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Married wife and an unbelievable night!
Author’s Note

One of my very first stories on this site. In re-reading it I decided it needed a complete overhaul. Not in the story itself but on how it is presented to you guys. As I’ve grown as a writer, I see all the errors made in this story and it doesn’t meet the standards that you guys have come to expect of me. Once again, I would like to give mfan2112 a huge thanks in editing this. Could not have done this without you, my friend.

For those who have not read my previous work here goes: I use italics in my stories as the inner thoughts of the main character and since musicals are my favorite movie genre, they are used for musical breaks as well. You will find in my writing I try to be as illustrative as possible so you, the reader, will have a clear visual of the characters and the environment they are in.

Please feel free to leave comments either good or bad. I do read them and will respond quickly. I want to improve as a writer and any CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is always welcomed.

Without further ado I present:

I Can’t Believe I Cheated

Honestly, I can’t tell you how I let this happen but it did. Once it begun, I couldn’t control myself. His charm and sexual magnetism made my pussy drip the moment he touched me. This affair can ruin my marriage, but I’m addicted to him. My name is Erin Avena and I am Bobby Johnson’s slut!


It was a Saturday night and my husband and I were excited to finally be going out with friends. We lead very busy lives with us both having very demanding jobs and being parents to two wonderful children at the ages of 15 and 14. My husband, Jacob, is a Case Manager at a correctional facility and I am a Software Engineer working for an Investment Company. We have made a great life together. We have achieved the American Dream, so to speak.

Over the years, Jacob and I have tried to schedule date-nights to get our love life back on track because we know it’s become relatively non-existent. But something always seems to come up to derail our plans. We have been together for 17-years, married for 15 of them, and are very much in love, but we know something has to change. Communication has never been an issue with us. We’ve made the point early on in our relationship to have dinner every night to talk about our day and anything else going on in our lives. Jacob stressed that issue before we got married because he saw how his parents drifted apart because they barely talked to each other and he didn’t want that for us. Now that we have our children, continuing that tradition is of most importance because we want to know what’s going on in our kids’ lives.

As you probably could gather, with all this going on, it means my husband and I don’t have a lot of time in the sex department which we both realize needs major improvement. Between us working, taking our kids to school and their subsequent soccer practices, Tae-Kwon Do classes, and various other activities, Jacob and I have lost our way when it comes to intimacy. We love being parents, but it has changed the quality time we spend together and forget about alone time especially with the kids’ always around. We have become great parents but we’ve become more roommates than anything else. Our sex life which was once twice a day and at least 4 times a day on the weekends has dwindled down to barely twice every few months! We get in a quickie every now and again, which I don’t count, but we have not FUCKED in a while. I miss the days when he would take me without any regard who was around. Family, friends or strangers. He would take me in a corner somewhere and slide his cock in me. I would be so turned on he would have to cover my mouth for others not to hear. He would dump his load deep inside of me or push me to my knees to swallow him, kiss me on my cheek, call me a good girl then walk away like nothing happened. Gosh! I yearn for those times.

Jacob and the kids are my whole world! I know he adores me, is faithful, and will do anything for our family so this is why I am so disgusted with myself for what I did and continue to do. This is my story:


As I’m in the bathroom checking myself in the mirror applying my makeup Jacob peaks in at me. “Honey, do you know where I put my blazer?”

I give a quick glance at him through the mirror. “I put it on the hanger inside the closet. You left it sprawled out over the bed and I didn’t want it getting wrinkled.”

With a smile and a thank you, he blew me a kiss. Just as he was about to head back into the bedroom his eyes notice the sheer lingerie I have on. He tip-toed behind and wrapped his arms around my waist pushing his crotch up against my ass.

We both give a coy look at one another through the mirror.

“You feel that?” he whispers.

I pressed my ass against his bulge. “You mean that?”

“Damn, baby you look delicious.” He nibbles on my earlobe. “You’re making my dick hard right now.”

Leaning back against his chest I let out a soft moan while stroking his hard cock through his boxer-briefs. “I would love nothing more than for you to bend me over right here and bury this dick of yours in me, but our friends will be here any minute and we need to get dressed. I don’t want to look freshly fucked when they get here.”

He moaned as I removed my hand from his dick. “Baby, c’mon we haven’t had sex in… shit, I don’t even remember the last time we had sex. Let me just put the tip in, pleaaaase?”

I quickly spun around and gave him a quick peck on the lips. “Just the tip is how we got pregnant with Roman and Alicia, remember that? There is no such thing as ‘just the tip’ with you. You go from 0 to 100, REAL QUICK.”

Jacob laughs and puts his hands up conceding the point. He pretends to mope out the bathroom while massaging his hardened dick. “Not my fault. Your pussy sucks my dick in and won’t let it go.”

“Ha-Ha.” I giggle and shake my head. “Go get ready.”

He’s such a dope. He always makes me laugh.

I turn back to the mirror to finish my makeup. After applying the last of my eyeliner, I take a good look at myself. Damn! I’m looking sexy as fuck! I couldn’t help but blush.

