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In this chapter Tim gets punishment at the clubhouse, he also regains his trust in Adam's love.
NEW BEGINNINGS the club house

The week was a great one, I had Adam back he had kinda forgiven me, I came out to my mom, and I was going to the clubhouse to pay for my wrong doing and disappointing Adam. We where leaving school and I told Adam I had to run to my house and grab clothes for the weekend. He said you will only need one suit of clean clothes, I’ll go with you. We headed to my house and I packed a pair of jeans, a shirt, socks, and underwear in my backpack. I excused myself and went into the bathroom and applied some lotion and tightening cream to myself. I came out and Adam was waiting on me and told me hurry, we had to get going it was a little ways to the clubhouse. I said let’s go baby, and he smiled and kissed me. We ran to his house and his mom was waiting by the car and said come on I got to drop you two off and get back. We climbed in and Adam sat in the back with me. We started out and after probably 15 minutes, he lowered his head and kissed my cheek, I turned to him and kissed him back. He said remember whatever happens this weekend, I Love You very much, and remember this is when you will pay your demerits for what you did. I said yes sir, I have not forgotten. I had actually hoped that maybe he had forgiven me and was not going to punish me. I thought for a minute and decided I did the crime I gotta pay the price and I would never betray my lovely Adam again. We went from smooth roads to a clay road and it was a little rough. He reached over and unbuckled my seat belt and removed my shirt. He then undid my pants and pushed down on them and said raise up. I lifted my butt off the seat and he pushed them to my knees and the my underwear. He said now sit back down. I sat as he removed my shoes, then socks, then took my pants and underwear off. He said you want need these this weekend. He then grabbed my backpack and tossed it into the floor as well. You can get dressed Sunday when mom picks us up. I was a little embarrassed at first, but I realized before I met Adam I would have been terrified at this point. I quickly gained my composure and settled down for a bumpy ride. We turned down a grassy looking road and followed it to a gate that had already been opened. We drove through and I could see up ahead was a lake with a nice log cabin looking house beside it. Adam’s mom said welcome to the clubhouse Tim. I was excited and said it looks amazing. I then noticed the other people standing in front of the cabin. The car stopped and Adam jumped out and took my hand and guided me out of the car. His mom said see you boys Sunday. I was trying to cover my little pecker to no avail as Adam drug me towards the cabin and the other people. I finally recognized April and Jennifer, as well as a lot of people who ate lunch with us. I then noticed I was not the only nude one there. There was two more teen boys and a couple of older girls in the buff as well. I thought that everyone would be naked all weekend after seeing this. I was wrong, I would later learn they belonged to other club members like I belonged to Adam. I relaxed after seeing I was not the only one with no clothes and started walking proudly beside my Adam. They all rushed to greet us and gave us hugs. Then Adam said, most of ya know Tim and Tim you know most of these people from lunch. This is Alan and he belongs to Steve. This is Alex and he belongs to Greg. These are the twins Jackie and Lonnie, they are shared between April, Jennifer, and Zac. Those boys and girls over there are ones who did not make the cut and begged to join so we keep them here for the members who have no one. I thought that kinda of sounds cruel, but I know how it feels not fitting in and doing whatever it takes to have friends. He took my hand and led me inside the cabin. We went to a bedroom with two beds and he said this is where we will be sleeping tonight. Though probably want be much of that tonight. We exited the room and everyone else was putting things in there rooms as April approached and put a bag In mine and Adam’s room. She then took Lonnie and Jackie in and said this is where you two will be when I need you. I thought Wow April can be a bitch, she was always so nice to me. Adam said come on Tim, we gotta get some food cooked. I hurried behind him as we entered the kitchen. The kitchen was well equipped with stainless steel appliances and pots hanging from a rack. He said I need you to cut up some french fries for me while I pat out some hamburgers. Yes sir, and I went to the refrigerator and got some potatoes and asked how many should I peel. He said peel 15 big ones. I got 15 out and put them in the sink and washed them. Adam handed me a knife as April