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Ted, his wife Anna, and their old friend Mike kick off their sexy triad weekend with a kinky offahore expedition. Anna has a deep slutty itch, and the sharing men have the dicks to scratch it.
Anna smirked she walked down the gang plank, swinging her hips just a bit extra with each step. Beneath her modest shorts and long-sleeved UV shirt, Anna's microthong pulled a bit at her clit as it slid between her increasingly wet and swollen labia. In a bit of a rush, Anna had more or less crammed her buttplug in without any lube and her asshole felt a bit sore as the lycra thong pushed against it. But she didn't mind. She knew the boys werent going to go any easier on her. Anna was about to get wrecked at sea.

Ted and Mike were prepping up the boat, moving rods about and stowing away gear as Anna approached with, "Ahoy!"

The men both smiled and waved, and Ted reached out to escort his wife aboard. Anna slipped out of her sandals and stepped aboard, taking Ted's hand. "So this is where the cocks hang out," Anna quipped before leaning into Ted with a passionate kiss. Mike blushed a bit, turned away, and began unmooring the bow; his dick twitched beheath his boardies.

Ted fired up the Mercs and checked through the electronics. Anna started to settle beneath the Ttop, taking her shirt off over her head to reveal her miniscule bikini top. Don, one of the dock boys riding his bike by atop a larger pier, whisled a bit and hollered, "Hey Mrs. K! WHERE ARE YA TITS?" Anna stuck out her chest, beamed, but shot back , "In your dreams runt!"

The men laughed, cracking a few cold beers as they pushed off, and the trio disembarked the marina.

Underway, Anna lounged back into the leaning post and massaged her tits a bit, pinching her nipples between her fingers as they slowly motored through the no wake zones. Anna had always been pretty flat chested, spare her pregnancies. Most of the time she never bothered with a bra to smother her a-sized mosquito bites.  Even if they had lost some of their firmness at 35, Anna was pleased with her small boobies.

Ted didn't give a shit about her chest much anyway.  Sure he loved to pinch and suck her breasts alot, but he knew where the money was: the undercarriage. And thats where Anna excelled. Anna could take a dick like a true whore.

Clearing the wake zones, Anna shifted back and forth a bit, griding into her buttplug, sparking a wave of pussy juice that soaked her crotch. As the boat hit its plain, the men settled down into the leaning post under the Ttop with Anna. Sheltered a bit from the wind, the trio cranked up some jams and sped out the inlet, bound for secret numbers out in the indigo water

As the boat settled into the offshore course Mike took a swig of cold beer, and he felt a delicate hand take firm grasp of his cock. Mike looked down to see Anna's hand grasp and press and pull his dick through his boardies. Mike leaned his head back, put a leg up on the center console, and patted his old friend Ted on the shoulder across Anna.

"I could get used to fishing like this old-friend," Mike gruffly purred as Anna made his dick swell.

"I'm really glad your joining us like this, Mike," Ted replied as Anna also worked his dick with her other hand, pulling occasionally at his balls through his loose shorts. "Anna's been damp for a week anticipating our outing, she can't keep raving about getting filled up with that dick of yours," Ted called back over the motors' drone.

It was totally true. Since Ted and her agreed to add another cock to the equation, she had been horny as hell to get another crack at Mike. Mike and Anna had hooked up years before her and Ted and even met, but she always kept a wet spot for Mike. She couldn't wait any longer and shot Ted a desperate look. Ted leaned over, kissed her deeply, squeezed a tit, and gave her a nod.

Anna quickly stood, turned, and knelt before Mike. Mike sat up a bit straighter and gulped. Anna deftly untied Mike's shorts and unlaced the fasten to spring his huge dick. 9 inches of maxxed out uncircumcised man dick bobbed in the air as the boat cut over and through the waves. Anna didn't miss a beat as she worked Mikes dong up and down, revealing his stollen head on the down stroke as she lowered her head onto it. "Fuuuck," Mike hissed, placing a free hand on Anna's head, enjoying the wind and salt air. Anna gulped and sluped and slobbered over Mike's dick, with Ted glancing over from time to time, smiling, keeping the boat on course and sipping his beer.