Being a 45-year-old Southern-Belle, I have kept my looks quite well over the years. People have often said that I look as if I’m in my late 20s or early 30s. I contribute that to having good genes and doing Pilates four times a week. I’m 5’7” with light brown hair, brown eyes, perky C-cup breasts (courtesy of a breast augmentation when I was 24), and a bubble butt. Having had plenty of gentleman admirers of all ages over the years, I still got it! If you want a clearer picture of my appearance, look up Ashley Jones. Dressing up mostly for work which consists of wearing dress slacks, button-down shirts, and high heels; tonight, is a welcomed change because I haven’t dressed up to go out in a long while.

My husband, Jacob, is a 42-year-old Dominican male. He looks like David Ortiz, the former baseball player. He is dark-skinned with the most adorable brown eyes. I had to force him to do Pilates with me five-years ago because he started getting obese. Now, don’t get me wrong I love my husband and would love him fat or skinny but his health was a major concern for his doctor a few years ago. Jacob was diagnosed as pre-diabetic and would have diabetes today if we didn’t change his diet and start him on an exercise program. He is much healthier now and is almost at the weight he was when we first met. If you ask him, he didn’t lose weight for health purposes but for vanity; he wants to look good in clothes!

Coming out of the bathroom I pick up my floral-print mini-dress that was hung behind the door. While I’m slipping it on Jacob was in the walk-in-closet telling me how lucky we are now that my mother and sister finally decided to move to Florida. Now our kids have a place to sleepover so we can go out.

Because of all the horror stories in the news about babysitters or nannies hurting children they take care of, Jacob and I never wanted to hire one. We knew if that ever happened to our kids, we would both end up in jail for murder!

“Yes! Thank you, mom!” I exulted while putting on my black open toes stiletto heels.

Jacob walks out then looks me up and down. “My, my, my, someone is going to be a lucky son-of-a-bitch who takes your sexy ass home.”

With a playful eyeroll and an equally playful stick out of my tongue I jested, “Well, whoever it is, is going to get THOROUGHLY FUCKED.”

Jacob raised his eyebrows feigning disbelief at what I said. He walked over and pressed his 6’1” frame against mine then kissed me. “Erin, I love you so much.”

Staring up at his brown eyes I caressed his face, “I love you too, baby.”

Just then the doorbell rings.

We both smile and say in unison, “They’re here!”

Jacob gave me a playful slap on the butt and told me to finish getting ready while he goes downstairs to open the door. I complete my outfit by putting on my gold hoop earrings.

Just as I coming down the stairs I hear off in the distance, “There she is.”

I know that voice anywhere. It is one of Jacob’s best friends from work David De Luca. He strolled over to me, handed me a glass of champagne, and gave me a peck on the cheek.

David is your typical macho Italian guy. Very funny and personable. Jacob and I last went out with him and his lovely wife Claire a few months back. David is one of those people that if you need anything and I mean anything he knows how you can go about getting it. Being a correctional officer, he has hands in both the legitimate and illegitimate world. He is one of those ruggedly good-looking guys with his curly dark hair and now he’s sporting a new goatee look. If you look up John Turturro you get an idea of how what he looks like. His wife Claire is a very pretty woman and what I like most is her outgoing personality. She stood about 5’4” tall, brunette, and petite. Think of Moira Kelly.

As I take a good look at him, I put my hand on his chin and tease, “Nice whiskers.”

He turns and lifts his head to give me a profile look. “You like it Erin?”

Before I could answer, Claire gets up and gives me a hug and kiss. “Don’t encourage him Erin. He’s spending too much time with your husband over there who is a bad influence.”

We all stare in Jacob’s direction who smiles then shrugs his shoulders. “I did no such thing. Plus, it looks good on him.”

“You would say that because he has copied your look,” Claire continues, “I’m just happy he didn’t do the whole sideburns thing and just kept it upfront. Not everyone can pull off facial hair, my friend.”

David interjects, “Hey, hey, hey I’ve gotten plenty of compliments on my new look.”

Claire moves a little closer to me and murmurs, “Yeah, no one has the balls to tell their commanding officer he’s going through a mid-life crisis.”

We both giggle at her comment. David walks over and gives her butt a quick tap and says, “I heard that.”

“I know you did baby.” She gives him an over exaggerated kiss on the cheek. “You look great and I love you. But - after 22 years of marriage, you not being clean-shaven is something to get used to.”

“Plus, when you’re eating away down there.” She took a quick sip of her champagne. “I’m the one left with the chafe marks.”

Didn’t I say she has an outgoing personality? LOL

Jacob laughed so hard he spat out his champagne. David playfully took the glass of champagne from Claire’s hand and turned to Jacob, laughing, “Did you spike my wife’s drink bro? T. M. fucking I.”

I placed my hand over my mouth. I couldn’t control my laughter. Claire grabbed David by his shirt and drew him into a kiss. His hands inched down her back, squeezing a fistful of her ass.

These two were meant to be together. Being around them is always was fun.

Just then the doorbell rang.

After they unlocked their kiss David said he forgot to mention he invited his childhood friend Bobby Johnson to join us for drinks tonight. Bobby was to be in town for a few weeks and they haven’t seen each other in about 7-years. Jacob and I didn’t mind and raised our glass. “The more the merrier!”

I walked over to the front door and was taken aback when I opened it. Standing before me was a tall, maybe around 6’3”, broad-built black man. He looked like a football player. With a smile, he introduced himself, “Good evening my name is Bobby Johnson. My friend, David De Luca gave me this address to meet him here. Is this the correct residence?”

