Hi my name is Elizabeth, although everybody always called me Lisa. I live in a European country, and I will tell my story here. Sorry if my grammar is not so good. This happened years ago I am 37 now. The man in this story was 59 then. The reason I tell this story is that it marked my sexual life ever since.
I was a 5 feet 25 girl, small for my age and also a chubby girl, as you can imagine I wasn’t popular at school, and suffered bullying for a few years. I was very very very shy, tremendously shy. I lived alone with mom, she was a nurse, and worked in different shifts. My dad never loved me he always showed contempt at me and snubbed me when I talked to him, he always told me my birth was a mistake, but he left us and we never knew from him anymore. My mom was a good mom, but because of her shifts I used to be alone more often than normal kids.
The bullying I talked about were always the same 4 girls and one boy who walked the first mile and a half with me who used to bully me. I had a 4 mile walk to school, and back home after school again.
One of those days in which they again walked the first mile and a half with me, it started again, after calling me things and I ignoring them, they throwed my books on the ground and while I was picking things of the ground one of them pushed me and trying not to fall I twisted my ankle.
It happened in front of and apartment building and soon a man of about 60 years rushed towards me who saw it all happen. They ran away, he helped me pick up my things and helped me up, but I couldn’t stand so he offered me to put a bandage on my ankle and I decided to accept because I didn’t want my mom to know what was happening at school. I had never told her about the bullying. So that day I went with him and he took care of my ankle with a bandage.
He watched out for me the next couple of days, but as soon as he wasn’t there it all happened again. So one time he offered to wait for me when school ended so he could walk me close to home. I liked that because at least I went home fearless, and he enjoyed doing it. After a month of knowing him and walking me home we talked about lots of things and I felt very confortable when he was around, I guess I saw him like a kind of father figure. He invited me to his apartment the days that my mom had afternoon shift and wouldn’t be home after school, and I had gone a few times, we watched movies and I even did my homework there sometimes. I was convinced after almost two months now of knowing him that he was very kind to me and that I liked going to his apartment.
We talked about everything. He asked me one time about my dressing style. I can still remember our conversation, all the things that happened in that period I have them burned in my mind, everything, sometimes I still hear our conversations in my mind.
- Why do you always wear wide jeans and sweaters?
- I’m not thin... I am chubby and those clothes don’t suit me.
- You’re wrong, there are boys who like chubby girls and therefore also like chubby girls dressed sexy.
- Not on my school... nobody likes fat girls at my school.
- You are not fat, just a little chubby like you say, but definitely not fat. And you have a very pretty face.
- You are lying, I am fat.
- You know I could tell of somebody who likes you a lot...
- Sure...
- Me.
I blushed immediately and didn’t dare look at him anymore. I was a very very insecure girl and very very incredibly shy. I was feeling a little uncomfortable so I told him I had to go home that day. He didn’t stop me. But before I left he asked me if he could pick me up after school tomorrow. I said yes.
When he picked me up I felt so much shame for what he said the day before that I talked less than usual, Ii didn’t want him to bring that conversation up again. He asked me if I would like to go with him to his apartment again and I said yes. We talked about lots of things like always but 2 hours before I had to leave he suddenly said:
- I mean what I said yesterday Lisa. I like you very much, the way you are and I like your very pretty face. But I am not able to tell how your body looks like wearing always those wide clothes. I’m not asking you to show me your body but at least you could take off your sweater if you are wearing something underneath it. Are you wearing something?
- Yes, a tanktop...
- Only a tanktop?
- Yes...
- No bra?
- Oh yes, also a bra...
- You see, at your age you are already using a bra, you should be proud. You would make me very happy if you would take your sweater off...
I felt very ashamed of my breast, I had very big breast for my age, and later in my life I underwent surgery to reduce my breast size because of my neck and upper back pain, and the weight was leading to kyphosis. Also a lot of bullying from the boys at school started always because of my breast, so normally I wore clothes that didn’t show anything of my breast, and when people started to talk about breasts I always felt very very uncomfortable.
- So Lisa? You want to do that for me?
- I don’t know... it embarrass me so much...
- Why?
- because of my breast, I feel very embarrassed because of them, and it’s always a motive to bully me at school...
- I won’t bully you because of that, you can be sure about that. I’m sure they’re just jealous.
I thought that it would make no difference if he saw me in sweater or tank top and it would make him happy, and because he had been so good for me and helping me with the bullying problem I felt like ‘OK I do it for you’. So I took of my sweater and there I was standing in my jeans and tank top.
- You are so beautiful Lisa. I feel so stupid to tell this Lisa, and I know you probably will not want to talk with me anymore or maybe even see me anymore but...
- But what?
- Please promise you don’t be mad at me OK?
- No...
- Promise me...
- I promise...
- I think you are so damn beautiful and um... I have fallen a little bit in love with you in these two months...
I immediately started to blush, I didn’t know what to think because I liked the fact that somebody at least thought I was beautiful and I liked the fact that I was wanted by somebody but he was 59. I didn’t know what to say so I kept silence, and was hoping he continued to talk, but I could notice he was not feeling confortable with having told me that.
- I’m so sorry Lisa, I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable with this, and if you do not want to return here I understand... I just... I know I am 59 and you... but I... it’s just the way I feel, sorry.
I didn’t know what to say. I felt so ashamed. It was an uncomfortable situation so I think that’s why he changed suddenly.