came in and she said Tim your not doing that alone. She said Lonnie go help Tim make french fries. Lonnie complied and I noticed he was also well endowed for such a small frame. This must have been what Adam was referring to about frail boy’s with big dicks. April said just a minute your not ready yet. He stopped and said sorry ma'am. He approached her and she pulled out a stainless ring looking object. She positioned it onto his flaccid cock and latched a padlock around it. I know looking at Tim’s perfect little ass will get you hard. I smiled and he said I know I can only get hard when you allow me too. He turned back to return to help me and she smacked his ass and said don’t think I forgot about all your demerits. No ma'am, I am ready for my punishment for displeasing you. April left the kitchen and we began peeling potatoes and cutting them up. Lonnie said hey it’s nice to meet you Tim. Nice to meet you too Lonnie. I have never met twins before. He said yeah me and sister are shared by a few of them but they really take care of us. If we did’nt get to come here this weekend we would have had to work with out dad in his plumbing business and he always gives us the nastiest jobs he can find. He asked what was my home life like, I told him my dad died when I was young and my mom worked all the time, but when she was home we spent a lot of time together. He said yeah my mom left my dad when we were only four, said she couldn't handle two kids on her own. We have never heard from her. I felt a tear in my eye as I looked for a comforting word to give him. I came up with, if she was that bad maybe you are better off with your dad, immediately followed by I’m so sorry, I did not mean it like that. Lonnie laughed and said well that’s exactly what me and my sister agreed upon. We both laughed and before I knew it we where done when Adam said great your done, ya two go out and get to know everyone, I will have supper done soon. Tim I love you and he came over and kissed me and patted my little behind. I smiled and kissed him on the lips and said I love you too, and we headed outside.

We headed out onto the front porch and Lonnie said I guess everyone is out back, follow me. We headed around the side of the cabin and I could hear the others talking as we neared the backside of the cabin. We rounded the corner and there where several picnic tables, some strange wooden structures, some winch looking devices, and a big gazebo with a huge fire pit in the middle of it all. He said come on I’ll introduce you to my sister. We walked up to the table with most of the nude ones sat and talked. We walked up to Jackie and he said Sis this is Tim, she she said nice to meet you Tim, I’m Jackie. She hugged my neck and said have a seat. So Tim, we all have a question for you. I said what is it. How are able to take that big cock of Adam? I smiled and said it took a lot of practice I can tell you that. They all laughed, and said I can only imagine. So you are the chosen one we have heard so much about. I blushed and said I sure hope I am, because, and trailed off a little embarrassed. What they all said at once, I stammered I really love Adam. They all awed at he same time, and it embarrassed me even more. So Lonnie said this is your first time to the clubhouse. I said yes this is my first time. They asked how many demerits do you have? I have 50 this time. I seen panic rush their faces and I heard gasp. I said I really fucked bad and I disappointed Adam. Lonnie said so you have no idea why they bring us here for punishment. I said no, Why? I think it’s because it’s kind of a ritual for them, but I also think it’s because no can hear our screams out here in the middle of nowhere. I tensed up upon hearing this. Don’t worry you made it through your interview alright. The only thing I can’t believe is you have 50 demerits, that is 500 regular licks. I will bet you he is going to do more to you than just the ultimate punishment. I was thinking about how many ways he could whip me and would it be in front of all of these people. April walked up and put her arms around me and said don’t let them scare you Tim. I want you to be surprised and overwhelmed when your punishment comes. She walked away and I was really nervous now. I heard Adam holler from the backdoor, Supper is ready come on get a plate. I felt at ease again hearing his voice. We all headed up to the porch and he handed us each a plate. I waited to last and he handed me a plate and grabbed one for himself and we headed to a table. We sat with April and Lonnie and Jackie. Adam and April chatted and put his are around me and eat up the fun is about to begin, for us at least. April spoke up and said who is up first. Adam said Tim is, because it’s his first time here and he has 50 demerits. I want 40 saved for the lashing. He really