I returned a smile and extended my hand. “Yes, Mr. Johnson, I am Erin. Please, come on in. We were expecting you.”

“No need to call me Mr. Johnson.” His hand completely devoured mine as he shook it. “Bobby will be just fine.”

“Ok – Bobby. Follow me.” As I lead him into the living room, he complimented how lovely the house was. I turned to thank him, but in my surprise, his eyes were not looking at the house at all. They were fixed on my ass. I don’t even think he noticed me turning at all.

Just as we arrived to the living room David came up and embraced Bobby. Just like a brotherly hug. “So good to see you, bro.” Claire gave him a hug and a kiss. David formerly introduced us to Bobby.

Bobby Johnson was not just a childhood friend of David’s but his best friend. He was also the best man at his and Claire’s wedding. They had planned to enter the police academy together but Bobby decided that food was his passion, so he became a chef. He’s been a chef for a little over 30 years now and has made a great life for himself. He is a classically trained French chef and has worked in almost every part of the World from New York to Norway. Name a country, he probably worked there for a while.

Like I said he is 6’3” broad-built, clean-shaven with a very low haircut. You would think he was bald if you didn’t look closely. Decent looking guy. If I had to describe him look up Eddie Bo Smith Jr.

As the guys were talking Claire and I began to chit-chat about work, our kids, and just mundane everyday stuff. Every so often I noticed Bobby staring at me. I caught him ‘in the act’ a couple times and he would give a smile. The first few times I smiled back thinking he was just being friendly. But after a few more instances of him staring at me, it sort of felt like he was undressing me with his eyes.

No, that can’t be right. I’m imagining things.

“OK guys.” Jacob interrupted all of us. “It’s time to hit the road. We didn’t get all dressed up to stay in this house. I got us an Uber XL and it is here. Let’s go.”


We arrived at a bar/lounge where they were playing a mix of Reggae and Spanish style music. The place was lively. People dancing, drinking, and having a great time.

When we got to the bar Jacob pulled me in for a kiss.

Claire yelled out, “Get a room you two!”

We laughed. Jacob with a gleam in his eye, playfully responded, “Oh, we plan to!”

David asked each of us what we wanted and ordered drinks from the bartender. We all talked and were vibing to the music. After a few drinks Claire decided she wanted to dance, but David not being the dancing type declined. After the second failed attempt in asking him, she grabbed and yanked me onto the dance floor.

I love to dance. Jacob and I met at a club in South Beach. He’s also not the dancing type which is surprising since he’s Cuban. He prefers to hang out, watch the sexy woman, and drink with his boys when at a club. But, as he puts it, he saw me on the dance floor and couldn’t resist coming over to meet me.

Since we have been together, he has never discouraged me from going out to dance whenever I felt like it even if it’s just me and the girls. Jacob is not the jealous type; he always has expressed to me it would be more of a concern if guys didn’t look at me. His mantra is, “Guys can look at but not touch the merchandise and the sluttier I dressed while with him the better.” I love him so much!

While Claire and I were dancing to Daddy Yankee’s Limbo, I glanced over at my husband and fingered him to come dance with us. I could see Bobby saying something to David and followed behind Jacob.

Jacob was getting me all hot and bothered as his hands fondled my entire body. He spun me around, brushing his hard-on against my ass. I was ready for tonight. My pussy was on fire!

Claire and Bobby looked-on as we were acting like horny high-schoolers in the middle of the dancefloor. We didn’t care. We needed this.

After the third fast song, Jacob tapped out. He said he was going back to the bar so David won’t feel left out, but I knew he was worn out and couldn’t do another dance. He could tell I wasn’t finished yet and wanted to dance some more. Just before he walked back to the bar we kissed. As our tongues swirled, he slid his hand under my dress and rubbed my pussy lips through my now soaked panties. I instantly moaned in his mouth.

We broke the kiss. He stared deep into my eyes. “There is going to be plenty more of that later. I can’t wait to be inside of you.”

I didn’t utter a word but my wanton eyes told him all he needed to know. He gave me a naughty smile and walked towards Claire and Bobby.

I continued to dance as the DJ started playing some salsa music when I felt someone tap me on my shoulder. It was Bobby. He said Claire complained her feet were getting a little sore so she went back to the bar. Jacob asked him to come dance with me because I wanted to dance a little more and to also help protect me from the other guys around who might try to get a little handsy.

Jacob is so sweet. I just love him to death.

Bobby extended his hand to which I asked, “You dance salsa?”

He laughed then answered with confidence in his voice, “I am well-traveled, little lady. I’ve picked up a few moves here and there.” I gave him a smirk and took his hand.

Bobby was right, he definitely had moves. He dances very well.

A few songs in, I noticed the dance floor was becoming packed with more people. I could barely see Jacob, Claire, and David at the bar. Being that Bobby was tall he could see them clearly. He told me Jacob was giving him the thumbs up to keep on dancing if I wanted to.

I noticed something else too.

Bobby was being freer where he put his hands on my body as we continued dancing. He would brush his hand up against and caress my ass ever so often then use the excuse of someone bumping into him. After a while, he stopped saying anything at all. He would just smile and stare into my eyes. I smiled back at him not thinking anything of it. I didn’t object to it because the dance floor was crowded, the music was so good and also the alcohol was surging through me which made me have my guard down.

