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Iliafray's day gets worse
Unlike the audience hall with it’s shrouding darkness the ‘playroom’ was almost painfully well lit leaving the rack’s, tables, chains, shelves of toy’s and many other instruments of pain and humiliation clearly visible. “Well my pet , now we can really have some fun” said the matriarch with a wicked laugh “first we will address your failings so far , and then we can move on to my real entertainment”. Reaching up the matriarch clipped the leash to a chain dangling from the ceiling and then moved over to a control on the wall , with a clanking and rattling noise the chain retracted into the ceiling pulling the leash up and with it Iliafray’s neck forcing her to her feet and continuing to rise until to avoid choking she was standing on tiptoes , just able to maintain her footing. As she was pulled into position the matriarch strode over to one of the shelves and then returning with a coiled bullwhip “Now it is time to punish you for soiling my throne with your clumsiness, Forty strokes with the whip should be enough, although if you try to protect yourself with your arms each time will be another two, feel free to scream though I like to hear signs of appreciation for my work”.

With the whip trailing to the floor the Matriarch circled Iliafray finally coming to a stop behind her to increase Iliafray’s uncertaintly before starting, twice Iliafray heard the crack of the whip as the matriarch made practice strokes before the first blow cracked across her back , not quite breaking the skin but certainly raising a viscous welt and drawing a brief cry of pain, before the matriach got serious the first dozen strikes crisscrossing Iliafray;s back each raising a viscous welt and a cry of pain, the thirteenth stroke while gentler than the preceding ones was more carefully placed landing in the crease between her buttocks and across her anal ring, that brought a much louder scream and a laugh from the matriarch, the next seven reverted to landing across her back but with more force several of them drawing blood particularly where they crossed the earlier welts, the screams were louder too much to the matriarch’s appreciation. After the twentieth blow landed the matriarch walked around in front of Iliafray before resuming with dozen hard strokes across her midriff leaving welts and blood oozing from a couple of cuts, the next half dozen although gentler landed across the sensitive skin of Iliafray’s breasts and nipples drawing some louder screams apparently pleasing to the matriarch’s ears, the final 2 blows where carefully placed indeed landing across Iliafray’s cunt , the last managing to hit her clit drawing a truly impressive scream and causing Iilfray to lose her footing and leave her hanging by her neck and slowly strangling until she was able to regain her feet.

As Iliafray struggled to regain her breath and blood dripped slowly down her body the matriarch walked up to her and ran her hands over the welts appreciating her handywork. Then the walked over to the wall and released the chain allowing Iliafray to slump to her knee’s on the floor. “Well done my little bitch, you kept your hands at your side very nicely it seems you know your place. Now to help you with that and to give you a refresher on your career as a piss-drinking whore I have arranged some help, I noticed how keep to meet my guards you were and so I decided to accommodate your desires and also thank my guards for their diligence” she pulled a bell pull and shortly afterwards from another entrance the porcine form of the two orc bodyguards came in, unlike previously they were naked allowing Iliafray to see that their bodies were as brutish as she had thought and that the Orc’s cock’s were as wide and potentially long as she feared. “Now my dear , before these two fine orc’s entertain you I want you to get the ready, not only do they need to get hard , you will want to make sure they are well prepared before they fit into your holes particularly the one going up your arse. I am sure you will put on a good show for me” with that the matriarch sat down on a chair along the edge of the room and poured herself a glass of wine.

Grunting in excitement the two orcs walked towards Iliafray, she looked up at them disgust and resignation running through her mind, she really did not have any choice in the matter so forcing a smile she spoke “Delighted to meet you gentlemen, come over here so I can get a good look at your magnificent cock’s and play with them a bit before you fuck me”, The Orcs kept coming stopping just in front of her, she reached out with both hands wrapping a hand around the base of each cock before starting to stimulate them moving her hand up and down and starting to work on getting them hard. Then she leaned forwards towards the orc on the left bringing her mouth towards his wide cock, the smell of the orc close up made her gag but she fought down her rising gorge , throwing up over the orc’s would not go well for her, then she forced herself to take the head of the cock in her mouth and start sliding her tongue over the length of the cock trying to both stimulate the orc and get him lubricated, it also confirmed to her that orc cocks were as disgusting to taste as he had thought, unwashed filth and bodily secretions combined to make a truly disgusting taste reminiscent of rotting fish. As the first orc’s cock started to swell in her mouth she moved her mouth over to the second orc , then alternating backwards and forwards trying to keep them both lubricated and getting dismayed at just how large the cocks were as they became erect , she could barely manage to get half the length into her mouth and throat and feared if they forced themselves all the way down her throat they would do real damage. However before that could happen the first orc pulled himself away from her and went over to the control on the wall which would raise her lease pulling the lever which started to pull her to her feet and back to standing on tip toe’s then he grunted out the first intelligible words either orc had managed so far “Drow Fuck now”.