After a few minutes of Anna sucking their past history out of Mike's cock, Ted scooched over and pulled his own worthy dick out of his shorts. Anna held out her hand and began stroking Ted as she lapped at Mike's balls. "Fuck, I'm a lucky woman to have such hard, handsome dicks to fuck out here," Anna confessed as she jerked off both men under the Ttop, "you two better fuck me right and catch me some dinner!"

"Oh, you'll get fucked right, don't you worry Momma," Ted replied. Ted grinned and put his arm around Mike, clinking their beers together as his dutiful wife worshiped their dicks. Ted and Mike had been more brothers than friends, though not related. They'd been through thick and thin, and shared so much of their lives together over the decades. Ted was stoked to share his wife with his best friend, too. Plus, Ted knew about Mike's huge dick, and it was undeniably thrilling to watch Anna work out her slut energy on Mike's towering slab of man meat.

Anna bobbed back and forth between her men, dragging drool and spit across the dicks, creating a mess. Anna took a breath and spoke up as she stood. "Okay cocks, I'm on fucking fire. I need to get something in me," Anna spat trough drool and pre-cum. Anna leaned over the center console and stuck her ass out into the air as she peeled off her wet shorts.

No sooner done, man fingers began to poke, prod, pull, rub, and penetrate Anna's vagina around and through her thin biniki bottom. The microthong stretched and pulled at Anna's freshy waxed, meaty pussy as the men gropped. Sliding the tong to one side, one of the men took hold of the buttplug and pulled it firmly against her sphincter. Anna squealed a bit and leaned back into the faceless hands mauing at her asshole and pussy. The buttplug broke free and Anna felt a quick wave of relief before a digit began to probe into her anus. Another set of fingers worked at Anna's pussy as she braced the console and groaned loudly. Sometimes both hands would collaborate to test or stretch an ofrace. Anna's enormous labia swelled in delight as a pair of fingers stretched on an outer lip. Anna slapped the console as her body tensed and contorted, gushing fluids onto the deck and men's hand as she popped an orgasm. Standing there dripping in sweat and grool from probing hands, Anna was pure bliss. Anna sank back onto the leaning post, taking the hands of her men into her mouth to suck and lick her fluids. She moaned sofly.

Ted interrupted, "Hey, hold on, stand up real quick momma."

Anna quickly obeyed, and looked back over her shoulder to see Mike holding her plug. She smiled and bent over a bit more. Mike spit crudly and hard on Anna's butthole before working the plug into place. Mike slapped her ass and Anna hopped onto the bench. "I thought I was feeling a little empty!," Anna joked as she and the men laughed.

As the trio cruised accross the sea, the water grew deeper, clearer, more blue, more dark.  The men's hands restlessly probed and caressed Anna as they ran. Anna's tone, tan body glistened with sweat and other fluids. She laughted and kissed and gently bit at the men for their playful explorations. Finally, Anna spoke up over the motors, "Okay boys, here's the only real rule: all cum goes IN me. I want it all, and i want it inside. I want to be full."

"DEAL!," both men replied in unison, and the trio laughed gleefully.

Ted noticed the depth and spotted a weed line, and pulled the troddle back. "Let's set a little spread out and start working that pussy," Ted announced. Mike agreed and the men set to working rods and lines. Anna walked up to the bow, put down a towel, and layed out on the rail to sun her near nude body. As the men scurried about Anna's mind and fingers wandered her body's curves and through her folds.

Several minutes later the boat set couse again in a slow troll. Anna woke from her horny daydream from a sudden shade. Mike stood before her as she sat up on the bow rail. The hard rail pushed back against her plug and she straightened up a little extra, fresh with lust.

