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All characters and events in this story are completely fictional of my own creation. Any similarity to real events or people is purely coincidence. All characters in this story are over the age of 18. I am not a professional nor even an amateur writer. Please remember this when reading. Positive comments about storyline are welcome.
I awoke the next morning with a feel good attitude. I felt pretty much back to normal. I felt like I had slept for what felt like a year. There is a few things going on in my head as I lay in my bed. I was excited to be hanging out with Jessica and Melody today. I wasn’t sure how I was going to get through the Laura and the cam footage situation, it couldn’t go on forever, could it? Then there was my sister, there was a deep connection we shared and our recent encounters were beyond amazing. It wasn’t some incestous fling, it was much more than that, it was almost love making. However then there was our mother. Did she know? I loved having sex with Stacey but I don’t know what it would do to mom if she did find out. Stacey was right we had to be more careful. The web cam shows would suffice for now.

I lay in bed for a while longer before my phone buzzed with a message. It was from Jessica. They would be there at eleven to pick me up. She wouldn’t tell me where we were going though. It was just after ten so I had plenty time to get ready.

“Morning honey, do you want any breakfast?” Mom called from behind my closed door.

“Eh yes please” I responded “I’m going out at eleven!”

“Ok sweetie” with that I heard her walk away.

“Better get up” I said to myself.

I jumped out of bed and pulled off my boxers, I tossed them to the side and just before I could grab a towel, Stacey came into the room.

“Geez sis, don’t you knock?”

“Why would I? And miss the sight of that!” She said eyeing my limp cock that I was failing to hide.

“Really?” I frowned.

“What?” She shrugged “it’s been so long”

“Stacey it’s hardly been a day and we agreed to be careful!”

“I know but after last night I need the real thing!”

“Don’t tempt me” I teased as my cock twitched a little.

Her gaze was fixed on my crotch, her eye brow raised as my cock twitched again.

“I’m sorry I can’t Stacey!” I pulled myself away grabbing a towel and wrapping it around my waist. “I need to get ready!”

“Yeah I heard” she grinned “where are you going?”

“I don’t know” I said moving passed her.

“What do you mean, you don’t know” she asked folding her arms, turning to follow me.

“Like I said I don’t know, Jessica and Melody are picking me up. That’s all I know!” I said walking to the bathroom.

“Aww how cute!” She smirked as she leaned against the door frame.

I hung my towel on the hook and turned the shower on. I turned back to face Stacey, not ashamed either as I stood with my hand on my hips.

“Now I’m going to shower! You are more than welcome to join me!”

I watched as Stacey bit her lip before huffing and walking away.

I grinned to myself as I got into the shower. I enjoyed the feeling of the hot water cascading over my body.

Soon enough I was out of the shower dried and getting dressed. I threw on a grey hooded sweatshirt over a grey sports t shirt and put on some denim jeans shorts.

“Robbie you can’t be serious?” Mom said to me as I entered the kitchen and sat at the table.

“What?” I shrugged, genuinely no idea what she meant.

“Have you looked outside? It’s glorious!” She said pointing out of the kitchen door.

I got up and walked outside and immediately realised why. It was a beautiful day, even though it was early the sun was warm against the skin. I really didn’t need the sweatshirt at the moment. I took my sweatshirt off and went back inside.

“Now isn’t that better?” Mom smiled at me as I sat down.

I nodded and smiled as I sat back down at the table. Breakfast was nice and pleasant to sit and talk with mom and Stacey. Even with the underlying things going on there wasn’t an awkwardness but a sense of us being a close family. We have always been close growing up but with the recent events I feel we have grown closer. Yes Stacey and I have grown closer in other ways but the family bond does feel stronger.

Just after eleven there was a knock at the door and I went to answer it.

“Hi Robbie!” Jessica beamed as she moved forward and hugged me, planting a quick soft kiss on my lips.

“Hi Jessica” I managed to speak out after she stepped back. “Hi Melody” I turned to the shy red haired girl standing to the side. I moved forward and gave her a hug too which she warmly returned.

“Who are these little cuties?” Stacey voice came from behind me.

I gave her a “really” look and she just grinned.

Jessica giggled lightly before she offered her hand to Stacey, “Hi, I’m Jessica, this is Melody!”