fucked up bad, and I intend to teach him so he never does it again. April laughed and said well that little slut right there learned her lesson, didn't you Jackie? Yes ma'am, I swear I will never disappoint you like that again. We finished eating and we all took out plates to the garbage can and everyone headed to the gazebo. All the other nudes stood awaiting orders, and were instructed to wait in the middle. I stood by where Adam was seated and he said members I call your attention to Tim, he pulled me in front of him. He has 50 demerits and I want 40 of them for his true punishment. They all gasped and said cool lets get started. Tim, you go to April she is first. I walked to April and she said assume the position. I lowered myself down and lay across he lap. She said count it out. I felt her rubbing my ass, and then smack, One I said. She continued, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, and she stopped and next. I thought that hurt a little but nothing like I had received from Adam before. I stood up and Zac had his hand up and I walked to him and bent over his knee. He said count it out, and smack came the first one. Eleven I yelped, he swung again, twelve, thirteen. My ass was stinging now, he knew what he was doing. He continued until I was at my twenty. I stood up and looked around and it was Adams turn. I quickly rushed to him and placed my body in his lap and put my ass high for him. He said count out and landed his first smack and it echoed in my ears. I yelped out twenty one, then another, and another, he was spanking me hard. I finally called out thirty and stood up, my eyes swollen with tears. The others chuckled and I looked to see Jennifer hand up. I went to her and lay-ed in her lap. She began and it was stinging my ass but nothing like what Adam had just given me. I made my rounds with all of them, and was only on my 50th. Lick. I looked around and April said you got me again. I went to her and got in her lap and the first smack was brutally painful. I realized it was a paddle. I yelped in pain I cried out 51, 52, 53, when she was done I was in amazing pain. I got up and went to Zac and he used his bare hand again and it hurt more this time because of my ass being so sore. I moved to Adam and he stood up as I approached him. He removed his belt, ans as I waited for him to sit back down, he took my arm and stepped back and swung his belt and stuck my bare ass and I screeched and danced away. He yanked me back and he said you did not count. Let’s start again. He pushed me back into place and swung again and I screamed sixty one. He said that’s better. He said bend over. I did and he wailed on my bare ass and was bawling and crying and trying to get the numbers out. When he finished I pulled me close to him and put his arms around me and whispered remember I love you. He looked me in the eye and said you brought this on yourself. I slowly moved to Jennifer next my ass was screaming in pain and jennifer had a hairbrush in her hand. I got into her lap and she spanked me but I could tell she was holding back or was my ass this numb now. It was definitely burning and stinging. They finished with me and had me stank in the middle of the gazebo as they called Lonnie up. He went to April and she said Lonnie has 30 demerits, and we are using 10 now. Lonnie looked worried and April said this is your second offense Lonnie, and this is why you will join Tim tomorrow for the real punishment. She started and he did not seem affected by her paddling. He moved to Zac and he definitely felt those. He walked to Adam and got in his lap and Adam barehanded his ass and he definitely felt it because his eyes where watering now. Once they all finished with him he joined me in the center, I was getting the feeling back in my ass and it was stinging like fire now. He stood there with his cock cage on and I could tell it was digging into his hardening cock. I realized my little pecker was sticking straight out and dripping precum. I tried to place my hands over it and Adam quickly corrected me and said put your hands on your head. I was actually hoping they had not noticed, but they all noticed now for sure. Jackie was called up next, April said Jackie here only has 2 demerits. She has been a very good girl since her punishment last month. She bent her over her knee and smacked her ass Ten quick times. Jackie moved to Zac and he had her crying after only a few swats. I was curious, if he had her crying what would Adams strong swings do to her. She approached Adam and laid in his lap and the first swat she yelped loudly and he quickly finished and she was crying a lot. She moved to Jackie and she pulled out a belt of her own. Jackie immediately started sobbing and crying. Jackie stood up and did to Jackie what Adam had done to me. Jackie was a sobbing mess