"Ted told me to get first crack," Mike said sheepishly as he blushed a bit. Anna smiled politely, stood and kissed Mike deeply as she took hold of his half erect dick.

"You don't need to be shy or reserved, we know what we're doing Mike," Anna assured him. "Sometimes i get an itch, and a good dicking is the only medine. I need that dick Mike. I need that cum. I need it so fucking bad," Anna purred into Mike's ear. Mike's dick pumped to life and Anna's pussy drooled.

Anna took Mike's hand as she stepped past him, towards the coffin cooler. Anna pulled her bikini down,  slipped it off, spread her legs, and presented herself to Mike. Anne's large labia were swollen and dark, glistening in the harsh offshore sun, framing a resting gape of deep pink, moist flesh. Anna had birthed two children naturally, and Ted had done serious work to keep her loose. The couple both loved her generously welcoming pussy, and enjoyed putting hard mileage into it.

Mike was somewhat intimidated by, but also thankful for Anna's fuckable pussy. Mike's big dick meant he usually had to talk it easy or be careful with women. Particularly women as petite as Anna.It was clear he could have his way with Anna. Mike stripped his shorts to free his python, approached Anna, and slid easily into her wanting pussy. Anna's meaty lips gently parted around the cock as her vagina's inner folds eagerly accepted inch after inch.

"Oof. Oof. Fuck yes Mike, just fuck yes!" Anna barked as she started pushing her backside against him. Mike thrust forward into her. Mike grunted a bit and held his hips firm. Anna started fucking herself at this point, slamming her wet hole around Mike's cock. Mike had dick for days, but not really the same stretching girth as Ted's hammer. And Ted knew all her spots and just how to hit them. They were unrivaled lovers and Anna was staight up addicted to Ted's dicking.

But, then, Mike shifted gears. He reached down and grasped Anna's hips and set out putting all 9 inches of cock to use. Mike started genuinely fucking ramming Anna with all his might. Anna lost fucking control. Panting and breathing deeply between gasps and moans, Anna stared up at Ted as he came around the frontside of the console to her on the cooler.

"So it's like that?," Ted asked.

Anna just sorta bobbed her head a bit and moaned in pleasure. "Fuckkk mmmmeee," Anna stammered out weakly. Mike enthusiastically obliged.

As Mike bottomed out into Anna's pussy for the thousandth time he let out a mighty grunt. "Fuuugggaahhhuuuummm," Mike grumbled as he came into Anna. Slapping turned to squishing as Mike shot an overdue load of cum that squeezed out her rim aroung the base of his dick. Anna collapsed back down onto the cooler, and Mike sat back down on the bow rail with his dick leaking profusely.

Ted coo'd at Anna a bit as he bent down and kissed her head, beaded in sweat. Anna lay there, heaving and squirming slightly in Mike's aftershocks. Ted traced his fingers along Anna's lithe frame, unhooking her string of a top. Guiding his hands accross her still heaving body, Ted cupped her breasts and traced the lines of her body. Then Ted smoothly and softly seized Anna by the hips into a new position, taking care not to spill too much of Mike's load. Anna's hips responded instinctively even as she lay there glazed out of her mind in ecstacy.

Anna snapped  back to life as Ted's ample dick plunged into her. The gerth, the firm power, the care. Ted was a fuck genius with a thick 6 inch dick that never failed. Ted's dick was the kind of dick that gets sculpted or molded for history. Though, after Mike's impressive ramming, Ted met with little resistance. Ted set at once to work Anna over. Gliding effortlessly through Mike's creampie, Ted slowly chured at Anna's pussy. With each dwliberate stoke Ted took a slightly different angle of approach, flexing and pushing Anne's vagina in new ways.

But, then Ted slowed and stopped. "Everything okay hun?" Anna asked between heavy breaths.

Ted smiled, "Oh ya, better than okay. You'll see."

