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Sorry there's so many themes but I wanted to include everything. Also, this story is set in a dystopian modern society where slavery is accepted but only within familial groups, like slaves aren't bought or sold, but their children are given to their owner's children and so on.
Sorry I'm still editing I didn't mean to publish so like don't read this plz.

Elowena 1

As I stood in the kitchen fidgeting, my mind raced. Today was the day. All my sisters had already chosen their men, and now it was nearly my turn. I was a slave, and a slave's daughter, and today i would leave my home with my new master. I had it all planned out. I would choose Luke, as he was always kind to me. The other girls all said they would choose Henry, because he was rich, or Dylan, because he was handsome, or Dmitri because he was mysterious. Only one other girl said she would choose Luke, meaning there was no chance of me being rejected. If one of the men didn't have a girl yet, then the last girl had to choose him, or if the man already had five girls, then a slave girl couldn't choose him. I was the youngest of 12 sisters, and was owned by a rich democrat with four sons. To give the illusion of freedom, the children of a man's slaves would take their pick of the man's own children. Today I was going to make the first important choice I had ever made in my life. I was only 15, but I was ready. When I finally heard my name being called, I stepped through the doorway into the living room and my face fell.

There, standing submissively behind Luke, were five of my sisters. Four of whom had told me they would be choosing Dmitri and Henry. So many emotions flashed through my mind; anger, resentment and most of all, disappointment. With a quick glance around my feelings seemed to plummet even further if that were possible, because Henry and Dylan both had three girls standing behind them, leaving Dmitri, the man I had feared most since he arrived a few years ago, without a slave girl.

"Girl?" asked the master gruffly. "Who do you choose?"

I stuttered for a moment, unsure of what to say, until the words came out of my mouth without my permission.

"I apologise, sir, I choose Dmitri, sir."

I saw Dmitri nod, accepting me as his slave.

The master nodded and gestured me forward, and on shaky legs, I walked to Dmitri, standing behind him. I thought I detected a smile on his face as I passed him, but my fear was too overwhelming to be certain.

Now that everyone had been chosen, we were sent to get our bags before heading to the front door for potentially the last time. One by one, the cars were brought around to the front, and each was piled to the limit with slaves and master, until finally, Dmitri's car was brought around. With shaking hands, I managed to open the car door, but froze when his hand was on my shoulder.

"No," he said in his thick accent. "You will ride in the front with me." I nodded and he took the bag from my hand and laid it on the back seat before guiding me around and opening the passenger door for me. I was dumbfounded. Slaves were never permitted to ride in the passenger seat. I fidgeted nervously as he slid in beside me and put the car into gear, pulling out onto the road.

"Your name is Elowena, Yes?" he asked once they had pulled out of the driveway.

"Yes, Sir," I replied, looking at my lap. I was surprised he knew my name. He was rarely around and even his brothers who grew up around me didn't know my name.

"In my house, I have no staff, it will be just me and you. I will cook three times a week and you will be expected to prepare meals the rest of the times."

I nodded.

"You will address me as Sir or Master unless I say otherwise. Understood?"

I nodded again.

"Use your words Elowena, unless I specifically ask of you otherwise."

"Sorry, sir, I understand, sir," I replied timidly.

"Good girl," he said in a way that made me shiver. "As for religion, you will be permitted to pray for 15 minutes a day after dinner, and I will bring you too church on Sundays-"

"My apologies, sir, but you don't need to tell me."

I could feel his glare boring into me, making me want to shrink into the seat. "You do not interrupt me when I am speaking. You better have a good reason not to need this information if you don't want to be punished when we arrive."

I swallowed. "I'm sorry, sir, but I do not follow any religion or believe in any god, and I don't want to waste your time."

I felt his gaze soften.

"Thank you for telling me but do not ever interrupt me in the future, or you will be punished."

"Yes, master," I replied. The thought of being punished sent a chill down my spine. Some Masters simply punished slaves with no food or more chores, but many would hit them. From the way Dmitri said "punished", I could tell he was one of the latter.

As we drove, I couldn't believe that I was sitting in a car beside Dmitri Robinson. The terrifying illegitimate child of my previous master. He first showed up when I was only young, dark, terrifying and Russian, demanding to speak to his father about claiming his rightful inheritance when it was due. I never could have imagined that I would be that inheritance. With his pale complexion, dark hair, tall build and thick accent, he made other men look like children.

He still terrified me to that day.