Stacey returned the shake as Melody just gave a small wave.

“Hello again girls!” My moms voice now came from behind me.

“Hello Mrs Henderson!”

“Please call me Melanie” Mom smiled as she placed a hand on Stacey and I’s shoulders.

“Ready to go?” I asked as I stepped out.

“Not quite” Jessica said, holding up her hand.

I stopped in my tracks, my eye brow raised as I looked at her.

“Mrs Hen, I mean Melanie, we were hoping to borrow Robbie for the day and night? My dad is good friends with the park ranger up at New State Falls. We are allowed to go camping for the night. If that would be ok?”

I didn’t answer and turned to look at mom.

“Well as lovely as that sounds, Robbie isn’t long out of hospital and is still taking a few meds”

Before I can answer, Stacey does for me “Mom I’m sure the girls will look after him and he’s doing so much better, aren’t you?”

“Getting away will do me some good mom, don’t worry about me!”

“I suppose you are old enough to make your own decisions, just be careful!” She said as she kissed my forehead and walked away. Stacey give me a reassuring squeeze and smile before she walked away also.

“That’s that then!” Jessica beamed as she clapped her hands.

“Jess” Melody, hissed a little.

“What?” Jessica’s replied feigning innocence.

“Just calm down a little” she half smiled.

“So are we ready now?” I asked.

“Nope, you need an over night bag! So let’s get one!” Jessica pointed a finger into my house and moved passed me, heading up to my room.

“Sorry” Melody whispered to me as I invited her in.

A quarter of a hour later, I had a bag backed and was sat in the back of Jessica’s SUV.

“Nice ride!” I said, as I positioned myself in the middle, with Jessica in the drivers seat and Melody in the passenger side.

“Thanks, my dad is letting us borrow it till tomorrow!”

It was a black ford ranger and it looked slick. Even with the growing heat outside the leather seats were cool to sit on.

“Now are we ready?” I joked.

“Sure are!” Jessica grinned as she cranked up the music and pulled away from my house.

It didn’t take long for us to get to our destination. A small clearing in the forest by the lake, that was designed for campers to come. I had to admit it was one of the most incredible sights I have ever seen. The water was so blue, sparkling in the sunshine, so inviting. The mountain range outlining the far side of the lake with a wall of trees.

“Wow this place!” I said in awe.

“I know right” Jessica replied “I used to come here every summer with my family, it’s so magical and peaceful!”

“It’s even better than I remembered” Melody spoke out as the three of us stood by the car looking out over the beautiful view.

“Well let’s un pack the car and then get the tent set up!”

“Tent?” I question, no mention of tents, just singular.

“Of course silly, do you think we were just gonna sleep on the floor or in the car?” Jessica giggles.

She clearly missed the point that I was asking. I decided to leave it for now.

What a sight it was, the three of us trying to put up the tent. We managed to get it up without any major injuries but I was stabbed in the leg by a pole by Melody. She apologised profusely but we just laughed it off.

Once it was up it did look quite spacious. Enough for maybe four people to sleep in. We rolled out the sleeping bags in the tent but left the supplies in the car. Jessica and Melody had planned this well as it seemed we had everything we needed.

I couldn’t help it anymore but I had to take my t shirt off. The sun was scorching.

“Looking good show off!” Jessica teased as I took a drink of water from one of the bottles.

“Thanks” I blushed a little “this weather is killing me!”

“Me too” Melody said fanning herself.

“Let’s get into the water?” Jessica suggested. “Last one in is a rotten egg!”

With that Jessica whipped off her summer dress revealing a matching blue stripped bikini set. Even with her petite thin frame, I had to admit that Jessica looked really good in her bikini with her long blonde hair hanging free. I felt my cock stir a little.

“Hey that’s cheating!” Melody shouted.

Melody quickly pulled her t shirt off exposing her purple bikini top, there was a lot more material involved but it still barely kept her chest in. I couldn’t help but look at her busting cleavage. I watched on as she pulled her jean shorts off tossing them to the side and chasing after Jessica. I was definitely sporting a semi now.

“Both of you are cheaters” I shouted at them as I quickly changed into a pair of swim shorts in the tent.

I joined the girls a few minutes later who were about waist deep in the water laughing and giggling.