- I can tell you are wearing a red bra, am I right?
- Yes.
- That is so sexy Lisa! Can I see the bra? I mean just by lifting your top? Please Lisa...
I didn’t know what to do, I could feel my face blush. I blocked and didn’t know what to do or say, I took the bottom of my tank top, but wasn’t sure if I should lift it.
- Don’t be afraid Lisa nobody can see it, it’s only you and me, it’s like being on the beach in a bikini, except there is no sand and water, and at least I, am going to keep my mouth shut. I haven’t seen Lisa’s bra.
- ok...
I lifted my tank top and was showing my bra to him.
- You are making me very very happy Lisa, you are such a beautiful girl! Would you take your tank top of for me? You don’t have to OK, but I would like to see you like if you were in bikini and imagine how you would look like if we were on the beach.
I thought it would do no harm if he could see me like when I was on the beach with my mom, and I took it off.
- You are making me the most happiest man on the world Lisa, I mean this. Do you like making me happy Lisa?
- yes...
- Is your panty the same color as your bra?
- yes...
- Can I see that too? Like a bikini?
- I don’t know J...
- Lisa no one sees you, only you and me here...
I could only think of the two months we knew each other, he had always been good to me and I thought to myself that this was like thanking him for that.
- but I only lower my jeans a little bit ok?
- That’s fine Lisa, thank you.
I lowered a little bit the waste of my jeans.
- So beautiful Lisa, but I want to see your entire panty OK? Lower your jeans a little bit more...
I lowered a little bit more until my entire panty was visible.
- Please Lisa lower your jeans to your knees OK? Then you can dress again OK?
I lowered my jeans until my knees, and there I was standing while he was sitting on the sofa. He took a polaroid instant camera.
- Lisa, you mind if I take a few pics of you like that? I’ll do it with this camera OK? So you can see it right away, I just want you to see how beautiful you are.
I thought that there was nothing wrong if he did it like he said so I said yes. He took a front picture of me and I had to turn around and he made one of the back and then he asked me to bend over and made another one.
- You can dress Lisa. Thank you very very much. Please sit next to me when you finish OK?
- ok...
I did. He showed me the pics.
- You see? You are a very pretty girl.
- No I am chubby.
- Maybe you are chubby for girls of your age, but for me you have a perfect little ass.
- Why you want these pictures?
- Because I cannot stop thinking of you and this way I will always have a sexy thought of you.
- But please don’t show them to nobody, please!
I blushed a lot.
- Who are those kids that are bullying you?
- Kids from another class. Why do you want to know who they are?
- Lisa, tell me, what do you think would happen if I would show them those three pics?
I immediately blushed again and felt cold and very nervous, just by thinking he would do that.
- Well my beautiful Lisa? What do you think would happen?
- I think I could go no more to school!!!!!
- And you don’t want that...
- NO!!!
- I don’t want it either but you know...
- ...what?
- I will not show it to them OK? But I want something in return OK?
- what?
- You sitting on me Lisa...
- Sit on you?
- Yes...
I sat on his lap.
- Not like that Lisa. Open your legs and sit on me facing me.
I sat on him like he told me. We were dressed so I felt save in that way. He grabbed my ass and pulled me higher towards him. I hadn’t done anything with a man in my life and I hadn’t even imagined anything with a man, but I could tell he wanted to hug me and that he had pulled me up and wanted me to sit on his penis. He then started to move my hips with his two hands back and forth over his penis I didn’t know what to do or how to behave so I just hung my arms on the side while he kept me moving me back and forth. I remember “that” felt very hard in his jeans.
- This is our secret Lisa, I like you so much.
I could feel he started to breathe heavily and with one arm he hugged me and pulled me hard against him while he kept moving my hips back and forth. His mouth was in my neck and I could feel him kissing my neck and licking my neck to my ear.
- You are so fucking hot Lisa.
He whispered in my ear. Then he hugged me with one hand around my neck and the other around my waist and pulled me hard against him, and I could feel his body shake and he pulled me down while his hips pushed hard against me and he started to moan very hard. I didn’t know then what was happening but I remember I got very scared because it first was as if he couldn’t get air and right after this came the shaking and very hard moaning. He kept hugging me for a few minutes, then he started to talk.
- Oh shit, oh fuck, oh shit, o shit...
- are you ok?
- Yes Lisa, but This is so wrong!!! I am 59. Don’t ever tell this to nobody please...
- But what you mean with so wrong?
- Lisa I just came in my jeans because of you. I just got an orgasm because of you.
- Orgasm?
- You don’t know what that is?
- No.
- Well an orgasm happens when a man is in love with a girl and the girl gives the man a very good feeling back... but you are too young for this to happen to me, this is so so wrong.
- But you are in love with me?
- Yes Lisa but I feel so ashamed for it.
- I never thought any boy would like me...
- I like you very much Lisa but this is way too wrong!
- You didn’t like it then?
- It has been the best feeling I have had in my whole live! But Lisa I have to clean something now, so please if you let me stand...
- Clean?
- Yes Lisa I have to clean everything down here...
When he came back from cleaning he said:
- You probably don’t want to see me anymore Lisa...
- Why you say that?
- Because of what just happened... I understand if you don’t want to see me anymore Lisa.
- I do want to see you J...
- Please don’t tell this to anybody Lisa...
- I promise.
- Do you mind wearing the same bra and panties tomorrow?
- ok...
I went home that day not really aware of what had happened.