There is no way he would try anything with me with my husband less than 30-feet away, right?

The DJ mixed it up and began playing some dancehall music. He started by playing Kevin Lyttle’s Turn Me On. Bobby gave me a look as to ask if I was finished.

“You ready to head back little lady?”

I haven’t been out in such a long time and I wanted to make the most of this night. “No, not yet. If you’re too tired you can head back.”

“No, I think I can handle you.”

I should have listened to my inner voice and walked back to the bar when he made that remark coupled with the grin, he gave me. There was something sinister and mischievous about that grin.

As the music continued playing, he quickly twirled me around and slowly grinded on me. His left hand was on my waist holding me in place as I could feel his cock swell between the crack of my ass.

We kept dancing.

His right-hand trace down my skirt until he touched the bare skin of my outer thigh.

We kept dancing.

Reaching my thigh, he progressed his hand up under my skirt until he gently squeezed my ass from the side.

We kept dancing.

While we continued dancing, I also didn’t take notice on how we moved to the back of the club where he was now leaning against the wall. At this point there was no denying his dick was firmly wedged between my ass cheeks. He was still grinding into me, but we were having such a good time dancing and drinking I didn’t seem to mind.

Blame it on the alcohol?

“You’re making my dick hard; do you know that?” he groaned in my ear.

Looking back at him I just smiled and continued grinding into him.

“Oh, I see. You’re just a naughty little slut; aren’t you?” he sneered still grinding into me. “Do you know what I do with naughty little sluts?”

Snapping back from my alcohol induced haze, I began to apologize, realizing where I was and who I was, “Oh my gosh… I’m so sorry for this Bobby. I don’t know what got into me, but I can’t, we can’t…”

As I was about to go back to the bar Bobby grabbed my hand spinning me back close to him and said calmly, “It’s ok - relax, but you still didn’t answer the question. Do you know what I do with naughty little sluts?”

Staring into his eyes and hyperventilating I slowly shook my head no as I felt his hand under my dress. My pussy was scorching hot!

He whispered in my ear, “I fuck them dirty and nasty. Exactly how they like it.”

Just as he let those words out, he pulled my panties to the side and shoved his thick middle finger in my dripping cunt while rubbing my clit with his thumb. My pussy exploded as he pushed me to an orgasm I’ve never felt in my life, right on the dance floor. I buried my face in his chest trying not scream and cause any undue attention to us on the dance floor.

Bobby seemed relaxed, without a care in the world as he continued finger fucking me. With a fistful of my hair, he gently pulled. “Relax and just enjoy it. You’ve been wanting me to do this since we met. I’m going to fuck you many times over the next few weeks while I’m in town. Do you understand?”

I was unable to answer as I was creaming all over his finger. All I was able to do was just stare at him.

He took his middle finger out and showed it to me. It was completely soaked. He slithered his tongue out and licked his finger. “Yummy.”

When he finished lapping up my cunt juice he said with certainty, “I can’t wait to get my dick inside of you.”

I stood frozen in place and still wasn’t able to answer.

Still licking my cream off his finger and eyeing me he takes his other hand and grabs a fistful of my ass which breaks me free from my trance-like state.

“From now on you address me as sir or daddy. Do I make myself perfectly clear, slut?”

A mixture of anger, shame, guilt but most of all excitement fell upon me as I gazed up at him and answered, “Yes daddy.”


As we walked back to the bar all I could think about was how could I have allowed this to happen? What the fuck is wrong with me? I just met this man, not even 3-hours ago, and now I have him fingering me to an orgasm on the dance floor? And he is having me call him daddy?

All these questions kept repeating in my head and I didn’t realize Jacob was talking to me…

“Baby? Baby? Are you ok?” he asked with worry in his voice.

“Huh?” I slowly looked up at him giving a strained smile. “Sorry honey. I think the alcohol has my head swirling right now. It’s been a long time since I drank and danced like this.”

Jacob smiled and gave me a kiss on the lips.

“Someone is getting too old for this shit!” David shouted over the music.

“Oh, be quiet mister.” I replied putting my hands on my waist. “I still got it.”

Bobby chimed in, “Oh, she still got it alright.”

The way he said that while looking me dead in my face made my pussy quiver.

“She worked me out there on that dance floor,” he went on, “Jacob, you didn’t tell me your wife is such a terrific dancer. She danced circles around me I could hardly keep up.”

I blushed at that compliment.

Jacob was beaming with pride as he pulled me into an embrace. “That’s my baby. She knows how to work those hips.”

As he hugged me, I glanced over his shoulder seeing Bobby. He stood behind David, giving me a sinister smile while licking the tip of the very same finger he had in pussy just moments ago.

I was transfixed by him and my pussy started to pulsate. Who have I turned into?

“So, what’s next?” Claire questioned and continued, “Are we done for the night or are we hitting the next stop?”

Releasing his embrace Jacob asked if I wanted to go to the next spot or was I ready to call it a night and head back home.

I should have told him, yes, GET ME THE FUCK OUT OF HERE.

Walking over to us, Claire came pleading, “Please Erin, one more stop, please? Last stop, promise.”