Anna's thoughts swam for a second before she felt the release of Ted removing her plug. Ted slowly and methodically removed his cock from her now gaping, cum frothed pussy and scooped some of the slurry into Anna's slightly stretched asshole. Anna let out a slight giggle and gasp. She hadn't thought of this depravity in her fantasy for some reason. Using another man's cum for anal lube, how devious. Ted was a step ahead of her. Ted slid a hand  under Anna in support of her stomach, raised her rear up a bit, and firmly sank his cum-covered dick into her anus. Anna screamed in delight and swallowed Ted's fat dick inside of her.

Out there, 60 odd miles of opean ocean all around in a sphere of blue, and Anna was getting fucked deep in the ass by her husband using their friend's cum as lube, as he sat watching. And they were stoked.

As Ted methodically fucked away at Anna's ass, his balls slapped into her sloppy pussy. Cum grurgled and splattered as the couple sank and thrust into one another. Dick in hand,  stroking himself a little, Mike was impressed. They were fucking nuts, and it was hot.

After thoroughly drilling the depts of Anna's bowels for a few minutes, Ted set forth a mighty thrust and sank himself to the hilt. Anna let out a loud, "Ughhhnn," and Ted echoed with a howl of pleasure. Ted's nuts drained out tablespoons of cum into Anna's butt. Anna bit a finger and let her colon welcome the dick and its flowing sperm. Anna was well practiced, she controled her breaching and savored the anal feast of cock and cum.

As smoothly as Ted withdrew his cock from Anna's stretched, dark, reddened anus, he reiserted the plug to keep his cum within. Ted held the plug there in Anna's asshole for a few moments while Mike put shorts back on and Anna caught her breath. Ted sofly traced the rim of Anna's asshole with a wet finger to try and entice some constriction from the tired muscle. A few ticklish laps and Anna's butthole accepted the plug to seal in Ted's cum.

Ted helped Anna to her feet and they exchanged a gentle embrace. Anna pulled her bikini bottom back on in a somewhat comical move. After getting fucked by two grown men, Anna's undercarriage was plump, flusf, agape, and oozing. At least the tiny thong might keep some of Mike's cum in, Anna thought, she hated to waste any. Just then a dollop of cum fell from Anna with a splat on the deck and she giggled. Mike and Ted joked about being lucky nothing bit as they all trolled and fucked, and talked some shop about Anna's pussy and ass.

As they laughed and worked the boat, Mike and Ted set up a beanbag for Anna along with some shade and a fresh drink in the stern, then they set to actually fishing. Soon the boat hit some meat, pulling a few decent cobia out of the shade of an adrift palm tree, along with a handful of schoolie mahi. After putting some good troll meat in the box, the boat and its horny crew finally hit their botton numbers out at the ledge.  Ted set the sea anchor while Mike swapped rigs. Anna's pussy twitched a bit as she watched the strong men work.

Suddenly they were hooking up, yanking some triggers and assorted snapper off the live-bottom. As Ted reeled in a surprise snowy grouper, he called for the net but it never came. Ted  looked around the deck and found Mike balls deep in Anna's mouth as she lounged. Ted laughed and called for Mike again, louder. Mike got the message and detached himself from Anna, rushing over with the net.

Twice fucked and creampied, Anna figured she'd just stay where she was to see what would happen. As she lounged, Anna pulled and fingered at her loosened pussy while Ted and Mike worked the bite. Well the men took notice. Somewhat frustratingly, since the trigger bite was good, they worked out a game - much to Anna's delight. While one man fished, the other could get sucked off by Anna, so long as they rushed with the net when called. There were no losers as the trio slowly drifted, fished, and played their way through the deep blue. Soon the boat hit its limits and the trio preped for the long motor home.

