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Not so bright girl goes to live with her stepbrother in his university accommodation and discovers sex.
My not so bright stepsister

by Vanessa Evans

Part 03

In the morning I woke before Eva and discovered that we were still spooning and my morning woody was resting along her slit. I slowly manoeuvred myself so that I slid inside her again and slowly started fucking her.

“Is that you Luke?” Were Eva’s first words.

“No, it’s Henry, don’t you remember?” I replied.

Eva’s head quickly turned to see who it actually was fucking her then she relaxed and we both enjoyed a longish fucking session which included us doing a 69 which was the only way that I could keep the noise down.

Eventually we got up and went to the bathroom where, amongst other things, I watched Eva shave her pussy with her teacher instructing her how to get the hard to get at bits.

Once I had had my first mouthful of coffee we started talking with Eva saying,

“Your friends are so nice Luke, they made me feel really good.”

“I’m sure that they all liked you as well Eva, some of them have already invited you to their parties.”

“Will they want to please me again?”

“I am one hundred percent sure of that Eva.”

Then both Liam and Jackson happened to walk in at the same time, both looking like they needed a coffee so Eva got up and poured them one.

“I didn’t expect to see you 2 until this afternoon.” I said.

“I couldn’t sleep, too much shouting and screaming.” Liam complained.

“Was that me? I know that I was bit noisy.”

“A bit, bloody hell girl, you could wake the dead.”

“That’s not possible is it?” Eva replied.

“Maybe you should get some ear defenders.” I suggested.

“Or you could get a Ball Gag for Eva.” Jackson said.

“What’s one of those?” Eva asked.

“You know how big a table tennis ball is don’t you Eva?”

“Yes, you’re not going to get us playing ping pong while we fuck are you?”

“No Eva, a Ball Gag is like a table tennis ball that has straps attached to it. The ball goes in your mouth and the straps fasten at the back of your head.”

“Like a gag then. I suppose that a Ball Gag would make me a lot quieter.”

“You could get her some ankle and wrist cuffs as well and tie her to the bed, or on this table.” Liam suggested.

“I think that bondage is a bit further down the line Liam.” I replied, “besides, I haven’t got the money.”

“Maybe daddy would give you the money Luke, after all, they are for me.”

“I don’t think that your father would give me any money if he thought that it would be used to tie his only daughter down to a bed or a table.“

“I can ask him.” Eva said.

“Besides Eva, do you even want to be tied down to a bed or a table?”

“I don’t know, never thought about it. I guess that it must be something like the games of cowboys and indians that we used to play with the other kids in the street when I was little.”

“Err no Eva,” Jackson said, “you’d be tied down naked and men would come and grope and probably fuck you.”

“That could be nice, just so long as they are as good at it as Luke is.”

“I don’t know what to say.” Liam said.

“Let’s just get a Ball Gag for now,” I said, then see how it goes. “The main issue is Eva’s noise and a Ball Gag should fix that.”

“So you can sleep in peace.” Eva added, then added,

“Did I make a lot of noise when everyone was playing with me and eating my pussy last night.”

“I don’t know, the music was too loud.”

After a short silence, Jackson said,

“Eva, I vaguely remember eating your pussy last night, did I?

“You did, and you made me cum. It was nice.”

“Sorry, I should have been more respectful to you.”

“Why, your mouth made me cum and that was a good thing.”

“So you ate Eva’s pussy last night and I only managed to finger fuck her?”

“Sorry Liam, do you want to eat me now so that you are even, I could lay of this table or we could go to the Bean Bag.”

“Relax Eva,” Liam said, “I’m sure that there will be other opportunities.”

“I hope so.” Eva replied.

After a short silence, Jackson said,

“The place is a bit of tip isn’t it?”

“Yeah, but that can wait,” Liam replied, “I need to go back to bed and get some sleep, that’s if our sexy new housemate isn’t going to wake up half the city.”

“I’ll be quiet, Eva replied, “and I’ll clean the place as well, it’s the least that I can do for all of you after you’ve been so good to me.”

All 3 of us guys smiled, each of us knowing that Eva just didn’t get it, but none of us was going to stop her from clean the place. We watched as Eva got up and started collecting the empty beer bottles.

“Where do these go?” Eva asked.

“The recycling bin.” Liam answered.

“Where’s that?”

“At the front of the drive.”


All 3 of us watched Eva as she picked up the bag of bottles and cans and walked out of the front door, still totally naked.

About a minute later she was back.