“Hey rotten egg!” Jessica laughed as I came along side them.

“That wasn’t fair, I was set up” I pretended to frown.

“It was Jess’ idea” Melody pointed.

“You bitch” Jessica scoffed as she splashed some water at her friend.

“Ugh” Melody gasped as she quickly returned the favour.

The two girls started splashing each other more as I watched on and laughed. Big mistake. They looked at each other and grinned as they grabbed on arm each and pulled me deeper, shoving me into the water.

I lost my footing and balance as I crashed under the water. It was cold but was refreshing from the heat but it still sent a shock through me.

As I burst to the surface and wipe my face I can hear the girls laughing.

“Oh I’m gonna get you both!” I grin as I clear my face again and crash towards them.

They screech in mock fear as I catch up with them. The small valley is filled with the sound of bodies slamming into the water, splashing, laughing and shouting.

To say there was a few gropes here and there was an understatement. Both girls grabbed my junk on several occasions and I wasn’t shy in cooping a few feels of the two very different beauties I was with.

The meds I’m on must have been wearing off a little because as we played around my body started to ache and hurt. It must have been evident to the girls as Melody’s face turned a little serious.

“Are you ok?” She asked concerned moving towards me.

“I’m cool, just need some more meds!” I smiled back to her.

“Let’s go cool off on the shore and relax in the sun. I can make us some dinner soon!”

“Sounds good to me!” I nodded as the three of us walked back up to our camp.

“We need some sunscreen though.” Melody said.

“Yeah I can feel my skin getting a little hot” Jessica replied.

Jessica got some from the car and handed me a bottle. I applied as much as I could by myself but of course couldn’t reach my back.

“Little help?” I asked the girls.

“Sure” Melody replied as she moved behind me.

“Great you can get my back then” Jessica grinned as she sat in front of me.

I wasn’t intentionally meaning for it be sexual but there was certainly something erotic about the scene. Melody’s hand softly rubbed across my back and shoulders. My hands ran across Jessica’s back. I admired her thin frame. It wasn’t too thin that you could see individual bones but her body felt great below my hands. I was sure a few moans even escaped her mouth and again my crotch began to stir again.

“Thanks Robbie” Jessica giggled as she scooted away.

Just at the same time Melody whispered to me “I love the feel of your body!” Before speaking more loudly “all done!”

“Thanks Melody, I can return the favour?”

“Yes please” she said softly.

Melody’s body was completely different to Jessica’s but still very sensual to rub my hands all over. I loved feeling of her curves at her lower back. All too soon her back was covered and couldn’t quite get away with rubbing any longer.

“Thank you” she smiled as we joined Jessica who was already lying down on a towel.

I took some more of my pain killers and I could feel it helping already. The sun shining down as we just listened to the sounds of nature. We exchanged some small talk but mostly enjoyed the tranquility.

We lay there for a couple of hours when Jessica spoke out.

“Robbie could you collect some fire wood for the fire pit? You can’t cut any of trees but can pick some sticks and twigs off the ground!”

I didn’t reply as I raised an eyebrow at her as I sat up on my elbows.

“Well we need a fire for us to cook on?” She smirked. “You run off and we will sort things out here.”

With a shrug of my shoulders I put my trainers and t shirt back on and head into the woods. I’m gone maybe fifteen minutes and return with an armful of sticks and some logs.

“Perfect!” Jessica said as I helped her lift the wood into a custom made fire pit.

“This is the only way can have fires in the park. An un organised fire could be devastating in this area.” She said with a serious tone.

I didn’t doubt her. The fire pit was placed well away from any of the trees. There was a make shift metal stand that could be placed over the pit and could cook from.

A hour later we tucked into some expertly cooked juicy burgers with cheese and all the toppings.

“Wow you are some cook” I said to Jessica as I sucked off the burger juices from my fingers. “That was delicious!”

There was an evident blush about Jessica’s face as she thanked me.

We helped clean up and soon enough sat around the fire pit with the sun slowly setting on the horizon.

“This has been amazing. Thank you girls, it’s really been needed!”

“I can imagine!” Jessica said.

“When are you back to school?” Melody asked.

“I think I’ll come back Monday. It’s nice being off but need to catch up on the school work.”