Everyone’s eyes were on me. It seemed I was the deciding factor for the rest of the night. Besides what happened between Bobby and I on the dancefloor, we were all having a good time tonight and I really didn’t want it to end. I figured I could handle the Bobby situation the rest of the night.

Just don’t be alone with him and it will be ok.

I nodded to let us continue the night. There was a loud cheer.

The cool night air was welcoming as we headed outside. It was just what the doctor ordered to get that alcohol-induced haze feeling off me.

David stepped in front of all of us and asked, “Ok, guys. Where to next?”

As Claire, Jacob, and I looked at one another having no clue, Bobby interjected, “There’s a place right down the block one of my friend’s use to work. He was their head chef a few years ago. Good music and drinks.”

We all agreed to the location and began walking.

While the boys were ahead talking and laughing, I was chatting with Claire.

“How long have you known Bobby for?” I asked.

She didn’t say anything but just revealed a bashful smile.

“What’s that grin for Claire? What are you not telling me?”

She gave me a look as to lower my voice. “Sorry – but what are you not telling me?” I asked again in a whisper, the words forced out in one breath.

Claire intentionally slowed her walk to give the guys a little more distance before she would answer me. Once she felt the boys were far enough, she explained to me that she, Bobby, and David were all high school friends. She went on to explain that even though she had a boyfriend at the time, not David, she and Bobby were fuck buddies from time to time. I was shocked, and Claire could see the expression on my face.

“David doesn’t know, and I would like to keep it that way, ok?”

“Of course, I would never tell anyone, Claire.”

“Well, he had a reputation as a lady’s man back then,” Claire continued, “he fucked about four members of my cheerleading squad and they all raved on how big of a cock he had!”

After Claire said that I flashed back to how his cock was wedged in between my ass just moments ago and on how good it felt.

Claire with a concerned look asked, “Are you ok sweetie, you looked flushed?”

Nodding my head and smiling replied, “I’m fine just taking this all in. Please continue.”

As she said before, she and Bobby were good friends and she never thought of him sexually, not until that night.

Claire went on how it was David, Bobby, her and her then high school boyfriend Dylan, with some other school friends drinking and having a good time when she had to excuse herself to go to the bathroom to freshen up. A few minutes later while in the bathroom Bobby knocked on the door to say he really had to pee badly. She was only fixing her make-up, so she opened the door allowing him to come in and pee. This is when she found out what her friends were talking about.

“His dick is big and beautiful!” she marveled while unintentionally biting her lower lip reliving the experience. She suddenly realized what she was doing. “Ahem, sorry Erin. Where was I?”

I couldn’t help but let out a small giggle.

Bobby saw her staring at his cock from the corner of his eye and when he finished peeing, he turned toward her without putting his dick back in his pants. “Do you want a closer look?”

She pretended to be offended. “Of course, I don’t!” Claire turned to walk out the door but he reached out and grabbed her by the hand.

That's exactly what happened with me.

“I swear Erin, I wanted to leave that bathroom, but when he grabbed me it seemed I was under his spell.”

If she only knew I understood perfectly well the power he has.

Claire said Bobby pulled her close enough to him she could feel his massive cock against her stomach. He asked her if she ever been with a black guy before to which she replied no.

“But you do want this cock, don’t you?” he inquired while twirling her nipples between his index finger and thumb.

She could feel the heat emanating from in between her legs while he smiled wickedly at her.

“Erin, he was always nice and respectful to me but at that moment, I don’t know if it was the alcohol, he treated me like a cheap whore, and I loved it!”

I wanted to tell her; he made me feel the exact same way just a few minutes ago but was too embarrassed to admit it.

Bobby walked by Claire to make sure the bathroom door was locked. He made her kneel in front of him and rested his cock across her face. Claire’s mouth watered in anticipation of what she was about to do. She reached for it. “No,” he commanded while wagging his finger at her. “Reach for it with your mouth; suck it nice and slow.” She did as ordered and tried to take as much of it in her mouth as possible.

“I got about three-quarters of it in my mouth before I gagged,” Claire confessed as she fondled her neck.

My panties were utterly soaked as she told the story. And if not for the sounds of the chattering of people and music blaring from all over, I’m positive Claire would have heard the sloshing sound from between my legs.

Bobby looked down at her and confessed she never was as pretty than at this very moment – with a mouthful of his black cock.

“I have to be a sick person, Erin.” She paused; her face showing a sense of disbelief. “Because…I felt a sense of pride when he told me that.”

“It’s ok, Claire.” I took her hand trying to provide moral support. “What happened next?"

He finally took his spit covered cock out her mouth, slapped the side of her face a couple times with it and then told her he owns her from now on. Before she could respond he hoisted her back on her feet. “Bobby stared at me like I was a piece of meat.” He wrapped his hands around her throat and pulled her in to suck on his tongue. After tonguing each other down, he turns her to the mirror showing her how she looked.

“Erin, I was a total slut. My mascara was running down my cheek with my face covered in spit and sweat.” Claire took a brief pause then gazed at me with wide eyes. “And – I LOVED IT. No one before or since has fucked me like Bobby. He kept telling me I was his slut and he owned every part of me and I was his whenever he wanted to use me. I had to oblige, I wanted to oblige. I told him yes.”

