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This is a sequel so it makes sense to read part one first, but in case you're pressed for time, basically a few weeks ago Kim got into a fight with her husband and stormed out of the house in a very slutty dress to teach him a lesson, but not three blocks from her house she gets propositioned as if she's a hooker by some random guy in his car. Unexpectedly flattered, she got in and sucked his cock. He drove them to a secluded underground parking lot and bent Kim over the hood .
Weeks later, Kim goes shopping for groceries with her husband.

She never went back to prostitute herself again, but a part of her wanted to. She thought about it constantly. It was simply something her husband couldn't give her. That rush of having a stranger inside you and the dirty sick feeling she got knowing that he thought she was a whore, was such an unbelievable turn on for her. She considered the matter a one time fluke occurrence. Something she kept in the back of her mind and brought out when she wanted to cum.

Sex with her husband was back on and she was more turned on than ever, but it wasn't really the same. How could it be? It was nice but it was vanilla. It was safe but there was no rush. Still here she was, weeks later, standing in the middle of a grocery store aisle and she was still thinking about it.

She knew he was enjoying himself but Scott, her husband was such a nice guy, even his most fierce passion was pale in comparison to her John. It was a completely different itch to scratch. She'd catch herself in a daydream about it in the produce department around all of the cucumbers and zucchinis. Scott was around here somewhere but he had the list and the shopping cart. Kim tried to bring herself back to her mundane reality.

Honestly Kim was thinking about running across the mall to a few shoe stores while Scott finished the groceries. He would probably be fine with that because he always treated her so well. She knew she shouldn't go but she was so bored here. She used to work at this grocery store when she was still in highschool but quit about six years ago. She got a job right after college and now makes decent money and so does Scott. It felt good to quit.

Working here was okay and she had some good times but her boss was a jerk. He was always making her work extra shifts. Kim suspected he liked her around, maybe too much, or at least that she found Mr. McManus a little creepy. She spent too many hours here.

One time, she gave her boyfriend at the time a quickie in the staff bathroom. Truthfully she had wanted more but he young and eager and didn't last long. Again, she was daydreaming when a loud rough voice from behind her said, "I fucking knew it was you! Where have you been?"

She knew the voice instantly, it was seared into her mind.

Spinning on her heel she immediately felt flush. It was her one time John who was beaming proudly saying, "This is my lucky day! I was looking for you girl. Those other girls don't have what you have."

"You can't be here! Please, you have to go." Her eyes jotted around looking for her husband to come around the corner at any second.

Kim felt exposed.

"Oh yeah, I guess you're with your boyfriend? Or is it husband? It couldn't be a customer…" he chuckled.

"Please, lower your voice." Kim looked around to see if anyone was close enough to here him.

She didn't recognize anyone from her time working here that was her age. There were a couple of the older ladies at the cash registers and she knew her old boss Les McManus, the manager couldn't still be here somewhere, could he? Still, this wasn't really an opportune time for her to have this conversation.

"What do you want?" Kim pleaded.

He looked her up and down like she was a cut of meat in the deli and she found herself being flattered and pushing one hip out slightly. It was involuntary.

Against all rational instinct she enjoyed this kind of attention. Her tight jeans were so form fitting they left little to the imagination, just the way she liked it.

"You know what I want." He smiled, "the question is do you want me specify the details of it right here?"

Kim tried to feign surprise but she knew she had to get him out of here as quickly as possible.

At the very idea that she would climb into the back of his car and be a hooker for fifteen minutes while her husband finished the shopping, her panties were wet. She wanted this to happen.

"Seriously? Now?" she pleaded.

In answer his hand found her ass in those tight jeans and gave it a firm squeeze.

"Okay where is your car parked?" Kim couldn't believe the words were coming out of her mouth but she wasn't stopping herself.

"Just meet me around the back of this grocery store. And hurry up!" He said as she pushed him off her and down the aisle.

"Just go!" She ushered him off.

A second later, Scott came around the corner with their cart.

"Who was that?" Scott asked of the roughneck just as he slipped around the corner and out of sight.

A second or two later and Scott wouldn't have even seen him.

She tells him that it was someone from her work. It didn't make much sense but Scott was trusting and didn't press her about it. After a minute she tells him that she is going shoe shopping to a few different stores and will be back in twenty minutes. Even though the stranger who clearly didn't work with her and her leaving were so conspicuously timed, Scott kissed her and told her to go have fun. It seemed like he wanted to say something else but Kim decided not to give him the chance and did a quick pace out of the store.

Behind the store was an alley. There were two big dumpsters there beside the loading dock. So was her john. What was missing was his car.