He came around behind her , confirming her worst fears both of them were going to fuck her at once. The orc in front of her roughly grabbed her round the waist and lifted of her feet before pushing her down hard onto his rampant cock, the rapid penetration hurt like hell and she could feel her cervix stretching and the head of the cock battering against her womb, already with one enormous cock in her she felt stuffed then , fortunatly she had been at least somewhat wet, not that she was proud of it but like most drow she found domination erotic whether she was the dominant or as usual the one being forced to submit to the more powerful. Then she felt the bulbous head of the orc behind her pressing against her anal ring, forcing herself to relax she felt the massive organ force it’s way painfully into her rectum , she could feel her ring and back passage stretching and the friction of the cock forcing itself further in toar at the lining of her gut. She could feel the two cocks rubbing against each other as both stretched their respective passages to the limit, her feet were dangling in the air leaving her helpless sandwiched between the two massive orcs both easily a foot taller than her. Then the orc’s started thrusting in and out rapidly setting up a rhythm each thrust was agony as it forced her passages open , yet at the same time the stimulation combined with the pain to slowly build up as a burning glow , it seemed the orc’s had stamina and staying power to match their stature thrusting away into her for what seemed like ages until she came in an explosive orgasm , the orc’s kept thrusting and she could feel herself building towards another otgasm and could hear the clapping of the matriarch mocking her, the orc’s seemed to be able to keep going forever and after what felt like another age despite the stink of orc and the pain she came again in another orgasm more explosive that the first. It seemed to her lost in the daze of pain and pleasure the orc’s were on the verge of exploding herself when the matriarch called something out and the orc’s pulled out, leaving her holes stretched and small rivulets of blood trickling from both holes as the tears and abrasions insider her slowly leaked blood. The rumbling of the chain started again and she felt herself crumpling to her knee’s again unable to support her weight. The matriarch spoke again “Most impressive little pet, now help those gentlemen finish off and keep your mouth open, no swallowing either” with an effort of will Iliafray reached out and again took the orc;s cocks in her hand this time both orcs cocks were covered in fluids, a mixture of her fluids, blood, orc pre-cum and shit in one case. It did not take a lot of effort to push the orc’s over the edge and then one and shortly afterwards the other came shooting great ropes of foul yellowish semen, most of which landed in her open mouth and the rest landed across her face with some falling short onto her breasts. “Now my little pet, keep that in your mouth and scrape the rest off into your mouth”, Iliafray started to scrape the sticky viscous stuff off her face into her mouth where it joined the foul stuff which already tasted worse than the orc’s cocks had done, finally when it was done she turned to face the matriarch her mouth full almost to overflowing with the foul stuff, “Good girl , now swallow , get it all down then the nice gentlemen will help you wash it down and you will finally have the practice you need to be a real piss-drinking whore” Gulping Iafray forced the vile stuff down , it took a great exercise of will to get it down , then she turned back towards the first orc who had his deflating cock in his hand and opened her mouth the flow of urine from the orc was fast and rapidly overloaded her ability to swallow combined with his poor aim soon all of her face and the front of her body was soaked in the acrid liquid , as he finished the second orc stepped up and repeated the process leaving her feeling sick and bloated kneeling in a pool of orc piss. Her mouth tasted like some great sea monster had spent the last century decomposing in it . Lost in the concentration of not vomiting up the contents of her stomach she barely heard the matriarch commanding the orcs to leave .

Finally forcing her rebelling stomach into obedience Iliafray started to pay attention again and noticed the matriarch unfastening her leash from the chain and standing over her, “Well little pet now it’s time for my entertainment “ following the tugging on her leash Iliafray crawled over on rubbery legs to a familiar table with multiple restraints on it. She forced herself up onto the table lying on her back the matriarch pulled her legs apart puttin each ankle into a locked restraint and then pulling her arms out to either side and fastening them down before finally locking a metal ring around her neck. “Just a few more things to make you comfortable and then we can get started”. The matriarch produced a pair of wicked looking clamps and gently fastened them to the tips of Ilafrays sensitive ears , then slowly tightening them until the thrashing of Ilafray’s head from side to side and pained moaning revealed that she had got them just tight enough, finally she took out a large black ball gag and forced it into Ilafray’s mouth forcing her jaws wide and muffling future screaming.