"You will be required to wake up before me and make breakfast for the two of us. On weekdays, you will have a set of chores every day and if you finish while I am still working, you may do as you please as long as you do not disturb me. On weekends and on some weeknights, you will be at my disposal. You will be expected to be a sexual slave as well as a working slave. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir."

He noticed when I tensed when he mentioned 'sexual'. I was still a virgin, unlike many of my sisters, and though I knew what sex was, I was as inexperienced as they came.

"I take it from your reaction, you are a virgin?"

"Yes, sir."

"Surprising, considering my father."

"It would have been illegal, sir, he cannot have sexual encounters with second generation slaves until they reach the age of consent: 17, sir."

He quirked a brow at me, and I nervously tugged on the dyed strand of my hair.

"You know your laws, good. Is there any law specifying your working hours?"

"No sir, not for slaves my age. We are only required to be permitted a minimum of 5 hours sleep per day."

"Good, then there should be no problems. I'm assuming you can read and write?"

"Yes, sir."

"How about maths?"

"Only the basics, sir. Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. I can learn though. If you want me to, sir."

"I might need you to help me in the office occasionally. You should be fine with the education you have."

We drove in silence for the rest of the trip. I had never been so anxious in my entire life. When we finally reached his house, i didn't know whether to be relived or terrified. My brain chose the latter. He led me from the car, carrying my bag for me into the apartment block and into the elevator. He pressed the button for the top floor and stomach did a little flip as it began to rise. I'd never been in an elevator before. I grew up on a farm in rural New Jersey and the high rise building of New York scared me. When we reached the top floor, we stepped out into a hall with only two doors, one on either side. Dmitri led me into the one on the left.

As soon as we had stepped into the house, he told me to remove my socks and shoes. I did so, not seeing the point, but not wanting to annoy him on my first day.

He led me through the house, stopping in the bedroom to leave my bag. I was elated to see we wouldn't be sharing, but that didn't mean I wouldn't be spending time in his bed. He showed me the kitchen/living area, which could have held 10 of my old bedroom in it, and then showed me the office, the studio, his bedroom, the bathroom and the library. Everything was decorated in greys and blacks, making the whole place feel like a prison were it not for the splashes of colourful art on the walls every few metres. From the look of his studio, he painted most of them himself. He walked straight passed one room, which I later found was locked. I didn't ask what was in there, I didn't want to know.

As the sun began to dip down on the horizon, bathing the room in beautiful yellows and oranges from the floor to ceiling windows, he led me back to the kitchen where he took a pot of stew from the oven. I may have been terrified of the man, but damn he could cook. The silence was disconcerting though. We didn't speak a word throughout the whole meal, not even when I took the plates to the sink and began to wash them. When I was done, I stood there awkwardly, unsure of what to do.

"Come with me," he said, seeing my discomfort. I nodded and followed him to his bedroom, where he stood me at the end of the bed and shut the door.

"Strip," he said in a commanding tone. I hesitated, afraid to disobey him but even more afraid to let a man I barely knew see me naked when no other man had. He stepped toward me, and I shrank back, until he placed one hand on my shoulder and used to other to raise my chin. Not forcefully. Gently, as if to help calm me down before the rising panic began to show.

"I want to inspect you. I will not hurt you, or touch you, tonight. Do not hesitate or disobey my orders again. Understand?"

"Yes, sir," I said shakily, and slowly began to undo the buttons on my blouse, one by one, letting it fall open to reveal my plain black bra. I saw a look of disapproval and it shook me to my core. I didn't know if it was for my body or my bra. I let the top fall from my shoulders and quickly folded it and placed it on the edge of the bed. My jeans went next. I undid the button and the zip and slid them down my shapely legs, stepping out of them and folding them beside my top. I was on the verge of a panic attack now, my heart beating quicker than it ever should. I reached behind me to unhook my bra and looked at him with pleading eyes. He nodded at me and I sullenly unhooked the bra and let it fall from my shoulders, letting my breasts fall free. I had quite nice tits in my opinion, not to big, not to small. But I was quivering so much now out of fear of what he thought. I finally hooked my thumbs into the waistband of my plain underwear and pushed them down my legs, stepping out of them and adding them to the pile.

He looked me up and down, taking in every curve, every blemish and every flaw as he did so. I was tempted to cover myself up, but I doubted he would be pleased if I did. When he stepped toward me, my anxiety bubbled over, and I was suddenly finding it hard to breathe. My chest heaved as I hyperventilated, my head spinning so much it made me dizzy. Immediately, he was beside me, wrapping his arms around me and sitting me on the bed. I didn't know whether this helped me or made it worse. He hugged my shoulders and petted my hair, holding me against his chest.