I’m not Claire. I can resist him. I’m in love with my husband. I will put a stop to this.

Claire continued her story.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. It was Dylan and he wanted to know if she was in the bathroom. Bobby put his hand over her mouth, told her to shut up, and kneel behind the door. Claire thought he just wanted her out of sight, but Bobby wanted more than that. He put his cock to her lips and commanded her to open her fucking mouth. He called her a slut in the process which Claire said made her pussy cream even more.

This story sounds vaguely familiar as I’m listening intently.

“I just did what he told me. He completely owned me, Erin. I was a bitch in heat and all I wanted was to please him,” Claire confessed as she put her head down in shame.

I nudged her. “It’s ok Claire. We can’t help liking what we like. You enjoy being dominated and Bobby provided you with what you needed.”

She raised her head giving me a small grin to thank me for understanding.

He started to face-fuck her slow. Dylan knocked again. Bobby put his finger to his lips for her to be quiet. His cock slid in and out of her mouth ever so slowly just as he opened the door. Dylan apologized and asked him if he saw where Claire went. Bobby told him that he just missed her but has no idea where she ran off to. As he was explaining this to Dylan, her head hit the wall and he forced his cock further into her throat holding it there. Claire heard Dylan say thank you and walked away. Closing the door, Bobby released his cock out her mouth. She gagged and gasped for air.

Claire was panting and rubbing her throat; reliving the experience. “To this day I can’t believe I let him do that to me. I really can’t.”

Claire was about to continue her story when we hear the guys call out for us to hurry up. We both look up and see the guys by the entrance. Picking up our pace I nudge Claire and say, “We’re not finished yet.” Her cheeks turn red and nods in agreement.

As Bobby, David, and Claire entered the bar together Jacob kisses me then asks, “What were you two gossiping about?”

“Just girl talk honey, girl talk.”

This bar was much livelier than the other bar we were at! The crowd was massive with people everywhere, at the bar as well as the dance floor. Jacob and I noticed Bobby talking to the hostess as he slipped her a hundred-dollar bill. We both raised our eyebrows and smiled as he turned to motion us to follow him. The hostess brought us to a large red velvet booth in the corner of the bar. The seating arrangements were Claire, David, Bobby, me, and David.

I really didn’t want to sit next to Bobby, but I figured he wouldn’t dare try anything while Jacob was sitting right next to me.

With the music roaring and all of us joking and laughing I forgot about what transpired earlier with Bobby. The waitress came over to ask for our orders and Bobby said, “I would like a bottle of Don Julio Real for the table please.”

We all looked at one another to which David interjected, “Bro, you just ordered a four-hundred-dollar bottle of Tequila!”

Bobby replied free and easy, “It’s ok D. I got this. I’m the only single person here and you guys were gracious enough to have me tag along. This is my way of saying thank you.”

In unison, we all jokingly said, “Awwww!”

I was still a bit concerned it was too much money for Bobby to spend.

I gave Jacob a look and he just shrugged his shoulders then I turned to Bobby, “You have to at least let us pay a portion of it. I’ll feel horrible having you pay the whole thing.”

With a sign of gratitude on his face he replied, “Thank you, but I assure you it’s fine. You guys get the next one when we all go out again.”

Just as he finished saying thanks, he put his hand on the top of my inner thigh and squeezed gently which sent an electric bolt up to my pussy. I tensed up as not to moan.

“Are you ok, honey?” Jacob whispered, holding my hand with concern.

“I’m fine baby. It was just a cool breeze that caught me off guard.”

I caught Bobby smiling from the corner of my eye.

This guy is fucking nuts.

Drink after drink after drink came flowing to our table. We haven’t drunk like this in years and the effects of the drinks were apparent. David and Claire were getting frisky with their touching and kissing. The same could be said about Jacob and me. He had me feeling his cock under the table and he was rubbing my pussy through my thong panties.

I was so unbelievably ready to go home and fuck his brains out.

David got so drunk he finally agreed to the dance with Claire. Jacob, Bobby and I remained at the table drinking a little more. We hooted and hollered watching David flailing his arms wildly, gyrating badly to the music. But he was having so much fun it didn’t matter. Jacob began feeling the effects of the alcohol a little bit and let me know he had to go pee. I offered to help him to the bathroom, but he declined.

“Stay here and keep Bobby company. I’ll be right back.” He kissed me then disappeared through the crowd.

I glanced back over at Bobby. He had his eyes closed head nodding to the music.

I felt relieved until….

“Unzip my pants and take my cock out, slut,” Bobby commanded while bobbing his head to the music.

I was stunned. “Excuse me?”

He opened his eyes, place his hands underneath my skirt, and slid his index finger in between the folds of my pussy lips over my panties. If the music wasn’t so loud everyone could have heard me moan in pleasure.

With a chuckle Bobby emphasized while staring at me, “You do WHAT I tell you WHEN I tell you. You’re my fucking SLUT. Now, take my dick out and stroke it!”

My eyes find David and Claire dancing and they waved over at us. Bobby and I waved back as I used my other hand to unzip Bobby’s pants fishing his cock out.

“Oh my!” I gasped, barley being able to put my hand around it.