“You haven’t missed much to be honest. Miss Davidson has been asking for you though, she seems to be really concerned about you” Melody added.

I didn’t reply to that, I can imagine why Laura wants me back. Not sure how long we can keep our secret facade up for.

We talk a little longer before Jessica changes the subject,

“Shall we play a game?”

An audible groan comes from Melody.

“Oh come on, it will be fun!”

“Ok, what game?”

“Truth or dare!” She chirps.

“Jess, really?” Melody groans at her friend.

“Oh hush, ok I’ll go first, Robbie? Truth or dare?”

“Um, truth!”

“Mmm ok, how many girls have you spelt with?”

“Jessica!” Melody hisses.

“It’s ok Melody” I speak out. I’m very intrigued to see where this game will go. “I don’t mind, let me see, 5!” Not mentioning that only a few weeks ago the number was only 1.

“Ok you’re turn, Robbie.”

“Ok Melody, truth or dare?” I turn to her and ask.

“Eh truth please.” She timidly replies.

“When was your first kiss?”

Melody evidently blushed before answering, “high school prom!”

“Truth or dare Jess?”

“Dare!” Jessica shot straight back.

“Ummm ok, eh let me think” Melody thought for a moment then spoke out, “you have to twerk!”

“Really?” She asked raising an eyebrow, before standing up and facing away from us. Jessica bent over slightly and pushed her hips back out. She began to shake her booty and all though it wasn’t the biggest of asses it was quite the sight and turn on. She twerked for a bout a minute or so before sitting back down.

“Ok Robbie, truth or dare?”


“Oh come on” she huffed “ok, have you ever had a threesome?”

“Not yet” I replied.

“Oohhh” she let out an almost groan.


“Truth please!”

“Aww come on guys” Jessica waved her hands.

“Do you have a crush on anyone?”

Melody’s cheeks went bright red as she turned her gaze away from me. “Yeah” she whispered out.

“Jessica, truth or dare?” She quickly asked trying to take the attention away from her.

“Dare cause I’m the fun one!”

“Ok eh, smack yourself on the ass five time’s!”

Jessica and I both turned to stare at her, shocked.

“What” she giggled and shrugged.

“Getting bold quickly” Jessica teased and with that she stood up turning round again. She bent over and began to spank her ass. She moan loudly after each slap and my cock was growing in my pants.

“That actually felt kinda good” Jessica said as she sat back down. I had to very much agree that it looked good.

“Ok Robbie, boring or dare.”

“Fine dare” I replied.

“Kiss melody!”

“What?” Melody said shocked but with a squeak.

“You heard me, it’s only a kiss. Not like you haven’t before!”

Melody and I made eye contact and both shrugged as we move closer.

Our kiss is a little timid at first but soon enough we relax into it. Our mouths open as our tongues come into contact. Swirling around each other. Our breathing is heavy as melody’s right hand cups my face.

The kiss is brief and hot before we break apart.

“Now that was hot!” Jessica grinned.

“Yes it was” I said in agreement as Melody blushed more.

“Truth or dare, if you are ready?”

“Truth.” Melody replied.

“Aww come on Mel” Jessica called out.

“Ok, how many boys have you kissed?”

“Three” she simply replied “including you” she added.

Before I could say anything she turned to Jessica, “ok Jess I dare you to kiss Robbie.”

Without any hesitation or comment that she wasn’t asked her choice. Jessica moved towards me and planted her lips on mine. The kiss was more rushed as her tongue eagerly found mine. It was still one hell of a hot kiss. My cock was now well on it’s way to full mast.

“Mmmm” Jessica moaned as she sat back. “I could get used to that but anyway you’re turn again, truth or dare.”

“Dare” I shot back.

A wicked grin grew on her face “ok Robbie, I dare you to skinny dip in the lake.”


“You heard me, I dare you to skinny dip. Or are you too chicken?” She faked a mocking sad face.

“Robbie you don’t...”

“It’s ok Mel” I grinned “ a dares a dare!”

With that I stood up and moved to the side of the fire pit, stripping off my cloths. I did my best to hid my erection before I took off running towards the water. I got to about thigh high when I turned and ran back. The water was a lot colder than before.

“Hey!!” I shouted out as I saw Jessica grabbing all my clothes and running towards the tent. Melody in hot pursuit behind her.