“I didn’t know which colour the recycling wheelie bin was, I was going to come back and ask you but a nice man was walking passed with his dog so I asked him.”

“Well now you know.” I said.

“Yep, I’ll fill the bag with more and take them out.”

Both Liam and Jackson were slightly stunned that Eva took the rubbish out totally naked but I wasn’t. I was actually quite pleased that it proved that she was no inhibitions and just doesn’t care who sees her naked.

All 3 of us watched Eva work, bending down lots of times, each time with straight knees and usually with her back to us, and going out to the bin. She didn’t mention seeing anyone else out there, but why would she if she thought nothing of it.

Both Liam and Jackson went back to bed and I got out my laptop and tried to do some uni work but it was difficult with the distraction being what it was. In the end I decided to check my bank account to see how much I had and how much I could draw out for day-to-day running expenses. I was shocked to see that I had a transfer of £500 into my account with the reference of my mother’s name.

I sat in silence for a good minute trying to work out why my mother would have done that. Then I checked my emails and found one from mum. Basically, the message was that the money was to cover the food that Eva would eat, and the things that I would need to get from the supermarket for her.

I wrote a quick thank you email, adding that Eva was being as good as gold and more of a help than a hindrance. Then I googled Ball Gags and ended up ordering one, and some soft, cotton rope. It was so cheap that if Eva wasn’t happy being tied up I wouldn’t have lost much. I didn’t tell Eva what I had ordered.

When I was done I looked for Eva and was almost pleased to see that she was just about to plug the vacuum cleaner in.

“Stop,” I quickly, loudly said so that Eva would hear, “the noise will disturb Liam and Jackson.”

“Sorry, I didn’t think of that.” Eva replied. “What shall I do now?”

“Come over here Eva, and try to put some life into my cock.”

Eva was smiling as she came and knelt in front of me.

“See how much of it you can get in your mouth Eva.” I said a few minutes later when I was fully erect and Eva had got it out of my boxers.

In some things, Eva is a quick learner and she eagerly licked and sucked the end of my cock before lowering her head onto me. As her head went up and down I realised that she was doing what I had asked. Soon her nose was pressing against my pubic bone and I realised that I couldn’t take much more of it.

I lifted her head off me then told her to get up and bend over the kitchen table.

“Are you going to fuck me Luke?”

“Yes I am.”

I gave her butt a slap as I walked passed her and went to the utensils drawer. I picked out a wooden spoon then went back to behind her and looked down at her inviting, spread, wet pussy.

I knelt down and licked the length of her slit then stood and passed her the wooden spoon saying,

“Bite on this Eva, and don’t let it fall out of your mouth.”

She did, and I rammed my cock deep inside her in one fast move.

“Umph” Eva said although it was muffled.

Then I stared properly fucking her and muffled moans and goodness knows what, were coming out round the spoon. At least I didn’t need a decibel meter to know that she wouldn’t be waking Liam or Jackson. As I thrust in and out I thought about the Ball Gag that I had ordered. I just hoped that Eva would wear it.

Eva orgasmed first, somehow I was managing to hold off me cumming and it wasn’t until Eva reached her second orgasm that I thrust as deep as I could, held my cock where it was and pumped my seed deep inside Eva. Then I leant forwards trying to get my hands on Eva’s tits but they were pressed onto the table and she wasn’t in a fit state to lift up and let me grab them.

Eventually, I properly stood then withdrew my softening cock and sat on a chair. Eva slowly got up, spat out the wooden spoon then sat on my lap putting an arm round my neck and leaning her head onto mine.

“That was awesome,” Eva finally said, “but I think that you might have bruised my thighs banging them against the table.”

I smiled then replied,

“Complaining are you?”

“No, just saying. I think that some of your cock went into my throat, I couldn’t breathe through my mouth so I had to breathe through my nose.”

“Were you okay with my cock going into your throat Eva?”

“Yes, why wouldn’t I be?”

“Well some girls can’t control their breathing and they panic.”

“I didn’t.”

“No you didn’t, you did well Eva, I’m proud of you,”

Eva moved her head to kiss my cheek but I turned my head and kissed her full on her lips, my tongue exploring her mouth.

“I think that we need a shower.” I said, “Then how about a walk, I need to go to an ATM to get some cash out.”

“ATM?” Eva asked.

“Automatic Teller Machine, Hole in the wall, cash machine.”

“Oh right. Can I go like this?”

