he walked in in stocking feet. Without a word he roughly fingered her sex. She squeezed her eyes closed and turned her head. She felt him climb onto the bed between her legs and heard him spit a few times. She felt pressure at the opening of her sex then he rammed his cock into her. She tried to scream and fought for breath through her nose. He fucked her hard and fast, pouring his seed into her after just a few moments. She was sore. Sex had never hurt like this. Something bulky and coldly moist was pushed against her crotch.

"Pee for me now," he said in the same soft voice, "or no more water."

She had to strain a little, but managed to empty her bladder. The light went out as he left. Tears wet her cheeks as she cried silently and helpless.

He was disappointed. Her cunt had been too dry despite having spit on his cock before he fucked her. The experience had been mildly painful. He might have to alter his planned schedule a bit. He had planned to fuck her a few times before setting up the machine, but now it appeared he would have to forgo that little pleasure. He prepared a looped tape for her and returned to her room.

She felt something being place over her ears, headphones, she thought. She begged as best she could with her eyes for water or food. His soft voice came ot her ears, just at the threshold of hearing. 'The man is your friend.' 'Obey the man.' it repeated over and over and like any repeated soft noise faded from her consciousness. The light went out again.

He went to sleep then. In a few hours the repeated phrases would be planted in her subconscious. It was dark out when he woke. He collected a wide leather collar, a short leash, and a length of soft rope and returned to her room. In the dim light he allowed her, he placed the collar around her neck and attached the leash. He released her arms and sat her up. In a minute or so he had her arms twisted behind her back and lashed her forearms together horizontally. Her feet were released and bound together with enough rope between then to let her take a six inch step. He pulled her off the bed and to her feet, holding her by one arm as she found her balance. He removed the headphones and turned off the little player. He led her, on short step at a time past the blackout curtain and into the kitchen.

Her arms were still bound, but in a different position. Being able to flex her legs felt good, but when he pulled her up, they didn't want to support her for a moment. She was happy that he had allowed her to get up. He led her slowly down a short hall and through a heavy curtain. The light beyond was so bright she had to squint. He sat her in a chair and fastened the lead on her collar to a heavy table. It felt good to sit.

The shaded 60 watt bulb let him get a better look at her tits, nice indeed. He liked the way her bound arms made them jut forward

"Do not speak except to answere my questions." He said.

She nodded her understanding and he removed her gag. He watched her work her jaw, stiff from being held open for so long. He held a small paper cup of water to her lips, only allowing her a small swallow. Likewise, he offered her a partial spoon of vanilla pudding, then finished the rest himself.

"Do you want more water?" he asked

"Yes, please." she said meekly.

"Then you have to suck my cock." he said, "If I like what you do, I'll let you have more water."

He refilled the little paper cup, perhaps two ounces, and placed in on the table. Then he pulled down the waistband of his sweats and pointed his cock at her face. She looked back and forth between his cock and the water several times.

Suck his cock for a drink of water? She looked from one to the other. She was so thirsty. Thirst overcame revulsion and she opened her mouth and leaned toward him. He took a short step, placing his cock in her mouth. She closed her lips around the shaft, licking him with her tongue while bobbing her head on him. She thought he might like deep throat, but before the forced violation of, how many days had it been ago, she had never managed to do deep throat. She sucked him in until she gagged and had to back off.

"You can do it." he urged, "A good girl should be able to, for a friend."

A friend? The words seemed to echo in her mind. Of course he was her friend. She tried again, getting a little more of him into her mouth before she gagged again. After a few more tries she managed to get past her gag reflex and take him into her throat. She pulled back for a breath and sucked him back into her throat. Without warning he grunted and spewed his seed into her throat. He pulled back until only the head was in her mouth.

"Lick me clean." he said.

She licked and sucked until he was clean before releasing his soft organ. Se stared at the little cup of water, hoping for the promised reward. He lifted the cup to her lips and let her drink it all in small sips. When had water got to tasting so good?

He walked her back to her room and tied her to the bed. This time the collar was tied to one bedpost and her feet to the post diagonally opposed. He placed the absorbent pad under her hips and left her once more in the dark. An hour later her went back carrying a plastic syringe full of lubricant. He turned on the light and called out a cheerful 'good morning'. When he saw he was awake he pressed the needle-less syringe against her cunt and pumped the lubricant into her. He waited a moment then loosened her feet from the bed post. Lifting her feet high he climbed on the bed and pulled down his pants. His cock slid easily into her well lubed cunt. He pumped into her for several minutes, rather than screaming in pain, she was actually moaning softly when he finally unloaded into her. He refastened her feet to the bed post and walked out. A moment later he was back with the headphones that would further brainwash her. He flipping off the light on his way back out.