As the men set about stowing rods and gear, hoisting the anchor, and securing lines, Anna had slipped out of her shady nook. When they stopped scurrying about, Ted and Mike looked up to find Anna up at the bow coffin cooler. Anna was staring at the men, with one hand reached back between her legs digging around at her crotch. "Hmmmmm," Anna moaned a bit, "I'm felling a bit, a bit... empty, gentlemen. Could y'all lend me some cock?" Anna smiled and plunged her fingers deeper into herself.

The men grinned widly, high-fived, and stripped their shorts. When Ted and Mike got around behind Anna, her pussy was begging. Thick, half-translucent, viscous fluids slowly gurgled out of Anna as she took her fingers out of herself. Her pussy was hot and loose, raw and hungry for dick. Ted stepped up and thrust himself deeply into Anna. Annas worn hole gobbled the strong dick. As high mileage as Annas fuckpot was, Ted's healthy specimen still caught its delicate folds in just the right way to stretch her out a bit extra. Ted's smooth, thick cock glided perfectly across her pussy's engorged membranes.

After a few passionate strokes, Ted withdrew himself from from Anna and shifted her hips over to Mike. "Here ya go old-friend, let's do tradsies."

Mike obliged with a, "Thank you, sir," and replaced his own self into Anna.

Anna squirmed and purred loudly. "Fuck it's great to be the center of so much attention from such hot cock. You two spoil me!"

Ted slapped Anna on the ass as Mike found a rhythm of deep thrusts, "You deserve to be spoiled, momma. Hot piece of ass like you deserves the best fucking."

Anna hummed in agreement, and Mike picked up his pace. Anna's eyes rolled over and she grunted, "nugh... nugh... nugh... nugh..." as Mike drilled her with power. Mike and his rod were like a fucking machine. Long meriless strokes of dick that never seamed to end. Just when Anna's beat-up pussy thought a stroke was over, 9 inches of man would pump back into her, pushing aside her cervex and womb. "Fuck, Mike, i can taste your dick in my throat," Anna gasped through the pummeling.

Mike withdrew suddenly, himself panting for breath as he slid Anna back across the cooler to Ted. Ted placed the head of his shlong at the mouth of Anna's now yawning pussy. Ted breathed in and out with deep purpose, extending his dick into Anna on the exhale. As he thrust, Ted pushed back the churned loads of cum and grool into Anna. Ted then quick withdrew, and then respeated the pluging thrust. Ted looked over at Mike, making eye contact, and the two nodded in understanding.

After stuffing the sex slush back into Anna, Ted traded with Mike. Mike smashed and churned and pounded Anna's loose maw to spill her over, then traded back to Ted, who would smooth and plunge the hole back into shape. As the two traded blows at Anna, she howeled and grunted with delight. Her itch was finally getting scratched. Her forever lover and his best friend were ravishing her, reducing her to savage, primal urges. She groaned as the men traded her meat back and forth. Her bottom was a firepit of lust as the men fucked away at her. Squelching queefs sputtered and spit as Ted and Mike took their turns at Anna, their own dicks dripping each other and her onto the deck. It was carnal.

Finally, Ted changed the game. After Mike had smashed Anna into a foamy pit and handed her over, Ted set once again to Anna's asshole. Instead of smoothing the mess of mixed fluids back down deep inside Anna, Ted popped out the plug and thrust his fingers into her creamed vag. Ted scooped up some of the cum mix and slopped it onto Anna's asshole. Anna hissed with perverse pleasure, and Mike watched studiously as he stoked his own dripping dick.