when she reached the center of the gazebo. They went through the rest and as we all stood in the middle of gazebo they gathered up and then Adam turned to us and said lets go inside everyone. We all headed inside in a single file line. I was in the middle ahead of Lonnie when Adam who was leading us stopped abruptly and Lonnie’s cock cage brushed my ass and I yelped in pain. He froze and groaned because his cock was in tremendous pain from his cage. We waited as Adam went inside and then he came out and ushered us in. He said you know where your rooms are now get in them. I went straight to the room with Lonnie and Jackie. April came in first and said go get cleaned up you three, and remember your cleaning rituals. I walked to the bathroom and they followed me. I stepped into the shower and turned the water on and jumped back out. Lonnie laughed and said no hot water Tim. The water comes from the lake. He got in and slowly got under the shower stream, Jackie got in and then Lonnie pulled me in and I did the same and eased into it. The cold water was hell on my sore ass. I cleaned myself up and Jackie asked Lonnie to shave her. He did and she did the same for him. He rubbed my ass and caressed my balls. He said well hell your good Tim. He pulled out the shower head and unscrewed it and attached what looked like a silver dildo. He inserted it into his ass and flipped the switch and turned it off. Jackie took it and flooded her pussy and ass with it. I took it and pushed it into myself and turned it on. I could feel the cold water flooding my ass. I pulled it out and Lonnie had already exited and got on the toilet. His sister followed him and then they got back in the shower ans rinsed as I got on the toilet. I didn't think I had anything in my but was surprised by what came out. Lonnie said that is why you do it twice. I got back in and he took my place I placed it back in and turned it on and kept there with a slow flow until my stomach was stretching a little. As I pulled it out, Jackie was getting off for a second time and I got on it and the water came flooding out. I looked and it was all clear. We dried off and headed back into the bedroom and Adam and April where both in now. Adam motioned me to him. I headed to him anxious to get his cock in and taste his cum. Adam said undress me Tim. I removed his shirt and kissed his nipples, he moaned in excitement. I dropped to my knees and unbuttoned his pants, pulled down his zipper and pulled them down. He was commando tonight. I was excited that his big cock jumped out at me immediately. I stood back up and he took my hand and walked me to the bed. As we sat down I seen April, Lonnie and Jackie had watched. April stood and went to the door and called Zac. He came in and stood by her as they ordered Lonnie and Jackie undress them. Jackie removed Zac’s shirt and dropped it as she bent over and removed his jogging pants. He was wearing a jock strap and as she removed it his cock popped out. He was no Adam but he was nicely hung. Probably eight inches but very thin. Thats when I noticed that her little pussy was pink and tight. He asshole was a little puckered set of pink lips peeking through her crack. Lonnie was pulling down Aprils jeans and the slid her pink panties down. I was kind of shocked and immediately wondered if Adam wore that out like that. Adam leaned to me and whispered don’t worry I did not do that. He then pushed me into the floor and said suck my cock. I heard April tell Lonnie, and Jackie to watch. I took his cock head into my mouth and swirled it with my tongue and Adam moaned loudly. I slid my mouth further down his shaft until I felt it on the back of my throat. I pulled back to the tip and then went back down and took all ten inches in my mouth. Adam moaned and took my head and pulled my up slowly and pushed me back down slowly. He was moaning good now. I knew he would blow his load quick after seeing my blistered ass. He pushed me down and held my head as he stood up. He began skull fucking me, I was in heaven, his cock sliding in and out of my throat. His moans of ecstasy made me happy, I was pleasing my Adam. I head him tell Lonnie to come here. Lonnie stood up and approached. Adam said bend over. I was in shock. That was my cock and my cum. He pushed me off and pumped his cum all over Lonnie’s ass. He looked down at me and said clean it up, remember we don’t waste my cum. I grabbed Lonnie’s ass and began licking Adams sweet cum off Lonnie. I scrapped his ass with my tongue. I was slurping and swallowing it down. I was enjoying the taste of his cum and to be eating from a forbidden plate. After cleaning his ass Adam pulled me up to a deep kiss and thrust his tongue into my mouth. I was enjoying every moment of this when I heard April order Lonnie to fuck her. I remembered we where not alone.