First the matriarch took down a wand from the shelf and started rubbing it over the skin of Iliafray watching with an amused expression as Iliafray tried to slide away from the familiar wand, finally it was pressed to the ring piercing Iliafray’s right breast and triggered a spark arced across the piercing and the skin drawing a muffled scream and arcing her body up restrained to the table only by the restraints on her limbs and neck, for the next twenty minutes the matriarch continued to run the wand over iliafray discharging it four more times each discharge producing the same painful reaction. Finally the matriarch pressed the wand into Iliafray’s cunt resting it against the clitoris smiling at the desperate shaking of Iliafra’s head and muffled noises from behind the gag the convulsions from this discharge was even more impressive , besides the arcing of the body and muffled scream Iliafray’s bladder gave way spraying urine across the table, missing the matriarch who had been careful to stand to one side . Putting the wand aside the matriarch took down a black leather case and opened it to reveal a ***********ion of silver tools , scalpels , needles and larger skewers. Again she smiled at Ilifray’s shaking of her head and trembling, before taking the first of the silver needles and slowly sliding it into one of Iliafray’s breasts , this time to prevent her moving too much she seated herself across Ilifray’s stomach pinning her daughter in place . Then she continued sliding half a dozen needles into each of Iliafray’s breasts , then wiping the blood off with one finger and then licking it from her finger. Sliding further down Iliafray’s body she left a damp trail as her dripping cunt slid down the pinned girls abdoman until she was straddling her hips. Reaching into the case she came out with a silver scalpel and started work on the skin beneath Iliafray’s breasts and across her stomach, not cutting deeply but penetrating the skin far enough to draw blood she traced out a pattern of intricate lines and runes , Iliafray sincerely hoped that they were nothing more than a tortous decoration and not for instance markings dedicating her as a sacrifice , finally the matriarch finished her tracery and stood up , sliding off the table and moving back around to Iliafray’s head “Just a few more needle’s to go , and this time I want to hear you scream, and when you are not screaming you had better put that tongue to good use unless you want me to cut it out”. With that the matriarch hastily pulled the ball gag out of Iliafray’s mouth and before she could have said anything even if she had dared sat down straddling Iliafray’s face with her dripping cunt smothering the younger woman, then she reached down to Iliafray’s cunt and as Iliafray’s talanted tongue got to work in a desperate attempt to distract the matriarch from what she knew was coming next she took out some more needles , starting by driving the smaller needles through her labia three along each side each one producing a scream muffled by her cunt smothering Iliafray’s face and each scream further stimulating the matriarch finally only one needle remained and she could feel Iliafray tensing beneath her and desperately trying to bring the matriarch to orgasm and perhaps distract her. Nothing though could save Iliafray from having the last needle driven through the center of her clit, producing the loudest scream yet this was enough to bring the matriarch to her orgasm grinding her cunt down firmly onto Iliafray’s face as the spasm of pleasure passed through her.

Ilifray felt the matriarch relax settling back onto Iliafray’s face, she would have appreciated the break in the pain more if she had been able to breathe, instead as she tried to overcome the pain from all her injuries she had to struggle to snatch even a few breath’s as her face was smothered by the matriarch’s cunt.Finally after a couple of minutes which stretched to eternity the matriarch stood up and ran her hands over the needles and cuts admiring her handiwork. Then she began to unfasten Iliafray from the table, although Iliafray hardly moved exhausted by her experiences so far. The matriarch then rolled Iliafray over onto her stomach drawing further moans as the new position put pressure on the needle’s piercing her front, finally the matriarch manipulated the table raising a section underneath Iliafrays abdomen raising her buttocks in the air and leaving her still gaping cunt and ass exposed.

“Well Iliafray this has been fun for me , just a last few bits of fun and you’ll be free to go. However this is the last time, I won’t be placing you under my protection any more just for the price of your body. That leaves you three alternative, develop enough power of your own in the next few weeks so that your dear sister’s don’t kill you, flee far enough away so neither me nor them can find you , or there is a job I need doing, it will be painful , humiliating and there is a very good chance it will kill you but if you succeed you will at a minimum have my protection for the rest of my life or gain enough power to hold your own the details are with the other items of payment in your room, let me know if you accept before the end of the five day “. while explaining this to her semiconcous daughter the matriarch took down a large dildo from the shelf, resting it against her own cunt she felt it take root establishing a magical connection so it felt like her own body. Then moving to stand behind her daughter she drove it suddenly and forcefully into her anus, she felt the anal ring split as she drove in and out , and was pleased to discover that Iliafray was not so out of it that this fresh agony and indignity could not produce fresh screams. She drove in and out for a good five minutes until an orgasm rippled through her, pulling out for the last time she removed the dildo and rolled her Iliafray of the table leaving her slumped on the floor then she squatted down over Iliafray’s face “Just a last gesture of appreciation” the matriarch emptied her bladder over the face and hair of Iliafray. Then the matriarch stood up and walked out of the room leaving her daugher in a pool of urine , bleeding from her ruptured anus and a dozen other cuts.

After the matriarch left Iliafray lay bleeding on the floor before pulling herself to her feet and slowly and painfully making her way back to her chambers leaning against the wall as she went to avoid collapsing.
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