“Yes, get a feel of what is going to stretch that tight pussy and mouth of yours. You’re going to be craving this cock after I’m done with you, slut.” As he was telling me this, he slid my panties to the side and his finger made its way inside of my cunt.

My whole body shivered in ecstasy! His fingers manipulated inside of me and made me tremble.

Little by little he pushed his finger deeper and deeper inside of me. I put my head down on the table, trying for the life of me not to moan too loudly, while still stroking his massive cock. My orgasm was building to an epic crescendo and almost took control over me until…

“Hey, guys I’m back.” Jacob caressed my head. “Baby, you ok?” He asks with obvious concern in his voice.

I sat back up as quickly as possible. “I’m ok baby. Maybe too much to drink, I guess.”

Bobby’s finger was still inside of me! I tried to move his hand but he was too strong and held it in place.

“I told her to lay her head down for a bit as to not get sick,” Bobby said to Jacob.

“Thanks, man. Much appreciated. I think we’ve had enough for the night. It’s time to head home.”

David and Claire strolled back to the booth overhearing Jacob.

“One more shot everyone then we go home ok?” David announced.

“Yes, agreed. You in Jacob?” Bobby asked with enthusiasm while continuing to slow fuck me with his finger. In…and…out…In…and…out.

Damn! Why does his finger have to feel so good? I’m gonna cream! Fuuuck!

Jacob was now on the hot seat. By the look on his face I knew he would agree to another round of drinks. Just as David and Claire cheered Bobby pushed his finger further into me. With the music blaring and the cheering, I was able to let out a soft moan you couldn’t hear unless you were listening for it. I gave Bobby an exasperated look with him returning a mischievous grin like a juvenile delinquent.

As the waitress approached to take our final order, Bobby requested Mexican Flag shots for everyone. David widened his eyes at Bobby, “You’re going for the gusto tonight, bro.”

Bobby laughed, “Go big or go home.”

Still squirming in my seat, it took all the strength that I had to stay calm. Bobby was still manipulating away at my now slick wet cunt. I was so close to the edge of another orgasm just as he inserted a second finger in me.

I totally lost it!

To mask my explosion, I grabbed Jacob by the lapels of his jacket and pulled him into a sloppy tongue kiss while moaning in his mouth.

“Holy shit that’s hot!” Claire exclaimed.

David shouted, “Well, damn!”

Releasing him from the kiss Jacob could see the fire in my eyes.

“Get up and take me to the bathroom now!” I ordered, inches away from his face.

Without hesitation, Jacob stood me up, which plopped Bobby’s fingers right out of me. I bit my lower lip in pleasure and Jacob led me toward the bathroom. It was a good thing the bar was dimly lit because I could feel the pussy juice running down my leg. I told Jacob to take me into the women’s bathroom because I figured it would be cleaner in there. As we entered, there were a few women who eyed us given knowing smiles as we entered the stall. Grabbing Jacob’s hand, I threw him up against the wall.

“My, what has gotten into you baby?!”

I couldn’t let him know it was Bobby’s fingers that gotten into me the last few minutes, could I?

Unbuckling his belt, I pulled out his cock. “This is what I need in me!”

I got on my knees. The purple mushroom of a head was so inviting with the veins pulsating along his shaft made me begin to salivate. He was harder than I’ve seen him in years! I spat then wrapped my warm wet mouth around half of his dick.

He bawled out, “Oh fuck baby! That’s it right there. Take that diiick!”

Savoring every inch of his 6-inch cock I took more and more of it until it reached the back of my throat. His guttural moan reverberated the entire bathroom.

We could hear the other patrons clapping and cheering us on. “Yes, bitch! Mhmm – take his dick, baby!”

This was the first time I’ve deep throated him in years! With his dick in my esophagus, we made eye contact. He stared at me like a whore for the first time in years and not just the mother of his kids.

I loved it!

He placed his hands on the sides of my head and slowly drove in and out of my mouth with his dick finding the back of my throat each and every time. Groaning on his cock, I never took my eyes off of him. After a few deep strokes, he picked me up with one swift move. He reached under my dress and ripped my panties off. He attacked me like a caged animal.

“This pussy is mine.”

“Yes, baby – this pussy is all yours.”

“Get on top of the toilet so I can taste you.”

I stood on top of the toilet and place my hands against the wall. As I bent over to show him my aching wet box, Jacob shoved his tongue deep inside me. I squealed with delight like a pig in mud. Grinding on his face, his tongue attacked my clit like no tomorrow. Jacob slapped and spread my ass cheeks apart which made me scream out his name.

“Is this pussy ready to get fucked!” he groaned.

“Please, I’ve been waiting for this dick all night baby. Please give it to me!”

I jumped down from the toilet. He bent me over and lined his purple head right to the entrance of my screaming pussy and pushed… “OH. MY FUCKING GAAAAAAWD!” I bawled. I’m sure people outside the bathroom could hear us fucking as well. We didn’t care.

I’ve been needing a dick inside of me all night long!

Fucking me fast and hard, all one could hear was the ‘swishing’ sounds from my pussy as Jacob hammered away. In a state of pure bliss, I yelled back at him, “FUCK ME BABY. FUCK MEEEEEEEEE.”

Jacob did not need to be told twice. He grabbed a fist full of my hair and continued pounding me from behind and roared, "I'm going to fucking fill you up with my leche!"