"Calm, Elowena, calm. Deep breaths. Breathe. In and out. You don't have to panic. Just take deep breaths," he said to me as he held me close. Slowly I began to calm down, beginning to notice his deep masculine scent and his warm body against mine. Soon, my breathing was in tune with his. Once I had calmed down, he pulled me away from him and looked down into my pale grey eyes.

"Are you okay now?" he asked, and I nodded. "Did you panic because of what I made you do, or because it was me that made you do it?"

It took me a moment to answer. "Both, sir. No man has ever seen me before."

"Why do I scare you ptichka?"

I didn't know what 'ptichka' meant, but it didn't sound like it was an insult, so that was a plus. "I don't really know, sir, you just always have. Since I was a little girl and you first arrived."

"Well you don't have to be scared of me, I won't hurt you unless you're bad. Will you let me look at you now?"

I nodded. He let me go and stood up, gently pulling me to my feet. He slowly walked around me, taking in every sight. He was true to his word, he did not touch me, he only lifted my hair to see my branding properly. The tattoo his father had given me when I was just a little girl. Soon, I would get Dmitri's brand in between my shoulder blades, below my first brand. A sign of his ownership. Eventually, after what felt like eternity, he stepped back and looked back at my face.

"You are a very beautiful girl ptichka. You should not not be ashamed of your body. We will need to buy you some lingerie, because that plain bra isn't doing you any justice. We will have to buy clothes as well, for wearing around the house. I saw your bag and there is no need to be wearing jeans or dresses all day when you are working at home."

I nodded, embarrassed at the thought of him buying me underwear but blushing at his compliment.

"Do you mind if I braid your hair?" he asked, surprising me. "I enjoy it, and it will help you feel more comfortable around me."

I nodded and knelt in front of him as he sat on the bed, grabbing a hairbrush on the way. He began to comb through my tangled, curly mane, starting at the bottom.

"How about this Elowena, while I braid your hair, you are free to speak. You will not be punished for speaking out of turn, or for anything you say unless you insult me. Is that okay with you?"

"Yes, sir," I replied. "May I ask you a question?"

"Of course, you can ask me a question at any time, even if I'm not braiding your hair."

I nodded. "What does ptichka mean?"

"It means little bird in Russian. Because you are so delicate and beautiful, like a bird."

I smiled at the name. I was used to masters calling me 'girl' or 'slave', not pet names.

"Master, I do not mean to pry," I said, as he began twisting the strands of hair into a french plait. "But what do you work as? You have a lot of money but Master Robinson would never speak of your job."

"I doubt he would, My father and I don't exactly get along. I own a automobile company, we make state of the art cars. I also run a few non-profit hospitals along the East Coast. It keeps me busy. Now it's my turn to ask a question, how old are you Elowena?"

"15, sir, it was my birthday yesterday."

"That explains the auction. Happy Birthday, by the way."

"Thank you, sir. May I ask, sir, what's it like in Russia? I'd never even left New Jersey before today."

He was quiet for a moment. "It's much more peaceful than America. The scenery is absolutely stunning. Perhaps one day I will bring you to see it, when I am visiting my Babushka."

As he finished speaking, he also finished braiding, tying it off with a hair tie.

"Thank you, sir," I told him, and he pulled me up to sit on the bed beside him.

"There is one more thing I have to do before I send you to get ready for bed. I have to punish you for hesitating earlier, when I gave you a command."

I felt the colour drain from my face.

"Don't worry, I won't be rough as it is your first time, but you need to understand that there will be consequences when you disobey me."

I nodded. I was a little startled when he pulled me face down over his lap though, used to being dealt punishments on my hands or shoulders. His hand caressed my bare ass, now completely at his mercy. He placed his other hand on the small of my back, to stop me from wriggling.

"I'm going to give you 10, for disobeying me. You have to count each one as I deliver them, do you understand?"

"Yes, sir," I said, and only a few seconds later, his hand came down hard on my ass. It wasn't as bad as I initially feared though. "One, sir," I said.

He hit me again and again, alternating between cheeks, until we reached 10, at which point my ass felt like it was on fire.

"Ten, sir," I said through gritted teeth, and he carefully lifted me up, sitting me down on his lap. It stung my bruised ass, but it felt nice as he held me to his chest and stroked my lower back. "You took your punishment well ptichka, it's over now," he said as he held me, until he stood me up and took my clothes in one hand and my hand in the other, leading me back toward my room. He sat me on the bed as he turned on the shower, setting it to the right temperature and guiding me in. The water stung as it hit my hot butt cheeks but Dmitri saw me wince and handed me a bottle of soothing body wash from the shelves, before leaving me to shower myself.