Lonnie stood up and April unlocked his cock cage. She said I need you hard Lonnie. April looked over and Adam ordered me to get Lonnie hard, since I was such a good cock sucker. I crawled over and took his cock in my mouth and sucked his cock. I was sucking it fast and he was hard in no time. I sat back and he turned to April and she took it in her hand and said that’s better. He entered her and I started back to Adam and Adam said no you are not done. I remembered can’t cum in the girls. Zac stood up and came toward me and said to Adam can I dump one in here. Adam said of course. Zac took my head and shoved his cock into my mouth. He was a lot easier to take and I could do much more with tongue on his skinny shaft. I felt him tensing up and knew he was about to shoot. He grabbed my head and forced me to the base of his cock and shot a massive load into my mouth and I swallowed it all. Zac stepped towards the bed and told Jackie to get on her knees. I stood waiting for Lonnie to finish. He pulled out and turned to me and he shot all over my face and slammed my eyes shut as his cum dripped down my face. I wiped it away with hand and licked it off. Lonnie dropped to his knees in front of April. She said your done for now, wait on your knees. He sat and his heels and April called to Jackie to come clean her pussy why Zac fucked her. She got on all fours and started licking her swollen fucked cunt. Zac entered her asshole, and she yelped just a little and he pumped her for several minutes. He was moaning and she was giving muffling moans as she ate Aprils pussy. Zac pulled out and took my head and fucked my face good. He released his load into my mouth and swallowed all once again. Adam stood up and said now let me show ya how it’s done. I stood up and approached him. He had me get on the bed and laid me so my little asshole was on display for all to see. He ordered Lonnie to tongue my ass and slobber my hole up good. Adam straddled my face and put half erect cock into my mouth and pumped my face. He got hard quickly watch my little ass being eaten out. He stood up and took my hand and walked me into the living room and had me lay on the coffee table. He then called to the others to come watch the show. They gathered around in a circle all where naked and all eyes where trained on my little boy pussy. Tim what do you want? I want you to fuck me please. Beg for it if you want it. Please Adam I need your big cock in my ass. Please fuck me, I don’t care who sees. He said that is my baby, he loves my cock and my cum. Please give it to me. He spit on my hole and lined up his cock and when his cock touched my hole he dropped every inch in me. I yelped and he held it there before pulling out slowly and at the last minute he thrust all back in. I groaned a little and eased out again and dropped it all it again and sped up and was pounding my ass good. I was moaning and begging him to fuck my harder. He pulled all the way out and plunged back in to me and I was in heaven, he stab fucked me for several minutes before returning to pounding my ass deep and hard. I felt his cock twitching as he collapsed on top of me I could feel his cum emptying into my belly. He picked my up and took me to the bed with cock still inside me. He laid me down as he got into bed and help me in his arms. He asked Lonnie to come in and had him suck my cum dripping cock and clean it up for me. It was intense having my cock sucked after just cumming so much. We drifted off to sleep and I was awakened the next morning to the smell of breakfast cooking. I could still feel his big cock in my ass. He kissed my neck and pulled me close and said you gotta go to the bathroom. I said yes baby unfortunately I do. He led me into the bathroom I placed my hand on the wall so he could clean me out with his piss. He slid deep in me and began pissing. He pulled out and told me to sit. I sat down and took his cock in my mouth the way I was taught. I sucked and my mouth filled with piss and I swallowed it down and I emptied my own bladder and the piss he flooded my ass with. He finished and led me to the bedroom and put on his clothes and led me to the kitchen where everyone else was gathered getting a plate of food. We got food and some juice and headed out to the tables. Me and Adam sat together and ate. Once we finished Adam said we have work to do for this afternoon. Everyone started chirping in yeah lets get everything ready to go. We all put our paper plates in the garbage. We then got into groups and