Ted took his swollen member and thrust into Anna's anus. Ted was more forceful this time, and Anna was ready. Ted hiked his leg atop a corner of the cooler to gain a steeper angle on Anna's rectum and began pumping into her. Ted wasn't mechanical like Mike, he surged and fell like crashing waves. Somehow Ted's ebb drew the fire and lust out of Anna, as if his cock created a vacuum of need in her holes. Ted's flow dove the lava back in, putting her out of her mind as her body swelled with pleasure. Anna arched her back and ass into the air to meet Ted's rising and falling cock. With a free hand, Ted reached between himself and Anna and drove a tumb into her sloshing pussy, pressing hard against her pelvic wall. Anna let out a, "Ughmmmmphhhhh uhhhhooo ffffuuuuckkkk." Ted plowed in and out of Anna's ass while smushing his tumb against Anna's g-spot, and she erupted in a gyser. "FUUUUUUUKKKKKK ummmmmmmaahhhhh," Anna screamed out. Pee and female ejaculate and foamed cum sprayed from Anna's pussy. Showered in fresh warm fluid, Ted arched his back, thrust as deeply as he could into Anna's rectum, and exploded a mighty load into her gut. This time, as Ted's dick soften and he withdrew, bubbles of cum began to oose out of Anna's butt. Two loads of stirred, stuffed cum were trying to escape. Ted quickly shoved the plug back in and repeated his ritual to revive the battered sphincter.

Mike looked on, horny and touching himself, "How many loads are you trying to save in there, and when do I get a crack at her ass?"

"Ya," Anna playfully proded looking back over her shoulder, "when does Mike get to fuck my ass?"

Ted chuckled as Anna's asshole sprang back to life a bit and constricted back around the plug, sealing in the sperm, "Oh I'd like to put another one or two deposits in there before I share my goal for the hole, please and thank you!"

Mike and Anna laughed, and Mike anxiously took hold of her business end. "Well whatever bro," Mike cooly hissed with pleasure as he sank himself back into Anna warm, loose flesh. "I... am.... going... to... ruin... this... fucking!" Mike spat out gruffly between squishing smashes. Mike's long steely dick cut in and through the layers of cum and vaginal fluid that Ted had lovingly pressed into Anna's depths. With his length and power, Anna flopped lifeless onto the cooler. Anna let her hips and legs fall beheath Mike's control as he relentlessly fucked away at her. Just like years ago, Mike was like a machine. Anna let herself succumb to the onslaught of cock. As the foam of bodily fluids stacked up between the lovers in their throws, Mike bellowed out, "I'm coming! Fuuuuuckkk..."

The pounding stopped and Mike stood there shaking a bit, his dick pulsing into Anna, his balls twitching beneath a layer of lovers' froth. Anna could barely feel the added semen being shot into her until some cooled a and ran down over her clit. "Dude, I have never cum like that before! Now I get it," Mike boasted as Ted handed him a towel to clean with, "well-used pussy is just better!"

Anna smiled a wide grin as she sat up on the cooler. Her body was covered in  reddened hand prints and grope marks. Her tiny tits glistened in the sun and heat and sweat, and her pussy sagged down onto the cooler, drooping its tired labia and spilling out juices. She reached down two fingers into her men's pooled cum and took it whorishly into her mouth, "That was a pretty good fucking afterall." Then she scooped up another taste from deeper within her distended vagina. "Mmm, nice and full," Anna coo'd with satisfaction.

"Right!," Ted exclaimed, gazing up and down Anna's fucked over body, "damn good work Mike, great to see another man know how to use his dick right, brother." Ted handed Anna a towel.

"No thanks," Anna smiled as she waved a hand in decline, "mmm, I just want to stew a bit in all of this."

"Well at least put some bottoms on to keep us in you and off the boat!" Ted chuckled.

Anna giggled too and slipped back into her transparent purple thong, which was itself already soaked and stretched a bit, woefully inadequate to stem her flooding orface.

The men cracked another couple beers and started gleefully rehashing their erotic conquest of Anna as she sank down into her oversized beanbag. In the shady escape from the summer sun, Anna laid her head back and closed her eyes. The motors kicked back into gear. The drone and rythm of the sea lulled Anna's over-sexed body off to sleep as the trio of lovers sped back to port. As she began to sleep, her nipples perked up. She remembered, this was just the start of their long weekend together.
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