Dmitri 2

Damn she was hot. She seemed to get more beautiful every time I looked at her. Dark skin, black hair and pale grey eyes that seemed so curious yet so scared. I thought I was screwed when we got through eleven girls who all either chose someone else or dressed like a whore. She was exactly what I was looking for. Young, beautiful, and new to the world. I didn't want some girl who took life for granted, or who slept with every man she wasn't related to. I was only 21 myself, and some of the girls they showed were older than I was. I had done well in life to get this far, took over a failing business when I was 18 and turned it into an empire, was a prominent philanthropist in the eyes of the media. The only thing I had been missing was a slave. The chances of finding someone right for me at the punishment auctions was slim to none, and I had sacrificed a lot to make my father give me a share in the inheritance. I wasn't about to waste it.

And after that punishment, I could have sworn I saw a glisten on her pussy lips. I was only just thinking it may be easier to turn her into a pain-loving masochist than I thought. After she was in bed, I sauntered down the hallway to the locked door of my playroom. I slid the key from my pocket and it turned with a satisfying click in the lock, as it swung inward. I smiled at the thought of using it again. It had been a while. I decided to set some things up for tomorrow, when she would begin her training. I made sure all the cabinets full of floggers, cat o' nine tails and other methods of inflicting pain were closed, so as not to terrify her. I laid out the tools I would use on the bench at the foot of the bed: lube, a few small vibrators, a butt plug, padded cuffs, a ball gag, and nipple clamps (if she was up for it). I checked the O-rings on the posts of the bed as well. I adjusted the temperature to be cooler than normal, so she wouldn't feel overly heated at first at least. Before I left the room though, I laid out a bottle of water and a pill. The pill was a mix between a mild aphrodisiac and a mild tranquilliser, for her if she wanted it. But to be honest she should already be taking the tranquilliser, with the amount of anxiety that such a small person had. I left the room with a smile on my face, heading to bed.

I woke up the next morning to the smell of bacon. I pulled myself from my bed, realising it was only 5.30am, an hour earlier than I was planning to wake up, and pulled on a t-shirt and a pair of jeans. I walked to the kitchen in my bare feet, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"What are you doing up ptichka?" I asked her, and she looked up startled from the sink, not hearing me come in.

"Sorry if I woke you Master, I was making breakfast."

"I can see that," I said, staring at the plate of pancakes and bacon. The smell was heavenly. I gladly took the plate she offered and began to serve myself. As I ate, I looked her up and down, pleased to see she had not taking out the braid from the previous night. She was wearing a lovely blue blouse with tight jeans that made her ass look divine, but it was covered in an apron.

She sat opposite, waiting for my permission to eat, which I gave without much thought. She was so naturally submissive it was unbelievable. My father wasn't particularly good at training slaves as far as I could tell and most of her sisters and brothers could be quite unruly. But Elowena seemed to almost enjoy serving her master without being asked. I was wondering how far I could get her to go before I had to push her.

After we ate, and she had cleaned up, I sat her on the couch and she fidgeted nervously.

"Today, Elowena, I'm going to introduce you to sex. And some of the many things I enjoy in bed. I don't want to worry or scare you, so I'm going to give you a safeword. It's a word you will say when it's too much and you can't keep going. It should be something random, that you wouldn't say accidentally, and something you will remember. If you say it, I will stop and check on you. I don't want you to abuse the safeword though ptichka, I want you to only use it if you really need to. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir."

"Do you have anything in mind?"

"How about Strawberry?" She asked plaintively.

I nodded. "Strawberry it is. Now, I want you to go to your room, strip naked and then come to the locked room that we skipped over on the tour."

She nodded and hurried off, and I sauntered toward the playroom. My dick was already getting hard thinking about what was to come. Today would be an important step in our relationship. If I could get her to trust me, and like what I did to her, I could push her much further than fear ever would. It was less than a minute before she was standing nervously in the doorway, in all of her naked glory. I took her arm and guided her into the room, seeing her eyes flit nervously over the tools on the bench. I closed and locked the door behind me, and she spun quickly when she heard the latch click. I saw her swallow in fear and hug herself.

I walked over to her and put my hands on her shoulders and look down into her eyes. "I want you to enjoy this. I don't want to have to punish you at all today. If you listen to me, and do everything I saw without hesitation, I will make you feel better than you've ever felt before. But you have to trust me. Do you trust me ptichka?