one group gathered some firewood, another got some bags from a shed and placed them by the wooden structure. Our group went inside and made some some snack foods for the nightly event. We then got a large drink cooler and filled it with different juices and soda and Adam topped it all off with two different types of liquor he pulled from a cabinet with a lock on it. A few hours later we went back outside and it was looking amazing out there. They had stung up lights from the gazebo to the wooden structures where ropes hung. I noticed the winch devices now had rope running through them and over to the wooden structures. I was very curious what this was for and remembered that tonight was the punishment. I was a little anxious but also excited to know Adam loved to fuck me hard after punishing me. I could not imagine anything I could not endure in order to make up for hurting Adam the way I did. I asked Adam if we needed to get lunch started and he said no, we would not be having lunch today, I could eat after the punishment was over. I asked when would we start the event. He smiled and said it want be long, it gets dark in about an hour. Let’s go for a walk and pass the time. We walked hand in hand to lake shore. The wet dirt felt cold on my feet. We went to an old log that had fallen close to the lake and sat down. He put his arm around me and I placed my head on his shoulder. We sat in silence for a while when said Tim, I really love you and what you did really hurt me. I filled with sadness and slinnked down to the ground and looked up at him with my eyes swollen with tears. I said I know and I wish I could take it all back. I am so sorry and any punishment you give me tonight will never be enough to make up for the wrong I did. I love you so much and you are constantly making me a better person. You have changed me into what I have always wanted to be. If it was not for you I’d be home dreading going to school and depressed and lonely. He pulled me to him and said you are a great person, I truly love you and when I leave for college I want you to wait for me. I will be home most weekends, depending on which college I choose to attend. We still have this year and my senior year to try and quench your thirst for cock. I smiled through my tears and threw my arms around him and kissed him deeply. He pulled me close and we sat there enjoying the view and each others heartbeats. He reached down rubbed my little pecker. He said stand up, I immediately stood and he leaned forward and took my little pecker in his mouth and sucked me off. He pulled me down and kissed me and shared my cum with me. He sat me in his lap and said later on your punishment is going to be severe and you will be spent when we finish with you. I looked him in the eye and said I am ready for whatever I have to do. He said well the good news is your demerits don’t count the same. You have 40 demerits left, tonight one demerit means one lick. I was thinking wow that sounds great. If only I had known what was in store for my little ass.

It was time for us to head back to the cabin. We arrived as it was getting dark and fire was lit and lights on the strings where on. Everyone was in the gazebo. We walked up and Adam said ya ready to get this party started. Hell yeah they all screamed. Tim and Lonnie come with me. We both followed him to the structures and placed cuffs on us with a ring in the center. I noticed there was a rope and hook above out heads. He pulled the rope down to Lonnie’s cuffs and hooked and then hooked mine up. He said pull them up. With that I heard clicking and felt my arms raise as I was being lifted. They lifted me until my toes where just touching. He then fastened a bar to my ankles that spread my legs wide open and I was now off the ground completely. He did the same to Lonnie. April came up to us and dropped to her knees and forced a ring over cock and balls. She then did the same to Lonnie. She then ties a rope to the rings and passed it through my legs and went behind me I could feel here pulling it tight and she tied it off. She did the same to Lonnie and I heard her say I will lock that thing back up again. I was hard as a rock too, but Adam had never corrected me about it. She moved to the front of us with the other people. Adam came up to the structures and said Tim’s punishment is mine. Zac will punish Lonnie. They all looked on in anticipation. Lets get ready everyone, and they started undressing. Lonnie gets 20 and Tim gets 40 then we will have our fun.