The recent rape was different, she thought. It had actually started to feel good before he finished. Maybe he wasn't going to hurt her anymore.

An hour later he walked back in. He changed her bindings again, holding her firmly spreadeagled on the bed. It was time for the machine. He clamped the frame securely to the low foot board and set the long dowel and motor in their places. He attached to silicone dildo to the dowel. The big dildo slid easily into her recently lubed cunt.

"Be silent." he ordered, "Or you will be punished

she whimpered softly as he made adjustments. Finally her started the machine. The big dildo stroked into her cunt as the wheel turned. He could control the speed and length of the stroke as well as the depth. Longer strokes required greater depth or the dildo might slip out of her cunt. He watched her squirm as the dildo took a stroke of about three inches. It only took a few minutes to bring her to a panting orgasm, hissing through clenched teeth. After three orgasms she was beginning to look panicky. He increased the speed.

"Oh, God." she cried, Please, let me rest."

"I said silence." he said, "Now you must be punished."

He climbed onto the bed, straddled her body and drove his cock into mouth and throat, matching the pace of the machine. He pulled out far enough for to take gasping breaths before slamming back into her throat. When her next orgasm hit he held his cock in her throat for a long moment, before pulling out and climbing down.

Two climaxes later she gasped out, quietly. "Please, I don't want to cum any more."

He adjusted the depth and stroke upwards then as she hissed through another orgasm turned up the speed. He added a little lube to the pistoning dildo. He watched her buck against the ropes as climax after climax ripped through her body. She could barely get out a plea for mercy between orgasms.

More depth and a longer stroke and an increase in speed brought out a weak scream.

"Punishment time!" he crowed.

He forced a solid ball gag past her teeth and secured it in place. He placed a contrived breast clamp across her tits and started to tighten it compressing her tits untill they little more than and inch thick. She tried to scream but the ball gag stopped her. She was almost finished. Her response to each orgasm was reduced to spasmodic twitching.

A final adjustment had the dildo hitting her cervix on each stroke, shaking her body. He turned the speed to maximum. He watched her twitch and shake for a moment, then brutally ripped the ball gag from her mouth. There was madness in her eyes. Blood leaked from her nipples. He drove his cock into her throat, but due to over stimulation, only managed three strokes before cumming down her throat.

He turned the machine to its slowest setting and removed the clamp from her bruised tits. He finally turned the machine off, then with a final adjustment, hand turned the wheel to drive the dildo past her cervix. The shape of the dildo would make her cervix hold it in place.

He dismantled the machine. Too bad he would have to destroy it, it had worked perfectly. There was a fifty gallon drum outside, the ubiquitous farm burn barrel. The wooden parts of the machine went in as well as everything of hers. Metal parts were common hardware items and easily lost in a dozen different dumpsters. He started the fire shortly after dawn. The thin trail of smoke would go un-noticed. Unopened food went into grocery bags and into an ice chest everything else went into the barrel. He partially dismantled the bed around her unconscious body for wood to feed the fire. He stirred the fire with an old shovel to make sure everything would be reduced to ashes.

Her breasts were purpling up nicely, her cunt was a raw mess. Her hair was matted with sweat. Her hips worked weakly and uselessly to expel the big dildo. As soon as she was coherent it would be time for the last act.

Her mind shied away from consciousness, but eventually she became aware of her surroundings. Her breasts throbbed. Her sex felt unbelievably stretched and throbbed as well. She felt grungy and in need of a bath. Her mouth and tongue were dry and she couldn't seem to generate enough saliva to alleviate that condition. She could hear him moving around and humming a tune. He must be almost done with her. In a day or two he would leave her on a street somewhere and somebody would get her to a hospital and she could try to get her life together again.

He entered the room, smiling cheerfully

"Well, he said, how are we on this fine morning?"

She weakly shook her head.

"Oh, look here."he said fingering the dildo, "I seem to have left one of my toys out. Shall I put it away?"

He grasped the dildo and ripped it from her body. She screamed weakly and passed out as her body convulsed.

He finished taking the bed apart before she came to. There was nothing left in the room but her and the thin mattress. He cleaned the house thoroughly, wiping every surface with bleach. He was just finishing her room when she woke up again. She lay on her stomach sprawled as he'd left her without any ropes or bonds of any kind.

"You look so lovely this morning." he said, "I wish I could take a picture."

He finished mopping and poured the bleach solution down a drain. The bucket and mop went into the small closet where he'd found them.

"You were such a good girl last night." he said, "I think I'll give you a reward."

He pulled her hips up till her knees were under her. Kneeling behind her, he gently stroked her ass until he felt her relax a little. Dropping his pants he rammed his cock into her ass.