“No Eva, just because you went out to the wheelie bins like that and no one complained, doesn’t mean that you can go into town naked, some fuddy, duddy prude is bound to complain then you would get arrested.”

“I don't like some people.”

“Neither do I.”

We did shower without having any sex, other than me having a couple of quick rubs of Eva’s clit as I shaved her pussy. Then we got dressed, Eva just a dress, then we went out. Sadly there was no breeze, but it wasn’t cold.

As we walked Eva put her arms round me and I put an arm round her, gently pulling up the side of her dress. I couldn’t see how much of her I was revealing but her dress was short and Eva never complained or tried to pull it back down.

There aren’t may ATMs in the town and we had to walk around a bit to find one that didn’t charge an arm and a leg to use it, and after I’d go the cash I decided to treat Eva to a meal in a pub. I picked one that has tables outside on the street and Eva sat at one of those whilst I went and got a drink and ordered the food.

When I went outside I saw Eva looking at me. I could see her bare legs under the table and also right up to her bare stomach. I wanted to fuck her over that table for all the world to see, but instead I sat almost opposite her so that anyone walking along the street, if they looked, would get the same view as I had had.

As we talked I slipped a trainer off and moved my foot between her legs and up to her pussy. Eva’s eyes opened wide then she smiled as she spread her knees some more to give my toes better access. Eva leant back a bit enabling me to rub her protruding clit with my big toe but it wasn’t the same and I gave up trying to arouse her.

Shortly after that a waitress came and put some cutlery and condiments on the table. As she was doing that I saw that she was smiling and looking at Eva. Just before she turned to walk away she said to Eva,

“Brave girl.”

Then she was gone.

“What was that about?” Eva asked.

“Look down to your pussy.” I replied.

Eva did.

“Can you see your slit?”


“Well the waitress was saying that you are a brave girl for showing it.”

“I wasn’t deliberately letting her see my pussy. Should I close my knees Luke?”

“Not if you don’t want to Eva.”

Eva obviously didn’t want to because a few minutes later a waiter brought our food and I watched his eyes. They lingered looking at Eva’s slit and I wondered if the waitress had said anything to him.

Just as we were finishing our food Eva told me that a homeless man was looking at her.

“Are your knees still wide open?”


“Then he’s probably looking at your pussy Eva.”

“Oh, okay, poor man.”

“He probably hasn’t seen a naked girl for years, you haven’t closed your knees have you?”


We got on with finishing our food and I watched the homeless man slowly shuffling passed us.

Relaxing after finishing our food and finishing our drinks I said,

“Eva, would you like to have orgasms in public?”

“Hmm, I guess that that would be different but if I were to start playing with my pussy in the street wouldn’t I get arrested?”

“Possibly, but what if you could cum without anyone’s hands going anywhere near your tits or pussy?”

“You know that I like having orgasms, and thank you Luke for making me realise that. But how is it possible?”

“Well, I’ve read about these remote controlled vibrators that can be controlled by a mobile phone.”

“But I haven’t got a mobile phone?”

“That’s something that we’ll have to put right soon, but I’ve got one.”

“So you could control the vibrator in my pussy from your phone?”

“Yes. I’d need to be relatively close to you until we get you a phone then with your phone near you I could control the vibrator from anywhere in the world.”

“Are you going away Luke?”

“No, but if you had the vibrator in you at home and I was at the university I could make you cum from there.”

“I don’t understand how that is possible.”

“I’ll explain it all to you sometime, but in the mean time just accept that it’s possible.”

“Okay, but I haven’t got one of those vibrators.”

“But you will have soon, I’m going to buy one fore you using some of the money that my mum sent me.”

“A sort of present, but Luke, I haven’t got any money to buy you a present.”

“I get a present from you every time that I open my eyes and see you Eva.”

“But that’s not a real present.”

“It is to me, if Liam and Jackson get the app on their phones they can make you cum as well.”

“You know that I love to cum but would Liam and Jackson want to make me cum?”

“Is the pope catholic?”

“What, I don’t know, what does the pope have to do with it?”

“Nothing, it was my poor sense of humour. When we get back we’re going onto the internet and order one for you.”

Thank you Luke, I love presents. Will it be gift wrapped.”

“No, but you’re not gift wrapped anytime either.”


“Never mind, come on, lets have a walk round town then back home.”

We did, and about an hour later we were walking in the door and Eva was taking her dress off and rolling and pulling her nipples.

“It’s like she doesn’t like them being compressed under her dress.” I thought but said nothing.