Adam kissed me before stepping behind me and whispered he loved me. I heard Zac tell Lonnie the same thing. I felt something cold touch my ass and he rubbed it around. Adam said no need to count the audience will do the counting. I heard something slicing through the air as he and Zac warmed up their swinging arms. It got quiet for a second and I heard the swing cutting through the air. Smack I screamed in pain, my eyes flooded with tears. I was trembling from the pain and I could tell Lonnie was crying loudly too. I barely heard the audience count out. I heard the swish and he landed another on my ass. I screamed again and he went fast and my ass screaming in pain and my body had fallen limp. I heard the crowd call out 18 and Zac stepped in front of Lonnie and stood there. Adam had not stopped for long. He began wailing on my ass and I screamed in pain every time he landed a blow. I was close to blacking out from the pain. He paused and came in front of me. I realized he had stopped. He and Zac called everyone up to get a good look at what happens when you break the rules. We where both sobbing uncontrollably as they came up and examined out asses. Some of them touched and rubbed out asses and we shouted in pain. Adam called out lower them down. I dropped to the ground as my legs where jello now. My ass was hurting so bad and my eyes so full of tears I could not even see clearly. Adam lifted me up and walked me to another wooden structure and place me in and lowered a board that held me head in place and my hands. Adam said you have two more licks. I cried even harder. I felt someone grab my feet and I was lifted and felt some grab my cheeks and I screamed in pain and I felt someone stepping between my legs and heard Adam say spread his cheeks. They opened my ass up and exposed my little ass hole. I felt Adam step out from between my legs and felt a searing pain on my puckered asshole. He was caning my boy pussy and I could feel the pain through my whole body. I started begging and pleading with Adam to have mercy on my pussy. He did not as he hit me again and then dropped the cane in front of me. They lowered me down and Adam took my face in his hands and looked me in the eye and said I hope you still love me. I mustered a smile and said I always will love and I hope you can forgive me now. He smiled and said I do you feeling hungry, I said yeah I am. Good because your got a lot to swallow. He pushed my head down and his cock in my face. I took it in my mouth and sucked him until he shot into my mouth. I gulped him all up. Greg was standing behind him and he stepped up and shoved his cock in my mouth and fucked my throat until he came in my mouth. By the time it was over I swallowed five loads of cum. Adam said get em out and inside the cabin. They took me and Lonnie off and walked us inside. Once we were in the cabin they took us to the coffee table and tied us side by side face up. I felt my legs being lifted, I felt someone enter my ass and screamed as they brushed my spanked twat. They fucked me vigorously. I felt the cum enter me then someone else entered me and was pounding on my swollen boy cunt and brushing against my very sore ass. I was crying from the pain again. I heard April tell Jackie your turn, I felt someone sucking my ass hole and it was soothing and excruciating at the same time. She stopped and I felt another cock enter me as Jackie squeezed my mouth open and released the cum from my ass into my mouth. I then heard Adam ask April if she really wanted him to do this. She said yes I do you need more than one hole here. There was now someone else fucking my ass now, I heard Lonnie scream out and I heard Adam moan loudly and I knew his big cock had torn into Lonnie's tight little hole. I heard Lonnie squalling and shrieking in pain. I was envious that Adam was fucking someone else as I felt another load enter my body. I seen April now wearing a strap-on get behind me and felt her enter me. I could tell it was a fake one because it was cold and seemed hard and plastic like. I could still hear Lonnie crying out in pain. April said my turn, and Adam was standing by me and I could see his cock covered in blood and Lonnie's ass juices. He shoved it into my mouth and fucked my throat with his dirty cock. I could hear Lonnie crying again as April fucked him with a dildo. I felt Adam quiver as his load launched into my throat. He pulled out and rubbed it all over my face. I was fucked and fed cum for another two hours before I felt my hands being untied and legs released. I sat up and winced in pain when my ass made contact with the table. Adam took my hand and pulled me to him and kissed me. We gotta get you cleaned up. He scooped me up and toted me liked a baby into the bathroom. He stood me up and turned the shower on then put his hand on my waist and looked into my eyes and said can you forgive me Tim. I seen the sadness in his eyes and I immediately put my arms around him and I said I asked for that. I love you and will do anything you