I jogged back up to the camp site, still holding my junk as I approached the tent.

“At least pass my boxers” I called out.

“You’ll need to come get them!” I hear Jessica call back.

If this is how she wants to play it, then so be it. Without shame I climb into the tent and in a crouching position, stand there in all my glory.

Both girls just stared at me and it wasn’t difficult to tell where their gaze was.

“Ok now can I have my boxers back?”

“Jess” Melody manages to speak out.

“Maybe you should sit down next to us first?” Jessica said in a sultry voice.

This was going to happen I said to myself. With a large grin I manoeuvred myself between the girls, propping myself up with my hands.

“It’s bigger than I imagined” Jessica whispered.

Melody remained quite.

“May I?” She asked as she reached out a hand towards it.

I nodded. Again Melody remained quite as she watched on as Jessica’s hand moved towards my cock. It was hard but I knew it wasn’t at full potential. All be it a little timid, Jessica’s thin slender fingers wrapped around my shaft. She very slowly began to stroke up and down. Her eyes still fixed on the impressive member before her. Melody’s eye were just as fixed.

A small moan escaped my mouth and Jessica gripped a little tighter. Wordlessly she leaned towards me and our lips met. Her hand still working my shaft as our lips smacked in a hot embrace. Her tongue eagerly finding my mouth again as our tongues clashed together. I could feel my cock swell in her hand as she upped her pace.

We broke the kiss but she hovered close to me.

“Fuck” she gasped as she looked down at my throbbing member pulsating in her hand. Her tongue betrayed her intentions as she licked her lips slightly before moving down towards my crotch.

I watched on in eager anticipation as her mouth grew closer to my cock. Soon enough the head was engulfed by her lips as she wrapped them around sucking in instantly.

My cock twitched as she began bobbing her head.

Melody was still watching on in silence as I shifted my weight to the side and placed my hand on her thigh. She snapped back from her trance and locked eyes with me. No words were needed as we closed the distance and engaged in a hot kiss. There was less hunger but I felt more passion. She began to breath deeply as our lips smashed together. Our tongues tangling around each other.

I groan against Melody's mouth as Jessica bobbed faster and faster. Her with the added efforts of her hand it felt really fucking good.

I broke off the kiss with Melody as we both watched Jessica at work. My cock was slick with her salvia.

“You should try!” Jessica whispered to Melody.

Melody didn’t answer but she shifted her body so she could lower her head to me. She didn’t immediately take me into her mouth as she slowly stroked up and down my length.

“Treat it like a lollipop” Jessica assured her as she she tucked Melody’s hair behind her ear.

With a sense of more confidence now, melody leaned forward and took me into her mouth. God I was back on cloud nine again. I could tell that she wasn’t a regular at sucking cock but there was the vigour of a newbie that made it feel just as good.

“Uhh yes” I groaned out.

“That’s good baby, keep bobbing your head up and down like that” Jessica coached her friend as she traced her hand over my torso the other slowly squeezing her breasts.

Melody was taking about half my length and seemed to be really getting into it.

I reached my arm out and pulled Jessica towards me. I lay down on my back and used my right hand to kneed her chest, as I moved my left hand to hold Melody at the back of her neck. Not using any force but applying light pressure.

Jessica moaned loudly as her small petite tit filled my hand. She leaned forward and our lips met in a much hungrier kiss than before. It was sloppy and messy. Our tongues flaying around as my hand continued to work her tit.

As we broke the kiss, Jessica scooted herself up onto her knees as she pulled up her summer dress revealing her bare pussy. I could already see it glistening with wetness as I reached my fingers forward and found her warmth.

She gasped loudly as I slotted two fingers inside of her. I pushed them deep and pumped in and out. Her head tilted back as she pulled off her summer dress, exposing her small perky tits. She played with her nipples and tugged at them as she bucked her hips into my thrusting fingers.

Melody had lifted her head off and was watching on. She still slowly worked my shaft.

It didn’t take long for Jessica’s body to tense up as she let out a low scream as she came all over my fingers. Fuck that was hot.

Jessica shuddered a little before launching forward and kissing me deeply.

“I need to feel the real thing now!” She stated as she moved back and straddled me. Melody knelt up to the side and we both watched as Jessica lined herself up and sank down onto me.