She nodded nervously. "I-" she took a deep breath. "I trust you... Master."

I smiled kindly and turned her to face the bench. "Do you know what these are?" I asked her.

She shook her head.

I picked up each object one by one and showed them to her. "This is lube, it will make us slip into each other easier. These are vibrators, they will make you feel good. This is a butt plug, you push it up your ass to prepare you for my cock."

I saw her tense.

"Don't worry, most girls love the feeling. These are cuffs, so that I can tie you to the bed to stop you wriggling too much. This is a ball gag, it will go in your mouth and muffle any noise you make. We won't be using it at first. These are nipple clamps. We will only use these if you're up for it later on. Are you okay?"

"Yes, sir," she said shakily. I could tell that every object I mentioned made her more and more stressed. I thought I'd better get started before I sike her out too much. I offered her the pill, and she took it graciously, not even asking what it was. I then got her to lay on the bed while I fixed cuffs to her ankles and wrists, and fixed them to the four posts of the bed, leaving her spread eagle on the bed, and ready for anything I wanted to do.

I knelt up between her legs and decided to relax her a little before we got started. I slowly lowered my mouth to hers and kissed her. She just lay there, stiff as a board. I moved my lips across hers and took her breast in my hand, rubbing across the nipple. She gasped and I used this to slip my tongue into her mouth, swirling around and tasting every crevice. Eventually she began to relax and enjoy my touch, and I slowly encouraged her to recuperate, until her tongue was broaching my mouth. I began to dominate her, attacking her mouth with such vigour she was forced to submit, and she seemed to melt into the kiss. I mauled her tits more roughly, tweaking her nipple and twisting and pulling them, causing her to moan and gasp into my mouth.

I eventually managed to remove myself from her mouth and began to kiss and bite my way down to her breasts, eventually taking her right nipple into my mouth. She gasped in foreign pleasure, moaning louder when I bit down. God she was such a hot masochist. I eventually began to make my way down to her snatch, kissing, licking and biting, causing her to writhe. I bit up and down the inside of her thighs until she was rocking her hips and pushing her pussy up off the bed, silently begging for it.

I slowly licked all the way from her cute little rosebud up to her clit, and she gasped again. After that, my expert mouth got to work, kissing, licking and nibbling, and keeping her right on the edge for what probably felt like eternity for her.

"Master, please," she panted after I stopped her right on the edge for the fifth time. "I need it, please, Master."

"Need what ptichka?" I asked her, my finger slowly moving up and down her slit.

"I don't know sir. I need you not to stop. I need it badly, Master."

"You can hold off for me, can't you? Just for a little longer. You can be strong for you Master, can you?"

Her brow furrowed. "I can hold off Master, but not for long, please, I feel like I'm going to burst."

I smiled at her and brought my mouth back down to her lovely snatch, flicking my tongue over her clit as my finger slowly broached her entrance. My mouth got back to work as my finger slowly slid back and forth over her wetness, getting slightly further into her every time, until I was slowly finger fucking her. By God she was tight. I didn't even think i would be able to fit.

I brushed my other finger over her little asshole and she shuddered. "Not there, Master, please. It's wrong."

It's wrong? Damn this girl was so innocent. I resolved there and then to have turned her into an anal slut by the end of the week. I cut off her pleas with another flick over her clit and curling my fingers inside her. I continued to brush back and forth over her anus, slowly spreading down her natural lubricant despite her incoherent pleas. Just as i pressed my finger against her tight back hole, I stopped my assault on her pussy, leaving her hanging right on the edge of her biggest and probably first orgasm of her life. She whined in protest until she felt my finger begin to press into her. She clenched up, but I was relentless, and soon the tip of my finger made it past her barrier and continued forward. I continued pushing until I was up to my first knuckle then looked up at her face.

Sweaty and flushed, she stared down at me in fear, clutching the chain of the cuffs.

I shushed her. "It's okay, your doing so well, just a little farther, you'll like it, I promise," I cooed as I pushed it in up until my second knuckle. She took a sharp breath and held it until I flicked my tongue over her already oversensitive clit, making her gasp and relax for a moment, allowing me to press my finger in as far as it would go, her warm confines making me want to plunge into her right now. I reached behind me and grabbed the first vibrator, a small bead with a clip to hold it on. I attached it to her labia, letting the small bead rest on her clit, and then turned the dial on the remote up to one.



2021-04-05 02:02:11
Eagerly awaiting the next installment.


2020-12-20 21:05:10
Interesting beginning! I'm truly curious to see where this goes.

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