Liam and Jackson were both in the lounge half watching a game of football on the TV whilst doing something on their laptops.

“Thanks for cleaning up Luke.” Jackson said without even taking his eyes of his laptop.

“It wasn’t me,” I replied, “It was all Eva.”

“Thank you Eva.” Jackson replied, again not lifting his eyes from his laptop.

I took Eva up to my room and got my laptop out. Eva was amazed at all the vibrators that were for sale and what each one would do. When we looked at the ones with a bulb shape and an antenna, Eva said,

“They look huge, like a football, I’ll never get one of those in my pussy.”

“They can’t be that big, look at it this way Eva, they’re selling them and girls must be using them. They get them inside them so you will be able to.”

“Oh, I never thought about it that way. They’re not like balloons are they, put them in and inflate them?”

“It doesn’t say so, but we can look for inflatable dildos and vibrators if you like but they’ll probably make your tummy look like you’ve been eating too much chocolate cake.”

“Oh, I don’t want that, I like my little flat tummy.”

“So do I Eva.” I replied patting her bare stomach.

“But what about that stick thing that sticks out of my pussy, will it be uncomfortable, and will people like seeing it sticking out of me like a long, thin, pink cock with a little lump on the end?”

“They wouldn’t sell many if they were uncomfortable, and I’m totally sure that people will like seeing your pussy with one of those sticking out, they’ll think about what’s on the other end and what’s it doing to you.”

“Making me cum I hope.”

“And that’s what those people will think.”

In the end we did *********** one that has a pink antenna that sticks out of the vagina, a Lovense 2. I also used the rest of mum’s money to buy Eva a decent mobile phone that I could teach her how to pleasure herself with, without her hands going anywhere near her pussy. After I’d completed the purchases Eva stood up and told me to get undressed.

“This is my way of thanking you Luke.”

Eva said as she impaled herself on my cock. She wasn’t gagged to keep her quiet but I figured that the guys could always turn the TV volume up – if they wanted to.

After we’d both cum Eva collapsed down on my chest and just lay there for ages until I told her that I had some uni work to do and that she had to leave me alone so that I could concentrate on it.

“Do you want me to go downstairs and see what Liam and Jackson are doing?”

“That’s a good idea Eva, maybe you could do some dancing for them.”

“Like I did at the party?”

“Yes Eva.”

“Maybe I could ask Liam to eat my pussy so that he’s even with Jackson?”

“If that’s what you want to do Eva, go for it.”

“Well it would even things up, and go towards paying my rent, I’ve got to keep all 3 of you happy.”

“Eva, we’ve told you, you don’t have to pay any rent either in the form of money, or your body, we’re just happy to have you here.”

“But I like doing sex things.”

“Then go for it Eva, it’s your body to do with as you like.”

“Thanks Luke, you’re awesome.”

The naked Eva went downstairs and I finally managed to catch up with my assignments. When I finally went downstairs Eva was sat on her Bean Bag with her knees wide open, and she looked a little flushed. What’s more. Both Liam and Jackson had smiles of their faces. I decided not to ask and got myself a drink then told everyone that I was going to bed. Eva jumped up and followed me.

As we lay there in post coital bliss Eva said,

“Luke, I hope that you don’t mind but I gave both Liam and Jackson below jobs and they ate my pussy, and it wasn’t one at a time. It was soo nice giving a below job while someone else was eating my pussy. I came 3 times.”

“Eva, you are an 18 year old woman and you do not belong to me or anyone else, so you can make up you own mind what you do and with whom.”

“So you don’t mind then Luke?”

“No Eva.”

“Oh goody, I loved 2 men doing sex things with me at the same time.”

“So you’d like to do it again?”

“Yes please.”

“How about with men that you hardly know?”

“Yes, why not, just as long as they aren’t smelly or dirty.”

“How about our mates at the next party that we go to?”

“That sounds nice.”

“Maybe we could tie you to the 4 corners of a table and let everyone get their hands on you.”

“That sounds really nice, when is it?”

“I have no idea, I’ll let you know when I know, now go to sleep Eva, I’ve got a busy week ahead of me.”

“Yes Luke.” Eva replied but not letting go of my soft cock.


It was a good job that I told Eva what time I had to be up because she woke me with a blowjob giving me just enough time to cum, get showered and to the uni for my first lecture of the week. I knew that Liam and Jackson would be out most of the day as well so I wondered what Eva would get up to.