"Where's your car?" Kim said as she walked towards him behind the dumpsters.

He rubbed his cock through his pants watching her get closer to him. "You seem pressed for time and I thought this would be faster."

Kim remembered years ago when she used to work here, one of the stock boys caught a hooker sucking off some rando in this exact spot. The streetwalker saw him watching and told him to "get the fuck out of here" and he told us all the next day. All the guys joked that he should have asked to be next. Kim remembered thinking it was disgusting and pretending that she wasn't turned on. Now here she was in the exact position.

"Don't you have somebody waiting for you? Guess you need to hurry." He unzipped and let it dangle out the front of his pants. "Make that twenty bucks, sweetie."

It was go time.

Kim dropped to her knees and immediately realized just how damp and dirty it was back here. She knew her knees were going to be black when she got up. Another thing to explain to her husband. His cock was already thickening and she got to work.

It was dusk and the light was fading but if anyone drove around the back of the store down this alley, they wouldn't be hard to spot. A blonde skank on her knees slobbing a nob, probably for drugs they'd be likely to think. She worked harder and faster while he got harder faster. His hand came down awkwardly to grope her boobs through her tshirt while still trying to stand up for his back alley dumpster BJ.

Drool was starting to run down her chin. Her head bobbed up and down on his meat stick at a rhythmic pace.

"Yeah, that's right bitch," he said looking down at her with his cock in her mouth. "Why don't I help you out a little?"

Taking a fistful of her hair, he began to direct her movements. He was rough and jerked her around. He sped up her rhythm. Kim really wasn't doing anything anymore, except pushing her hands against his thighs to prevent him from going too deep which was becoming more frequent.

"I bet your husband never skullfucked you before!" Kim knew he was right but spent her time trying to breathe around his swollen member. He was going deeper all the time. She had to fight her gag reflex. He repositions her so her back is now up against the dumpster. There's no where to go to escape the attacking cock. She was pinned so completely, her head clamped in his big hands on either side and between the dumpster and his cock pistoning into her open mouth her only option was to push him away.

"You gotta take it deep now, sweetness. Open up your throat and let me slide in. Somebody's got to teach you how to get proper skullfucked." And with that he started pushing into her throat, but when her hands came up to stop him, this time he stopped himself.

Calmly but seriously he said, "Put your hands down. Take it into your throat like the whore you are."

Kim could have gotten up right then and told him to fuck off, but that's not what she wanted to do. She wanted to prove that she could be a good whore again, so she put her hands down and let him fuck her face like it was a coin operated, automatic dicksucking machine mounted to a wall and he had a bagful of quarters.

His cock hit the back of her throat and bend around the corner. Kim felt her throat expand around him. Nobody had ever fucked her like this before. He plunged into her as deep as he wanted with no resistance maybe seven or eight times until Kim almost ran out of breathe and then she had a moment to try to suck in some air before he was back at it. She was almost inconsequential in this and Kim realized listening to the wet plunging sounds was making her dripping wet. She wanted him to fuck her again.

The sound of an engine signaled that a car or truck was approaching.

"They can't see you, just don't move." And with that, he pushed fully into her face so that her nose was pushed into his stomach.

A voice from the car, sounded like some highschool boys said, "Dude, are you pissing back there?"

Without pause her john fires back, "No, I'm fucking your mom back here." And with that he thrust his pelvis twice and she almost gagged just from the surprise but held it together. Tears were running down her face but she managed to stay silent and still. Now she just needed air.

"This guy is crazy!" She heard one of the boys say. "Let's get out of here. Fuck this guy!"

Kim realized that she was getting light headed now.

As the car drove off she finally pushed him off her realizing he didn't care that she was about to pass out. Coughing a little and spitting she tried to collect herself a bit, but her John wasn't interested.

"Come on, bend over. I gotta fuck you so I can dump this cum and we don't have a lot of time, do we?" He helped her into position.

Kim fumbled with the zipper. Her jeans were super tight. That's why she loved them. Even though she was fully covered, she wasn't hiding anything. Right now they were just a hinderance. Taking them off usually took a few minutes but right now they were being super difficult. She settled for just pushing them over her ass and part-way down her thighs. The material cut into her thigh skin and hurt enough to be uncomfortable but she was turned on now and liked it to hurt a little.

Her hands gripped the cold, wet and dirty metal trash bin. The smells of garbage was sweetly sickening and pungent. His hand came down on her smooth white ass cheek with a thunderous clap before mounting her.

Kim wanted it rough and he wasn't getting any resistance from her body. Her pussy was so juicy he slid right into place and Kim shivered with delight. This was every itch her sweet husband could never scratch. She wanted the edge, the adrenaline, the complete high she felt owning her inflated sense of ego. She just wanted this simple animal savagery and debasing herself like this for twenty dollars was the easiest way to get it.