She found the strong bleach smell slightly sickening. She felt too weak to move as he chatted cheerfully. What was he doing? She was afraid she know too soon. Her sex still throbbed from the removal of the dildo, but seemed to feel a little better with the grotesque thing gone. He picked her up, getting her knees under her. After a moment she felt him caress her bottom. She relaxed with a small sigh at this sign of tenderness.

Suddenly there was something between her ass cheeks. She yelped at the intrusion, like a hard bowel movement in reverse. She felt painfully full, understanding that he was going to fuck her ass. He pounded into her savagely. It felt like she was being turned inside out. While he abused her tender ass he pulled her shoulders up arching her back painfully. His hands were around her throat, squeezing off the blood to her brain, but letting her breath. Dark mists crowded into her consciousness, never quite closing in all the way. He drove her down onto her stomach, driving in even deeper as he landed on her. His grip shifted to one hand while the other clenched her bruised breasts. She couldn't even scream anymore. She whimpered in pain while the assault seemed to go on and on.

She felt hot liquid fill her ass as he grunted explosively.

"That was good." he said, "your ass was nice and tight."

He picked her up bodily and set her on the toilet. She slumped there, unable to move as liquids drained from her body.

He had loved the feel of her tight ass around his cock. He wondered idly if he had been the first on in her ass, not that it really mattered. While she sat on the toilet, he sprinkled a generous coating of stump remover on the soiled matress before her rolled it and carried it to the burn barrel. Potassium Nitrate in the stump remover would help the mattress burn.

He used bleach and a wad of rags to wipe up the area that had been under the mattress and any spills on the way to the bathroom.

He entered the bathroom with one of the small paper cups. He filled it and held her head up to let her drink.

"Almost done." he said cheerfully, "How about a nice blow job to celebrate."

She drank the water gratefully, wishing she could have more. Her tongue and mouth seemed to absorb the liquid quicker than she could swallow. Just one more blow job? Why not? He lifted her head by a handful of her hair and put his cock in her mouth. The taste was terrible, he must still have shit from her ass on it.

He stroked into her mouth a few times before forcing his way into her throat. The darkness began to close in. He pulled back to let her gasp a breath and forced himself back into her throat. As the blackness closed in she pushed weakly at him, trying to get another breath. He held her in an iron grip as the darkness closed in completely, forever.

He ignored her weak struggles with his cock in her throat. Her body spasmed a couple of times before her arms fell limply to her sides. Her throat relaxed slightly and she seemed to cave in on herself. He blew his load down her throat then stroked rapidly into her throat to cum once more before her body cooled. He heard small splashing as her bowels and bladder relaxed. Her dead eyes still held a hint of her final terror. She had been the best so far.

He took a shower, then cleaned the shower stall with bleach. He dressed in street clothes. His sweats went into the burn barrel with some pieces of firewood to help them burn up completely. He grabbed the last can of beer out of the otherwise empty fridge and sat on the back steps, sipping slowly.

The stars came out, bright and clear away from the city lights. There was no moon. He went in and lifted her off the toilet. Wads of paper towels stuffed between her legs and in the crack of her ass made sure that there would be no leakage. Outside he pushed a few boards aside and slid her body into the open septic tank. A moment was all it took to slide the concrete lid in place. He filled in the hole over the lid and for good measure planted a small shrub he'd dug up from the end of a row of similar shrubs. He turned on the garden hose, wetting down the filled hole from the transplanted shrub and watering the rest of the row. While the water ran he broke the old shovel handle across the edge of the burn barrel letting the blade and about a foot of handle fall into the fire. He tossed in the remainder of the handle as well as the boards that had served as temporary cover for the septic tank. He turned off the hose and neatly coiled it on the ground under the faucet. He shut off the water to the house as well as the gas and electricity. The empty beer can and the gardening gloves went into the barrel with a few more pieces of fire wood.

He napped in the car for a few hours. In the gray dawn, he pulled the car out of the barn, carefully closed the big door and drove without lights to the main road. He drove at just the speed limit to a town two hours away. Cruising through alleys he soon disposed of the last bits of the machine. At coin operated car wash he washed the car and vacuumed the interior. He left the car in an out of the way parking slot at a store. He'd bought it from a teenager in another town and never registered it, the tags were still current. Keys went into three different trash cans as he walked to the bus station. He boarded a bus back to his home base carrying only a small duffel. He walked home from the bus station, and crawled into his bed sleeping soundly until the following morning.

He strolled to the corner for the daily paper and returned. He brewed coffee and considered his next project. Perhaps that high school girl who often cut through a woodlot as she walked home alone.


2022-10-22 14:54:25
This seemed quite expensive, but what price is freedom, neh?

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