When I got home she was asleep on her Bean Bag and when I woke her by licking her pussy and chewing her clit, she grabbed my head and wouldn’t let go until she had cum. Fair’s fair I suppose.

One noisy, girly orgasm later we went to the kitchen and whilst we got something to eat I asked Eva what she’d been doing all day. Apparently she’d done some tidying, put the rubbish out and had a good look around the back garden, all whilst naked. She told me that she’d waved at one neighbour that she’d seen watching her.

Then she’d put a dress on and gone for a walk. I asked her if it was a short dress and she said that it was, but it hadn’t been windy that day so I doubted that she’d accidentally flashed anyone. Eva told me something that I hadn’t known, not far up the road in the direction that we never go, is a park and Eva had had a walk around it. She’d stopped at a deserted kids play area and played on the equipment, complaining that she got a cold butt when she sat on anything.

I asked her if she’d played with her clit at all and she said,

“Not until I got home, then I made myself cum twice, once was when Jackson came down to get something to eat. He watched me cum then said hello then carried on what he was doing.”

“So he didn’t help you cum?”

“No, other than he was watching me and when someone watched me I usually cum faster.”

“Jeez,” I thought, “she only really discovered sex a few days ago and here she is talking about her cumming faster if she’s being watched.”

Anyway, we had a quiet evening, it only being disturbed by Eva’s loud moans of pleasure as we fucked before we went to sleep.


The Tuesday saw Eva get into a bit of a routine only she’d got lost when she was out walking and had to ask someone how to get back to our road. I was pleased that I’d got her to repeat the street name lots of times when we first went out for a walk.


On the Wednesday morning Eva was doing some housework when the doorbell rang. I was working on my laptop in the lounge and both Liam and Jackson were at the university. Eva was near the door so she opened it. Either she forgot that she was naked or she didn’t care that whoever it was was going to see her naked body, and the postman was treated to a beautiful sight.

It was the toys that I had ordered for Eva and the postman wanted a signature. Eva left the door open and came to get me. When I went to the door Eva came with me and stood next to me whilst I signed. The man was obviously distracted and enjoying the view because he kept repeating himself and fumbling about as he got the packages out of his bag and handed them to me.

I smiled at him when we were done but I stayed put with Eva next to me until he was off the drive and going down the street, him looking back twice, obviously checking to see if he was dreaming or not.

“Maybe I should order some more things for delivery when only you are here Eva?” I said,

“You liked him looking at you didn’t you?”

“Yes Luke. Are those my presents”

“Some of them, there’s only 3 packages and I was expecting 4.”

“Can I open my presents please Luke?”

“Do you want me to sing happy birthday Eva?”

“It’s not my birthday.”

Eva ripped open the first package and wanted to try the Ball Gag straight away so I put it on her then had to laugh as she tried to talk to me so I took it off her.

Next Eva ripped open the Remote Controlled Vibrator and just stared at it for a few seconds the asked,

“Is that thing is supposed to go inside me, in my vagina?”


“It’s so big.”

“It will go in, trust me Eva.”

“I do but won’t it hurt?”

“Not if we get you all wet it won’t.”

“Well that won’t be a problem, I’ve never been wetter and for so long, since I got here.”

“You mean since you discovered how much fun sex is?”

“Isn’t that what I just said?”

“Not quite, but okay, let’s find out how to charge this thing then read the instructions.”

Eva sat on my lap and we read everything that was in English. Eva was fidgeting and grinding her pussy onto my jeans covered hard-on. It was obvious that she has little patience.

Soon I had downloaded the App and was ready to connect the fun bit. Unfortunately we had to wait another hour until it was fully charged before the games could begin. When I told Eva that we had to wait an hour for it to get charged she was disappointed but soon came up with something else that we could do while we waited.

After we’d repeated all the sex positions that Eva had learnt so far Eva collapsed on her Bean Bag and just watched me as I managed to put I some time on my uni assignment.

I only got about 5 minutes work done before Eva told me that the hour was up and could I please show her how the Lovense worked.

First I went through what the button on the end of the antenna does, with the vibrator on a table, Eva asking if it doing that inside her would hurt her and I reminded her that we’d already talked about that.

Then came the real trial run. Eva wanted me to put it inside her so I did, Eva leaning back to give me better access to her pussy.

“That feels bigger than your cock Luke.”

“That’s because it is Eva.”

After checking that she was okay, I pressed the button and Eva both jumped and screamed, and my ears hurt, before she sighed and said,

“That feels nice, can I keep it in all day?”