He fucked her hard and fast.

"Jesus, how fucking wet are you, princess? It's like I'm fuckin a slip n slide! You love this shit! I love a bitch that takes pride in her work." He was taunting her. Trying to shame her. And Kim was ashamed but she also truly realized how much this was true and who she really was. Her orgasm built quickly.

A stock boy came out to throw out trash. The door flew open and some young guy was just standing there, eyes wide, still holding a bag of garbage, taking it all in. She was the dirty hooker in the alley now! Kim was on the brink, ready to roll over. Just one thing remained. She had to say the words.

Her john said, "You can fuck her too buddy. You just need twenty bucks and wait your turn."

She could see the idea rolling around in his head and she imagined letting this kid take his turn next and started to cum. She needed to say the words.

"Get the fuck out of here!" she said.

That snapped him out of his trance and he turned to go back into the building and tell all his coworkers what he had seen. The kid left just as her knees turned to jello and she came on her john again. At her very real, guttural moan, her spine rippled with a staccato rhythm of full body spasms. Not even her John could hold it off anymore.

"Come on, peaches. Show me your new trick!" He pulled out of her and urged her to her knees.

Kim opened her mouth eagerly to anticipate his python and swallowed it whole and deep. He stroked himself off with her skull for a few final thrusts and then sunk deep around the corner of her throat and began to flex his cock as he deposited his load into her stomach. Kim couldn't breathe. She was still high from her orgasm and her endorphins were surging. It was everything she ever wanted. It was ecstasy. And the moment he pulled out and she caught her breath, Kim knew it was really her first in a new life.

Her jeans were so tight that she couldn't pull them up over her fat ass.

He puts a twenty into her bra. She knew the stock boy was probably still watching on the security camera and she felt so cheap and dirty now. It was thrilling.

By the time she got her ass back in those tight pants, Kim's John had already left. She was a mess, with dirt on her knees and all sweaty, but she had to get back to Scott.

As she rounded the corner she saw him hauling bags from their cart into the trunk of their car in the parking lot. Before he could see her, Kim ducked back into the store and headed for the back room.

Knowing the layout already she felt confident just walking into the back. She sees the stockboy who was watching her. He had clearly told a couple of the other stock boys what he'd seen as they all crowded around the monitor. They were all wide-eyed seeing her strut into the back room like this. Part of her kind of liked the thrill of the scandalous attention she was getting now that her husband wasn't here. The way he was staring at her was as though she were a glass of water and he was starving.

She saw the very same bathroom she took her boyfriend into some many years ago and Kim smiled. She fully realized her power.

"Tell you what," she said to him. "Why don't we step into my office and have a private conversation?"

Kim took him into the gross staff bathroom and started unbuckling his pants.

"Look I don't have alot of time right now, but how about a down payment now and you don't tell your boss about what you saw, and I will come back after close tonight and you and your friends can run a train on me. How's that sound?"

She couldn't believe the words were leaving her mouth but her eyes were open now to how easy men were. He was a young guy and simply nodded, "Sounds good." he said, not wanting to mess this up for himself. "Old McManus is never here anyway, who's there to tell?"

"Les McManus is still the manager here?" Kim couldn't believe Les was still at the same job as when she left.

"You know him or something?" Realizing this was a conversation she didn't want to have right now, she started gripping his dick.

"Got twenty bucks?" She asked.

Kim sucked him off thinking about Scott circling the parking lot, trying to see which shoes stores she might be at. She would just tell him she tripped and fell in the mud and she was upset and Scott would be super supportive.

The stockboy came down Kim's throat and gave her twenty bucks. It was more thrilling than than the first time with her boyfriend years ago, because this was so much more wrong.

As she left thinking about how little this place had changed and how much she had, Kim fueled herself on the shocked faces and lecherous judgement of the other guys standing around the loading dock and freezer. She gave quick thought to which ones would be waiting for her services after they closed for the night. She told the dick she sucked she would be back at 11pm. That would give her enough time to catch up with Scott, get home and have a shower, get cleaned up while he makes dinner, watch a movie and as he falls asleep around 10:30, she would leave a fairly familiar note saying she went to the gym for a cycle, slip down the street and be the filthy hooker she really wanted to be. It obviously wasn't just a one time occurrence now. Kim was starting to feel comfortable with the idea of moonlighting as a prostitute for the thrill and just not telling her husband anything about it.

She was already planning outfit.


2024-04-05 22:55:15
Fantastic stories about Kim. Really hope there’s a part 3 coming

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