ask of me. I hope you can forgive me for what I did to you. He smiled and said baby you have paid your penance. I smiled back and he kissed me and lifted me and stepped into the shower. The cold water burned on my raw ass. I looked down and noticed a pink tint to the water. My ass was bleeding, the whipping had broken my skin. He turned me around stepped out of the shower and got a tube from the counter. He stepped back in and squirted some in his hands and applied it to my ass cheeks. It burned a little to start with but started feeling better the more he put on. He finished and turned me back around handed me the soap and looked down at his cock. I soaped up my hands and lathered up his cock and balls. He grew hard and took the shower wand and rinsed it off. I kissed him deep and rubbed his ass as I caressed his balls. He turned the shower off and gently dried me off. He lifted me again and carried me to the bed and laid me on my back and jumped a little when my ass touched the covers. He said hold on and you can sleep on top of me tonight. He crawled into bed and I climbed on top of him and he pushed me down to his cock. I realized his cock was soft so I sucked it into my mouth and held it there. As I twirled my tongue he moaned. I kept massaging his cock with my tongue. I felt it growing and I kept licking and sucking as it grew and filled my throat. I could feel it crawling down my throat until he was hard as a rock. He pulled me up and kissed me and he stood up and grabbed my legs and pulled me to edge of the bed. He flipped me over so my ass was hanging off the bed and thrust my legs behind my head. I felt his cock probing my ass. I felt him as he slid in me slowly, his cock stretching my tunnel as it entered. He slowly pulled out and did it again. He leaned down and kissed me as he slowly fucked me. I started moaning really low. He picked up the pace and my moans got louder. He stood up and started ramming my ass hard. It was hurting but wanted his cock in my body. He fucked me for a long long time. When I felt his cock twitch he leaned in and kissed me deeply. He pulled out and stood me up as he got into bed and took my hand and guided me down as I lay on top of him and rested my head on his chest and we drifted off to sleep.

1. I awoke the next morning and felt Adam stirring underneath me. I looked up and said good morning baby. He smiled and said morning Tim, I love you and pulled me closer and kissed me. I slid down under his body and took his cock in my mouth and he moaned. I sucked on him for a bit and he pushed my head down all the way to the bottom of his thick shaft. I could feel his balls on my chin. He placed both hands on my head and pulled up a little and started thrusting into my throat. I could taste a little of his piss as I sucked his morning wood. He thrust his cock shallow and then deep in rapid motions. He released my head and said suck just the head and let me see you shoot my load all over your tongue. I gladly sucked on the large swollen head while stroking his shaft, I heard him getting louder and he yelled now, I’m going to cum. I opened my mouth wide and stuck my tongue out he plastered it with cum and a little piss. I slurped it all down as fast as I could. I dribbled a little on his belly and I quickly used my tongue to clean him up. I finished up and pulled myself back up to kiss him. I then realized we had company as April, Lonnie, and Jackie had watched the whole thing. I then noticed Zac pop up from behind April and he said Lonnie that is how a good little bitch services his master in the morning. Zac raised up on his knees grabbed Lonnie by the hips and pulled him around. He thrust his cock in his sore ass. Lonnie yelped twice in pain. Once from Zac ramming his dry cock into his pummeled ass hole, and again when he slammed into his tender ass, still sore from the lashes we had received. Adam looked at me and said lets get a shower and get some food my mom will be here to get us soon. We got a quick shower and ate a bowl of cereal. I was putting the dishes in the sink when I heard a horn blowing. Adam said that’s her lets go Tim. We said goodbye to everyone and headed out the door. He got in the back seat and said come on Tim I will dress you on the road. We headed home and he had his arm around me and kissed me a few times. He reached between my legs and slid a finger towards me ass. I then realized it was lubed. He rubbed the lube on my hole as I raised up off the seat a little. He pulled out my butt-plug he had in a bag in the floorboard. It slid in easy this time. He then reached and got my underwear and put over my feet and pulled them up to my knees. He then did my pants the same way and stopped at my knees. He said raise up as much as you can and hold. I did and he pulled my underwear up and then my jeans. He buttoned them and pulled my zipper up as he kissed me deeply and said you are the perfect partner Tim. I love you and will always protect you.
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