“Not if you want me to fuck you.”

“Oh yes, but until then?”

“Yes, but I don’t know how long the battery will last, let’s try the other settings.”

I got Eva to press the button at the end of the protruding part of the vibrator and the more she pressed it the stronger the vibrations got until just couldn’t keep still. One of Eva’s hands was cupping her pussy with 2 fingers either side of the antenna whilst her other hand was squeezing one of her A cup tits that were jiggling about.

I watched as she pulled and twisted her nipple then she slipped of my lap and onto the floor. Apparently unhurt, Eva’s whole body was shaking and jerking about until she screamed,

“I’mmmmmmm cummmmmmmminggggggggg.”

But her body didn’t stop shaking and jerking until I realised that she was incapable of pressing the button on the end of the antenna so I reached down and pressed the button. Eva suddenly went still and she let out a long sigh before finally saying,

“That was weird, but awesome, can I do that again?”

Before I could answer Eva’s body suddenly jerked and she screamed again.

“I think that you’ve changed the setting to random blasts Eva. Press the button, wait a couple of seconds to see what it does then press it again if you want. Go through the cycle so that you get to know what it does.”

I watched as Eva did just that, letting out a mixture of noises and her body the occasional jerk and tit wobble, until she seemed happy that she had mastered the control.

Eva lay back on the floor relaxing with a happy face.

“Now,” I said, “let’s see what I can do controlling it from my phone.”

I opened the app on my phone, connection was made and my fingers got to work sliding and tapping on my phone. Each time that I did something I looked down at Eva’s body and her smiling face.

Each time I increased the vibrations to max or near max I saw Eva’s body jerk and shake and I considered putting the Ball Gag on her, it was a good job that we were alone in the house.

It wasn’t long before Eva was cumming again. As she was writhing about on the floor Jackson arrived and looked down on her.

“Is that one of those remote controlled vibrators?” He asked.

“Yes, just got it and we’re taking it for a trial run.”

“Can I have a go?”

“Sure.” I said and passed him my phone.

In between the whimpering, the screaming and the orgasms I said,

“The Ball Gag has arrived as well but I didn’t want to overload her with too many new sensations at once.”

“Good idea.” Jackson replied as he turned the vibrations right down.

As Eva got control of herself back she said,

“Hi Jackson, I’ve got my first sex toy.”

“So I see, do you like it Eva?”

“It’s totally awesome Jackson, you should get one. Oh wait, you’re a boy, you haven’t got a pussy.”

“No Eva, but it’s great seeing you play with it.”

“I wasn’t, Luke was controlling it, oh, and I think you did a bit as well.”

“I did Eva, and it was like, great controlling you.”

“Maybe Luke will let you put that app thing on your phone so that you can control me. Luke’s getting me a phone so that I can control it without having to put my hand on my pussy. Do you think that people will see this pink antenna thing hanging below my skirt?”

“Having seen the length of the skirts that you wear Eva, yes, people will see it and they will wish that they could control it.”

“That would be so cool, strangers controlling my pussy.”

“They will be able to when I setup the Wi-Fi connection.” I said, “I’ll let you have the info just as soon as I’ve got my phone connecting via Wi-Fi Jackson, then we’ll be able to control her from anywhere. I’m getting a phone for Eva so that we can have fun from anywhere assuming that Eva will keep herself within Bluetooth range of my phone until hers arrives.”

Jackson installed the app on his phone then had a little remote play with Eva making her dance around a bit but not cum. Then he saw the package with the rope in it. He was a bit confused at first because he had never seen white cotton rope before and when he realised what it was he asked me what id was for so I told him that it was to tie Eva to a table and let lots of people grope her. He liked that idea then he remembered that one of his classmates had invited us to a party at his house. When he asked if he knew about Eva his reply was,

“Why do you think I’ve organised the party?”

Apparently word about the naked housemate who likes to let people make her cum was spreading. Jackson had thanked him for the invite and promised to take Eva.

“Maybe we can take her new toys along with us and maybe tie her to a table there?” Jackson asked.”

“Yes please.” Eva replied, “I like university parties, they’re much more fun than the ones I used to go to when I was little.”

The rest of the day was relatively quiet, Eva demonstrated her new vibrator to Liam when he got home, Jackson and I managed to get some course work done and Eva managed to run the battery in her vibrator flat.

When we went to bed Eva was quite tired so the fucking wasn’t as good as usual, but still good.

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