We both moaned out as she bottomed out on me. My cock felt tightly hugged as Jessica’s pussy adjusted to me.

“Fucckkk” I groaned loudly as she started to bounce up and down on me.

The noise of her body slapping against mine filled the tent.

I looked over to Melody who had one of her hands down her shorts and was rubbing herself.

“Take then off” I encouraged her with a grunt as I reached my hands forward to hold Jessica by her hips.

Jessica has her hands up by her head and had her hair in a bunch as she held on as she rode me.

Melody was now naked from her lower half and was slowly teasing her swollen clit. Her friend continued to bounce on top of me as my cock filled her each time.

Jessica’s rode me for a while as Melody brought herself closer to an orgasm.

The sight and feeling was too much and I was getting close.

“Jess, Jess, I’m close!” I called out as I forced my hips upwards.

“Go for it!” She demanded as she picked up her pace. It was too much for me, I grabbed onto her hips and forced my cock as far in as possible.

With several forceful thrusts I exploded up into the petite blonde. I grunted loudly with each thrust as my cum spilled out into her pussy.

“Fucckkk me” I moaned as I lay back down. Jessica wasn’t done though as she picked right back up where she was. Riding me harder than before.

“Yes yes yes! Fuck Robbie, fuccckkkk” she cried as she slammed down into me as her whole body shook.

“Nnngghhhh” a cry came from next to us as Melody came with her friend.

Normally my cock would go limp but it felt as strong as ever. It was still standing proud as Jessica pulled herself off.

She quickly gobbled up my cock and sucked it clean. My cock was certainly not going soft.

With a pop Jessica turned to Melody “you’re turn!”

“Here let me!” I said as I pulled myself up. “Bend over” I said to her as I positioned myself behind her.

Melody moved onto her hands and knees with Jessica to one side of her.

With Melody naked before me. Her big beautiful round rear so inviting. I edged in behind her, with one hand on the base of her back and the other holding my cock I pushed forward. I glided the tip of my cock up and down her slit before pushing home.

Melody’s head shot back as I invaded her body. My cock squeezed into her tight pussy. Melody was a lot tighter than Jessica and with the cushion of her ass it was amazing.

“Fuck her Robbie, fuck that pussy!” Jessica commanded me as she grabbed her friends ass cheeks. She held her firm as she began to match my rhythm as I pumped into her. My torso slapping against her ass.

Melody tried to hold herself up but had to fall down onto her elbows to prop herself up.

The tent was full of noise. Bodies slamming together, my grunts, the moans from Melody and the dirty words of encouragement from Jessica.

“Does that feel good baby? Do you like how he fucks your pussy?”

“Ugh god yes so good, don’t stop!”

“Tell him!” Jessica ordered “Tell him what you want!”

“Ugh please Robbie don’t stop, fuck me, fuck me please!”

It was a bit of a shock to hear Melody speak like this but it was a fucking turn on. Not to let her down I upped my pace and force. Slamming harder into her. The feeling rising in my balls.

Jessica grabbed my face and kissed me deeply. Her tongue forcing its way right into my mouth, fast and sloppy.

“When you come, pull out and stick it in my mouth!” She whispered to me.

I simply nodded, not sure if I had the control to do so.

Jessica leaned back down to her friend and reached a hand below her. Rubbing Melody’s clit with fast vigour.

“Yes baby I’m close, right there, right theereee” Melody cried out as her whole body spasmed and shook as her orgasm rushed over her. Her pussy tightened even more and sent me over the edge.

With a loud grunt I pulled myself out and watch Melody lay flat as I grabbed Jessica by the hair and guided her to my cock. She opened wide as I rammed my cock in and just in time as I exploded into her mouth. I let go of her as my cock pulsated in her mouth and she took up sucking me off.

We fucked several times that night, taking a couple of breaks before I finally flopped down on the floor of the tent spent.

Jessica fingered herself furiously to one last orgasm as Melody shifted herself to lay next to me, still panting a little. Her body warm and soft against mine.

“Uugghhhhh” Jessica cried out as she flopped down on the other side of me.

I lay in the middle of the girls with a massive grin on my face. Easily my best sexual achievement in my life. Hopefully not my last.
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