"Fill me up, baby! Fill this pussy up!"

"Here it CUUUMS!"

"AWWWWWWWW!" We screamed in unison as both our orgasms sent us over the edge.

We were both spent. Me leaning against the bathroom door and Jacob on my back.

Jacob spun me around and looked me square in the eye. “I love you baby.”

He kissed me with such passion I melted in his arms. I could feel the love. As our tongues swirled the feeling of guilt and shame emerged within me. What I’ve let happen with Bobby up until this point made me start to cry.

"Hey now, what's wrong baby?"

"Nothing honey, I just love you so much that's all." I wiped a tear from my eye.

He gave me something I always love to receive from him...besides a good fuck... a big bear hug. His hugs always made me feel loved and safe.

With that, I felt something else... Jacob's cum dripping out of my pussy.

"Baby, can you please pass me the toilet paper?"

Jacob looked between my legs and saw his cum slowly drip out of me, falling to the floor.

"Holy shit, I wasn't playing when I said I was going to fill you up!" Jacob joked.

We both laughed as I wiped his cum off and out of me.

"You had a lot backed up in there. I didn't think you were going to stop with as much cum flooded into me,” I teased.

Pulling up his pants, he smiled broadly and explained, "This is how it was before the kids."

He kissed my hand and I caressed his face. He was right. We have not put the time for ourselves, especially in regards to our love life, like before we had Roman and Alicia.

We finally got ourselves cleaned up as best we could. We opened the bathroom stall door to a thunderous ovation from the group of women listening to our entire fuck session. We both blushed hearing them yell, WOOHOO and YOU GO GIRL, as we walked out of the restroom.

As we arrived back to our table, Claire, David, and Bobby grinned from ear to ear.

"I was just about to come and check on you two," Claire joked.

Jacob and I sat back down in our seats with me back next to Bobby who gave me a naughty look.

"Are you ok buddy? You seem a little lightheaded? Remember, you ain't no spring chicken!" David teased Jacob.

Jacob couldn’t help but chuckle at that comment. "I think I'll be ok. Where are the drinks?"

Bobby let him know that he asked the waitress to hold the order until we returned. When he saw us approaching, he motioned for her to get the drinks.

If you don't know what Mexican Flag Shooter is, please look it up. They are beautiful. It's a mixture of grenadine, white tequila, and creme de menthe topped off with a flame. It looks like the Mexican Flag in a shot glass.

The agreement of one drink before we left quickly turned to five as we continued to joke and laugh with one another. I kept a safe distance from Bobby as to not have him try anything else with me.

As we finished our final drinks, we were all pretty much sloshed. Coming out of the bar, Bobby and David had to hold Jacob up because he was extremely wobbly. I love my husband but he cannot hold his liquor at all. For the love of God, I don't know why he drank so much.

Chalk it up to peer pressure, I guess.

We all reached outside and Claire hailed a cab to take us all home. She got us a mini-van cab and we all jumped in. Bobby sat in the back, Jacob laid his head on my lap in the middle row, with David and Claire in the front row. They lived the closest and would be dropped off first. As we were driving to David and Claire's house, Jacob was knocked out. Everyone joked on how much of a lightweight he was, but I defended my baby saying he just over did it a bit.

"At least he gave you that high hard one before he passed out," Claire joked while giving me a high-five.

"Oh yes, he did!" Claire gave me another high-five.

The taxi reached their home and we all got out except for Jacob. He was stilled passed out. I hugged David and Claire, wishing them a goodnight. We all agreed to go out again sooner than later.

David turned to Bobby. "You want to stay the night bro? We have more than enough room if you want."

"Nah, I'm good D. The place where I’m at is not too far from Jacob and Erin but I'll take you up on that offer in the next few days. I have some meetings in your area coming up."

They both gave each other a hug then he kissed Claire on the cheek and hugged her as well.

I was trying to wake Jacob up, to no avail, to put him in the front row of the van, Bobby came up behind me. "You need any help?"

I thanked him while he laid Jacob across the first row. He suggested that it would be best to have him lay down by himself just in case he vomited and it wouldn't ruin my dress. Bobby gave the driver the address and stepped into the cab to his previous seat in the back row. I followed behind and shut the door. My intention was to sit in the second row, but Bobby had other ideas.

He grabbed my hand. "Where do you think you’re going?"

Startled, I replied, "I'm going to sit here."

"Uh, uh. Get your slut ass back here with me now!"

He pulled me to the back with him and to my astonishment he had his half-hard dick out.

The cab driver looked up in the rear-view mirror asking if we were ready. Bobby answered yes and asked if he could play some music.

Just as the cab drove off Bobby put his tongue in my mouth, pushed open my legs, and started rubbing my clit with his thumb.

My body betrayed me! Instantly I was wet!

Taking his tongue out my mouth he commented while still rubbing away at my clit on how he loved my slut performance at the bar with Jacob.

“I know you had to do that so you wouldn’t have gotten caught with my finger in your pussy.”

Panting uncontrollably while he was violating my body, I just stared in his eyes not responding.

He told me that I was a good slut.

"Tell me that you want to suck my cock right now," Bobby ordered.

"Bobby, please.” I shook my head with tears welling up in my eyes. “Don’t make me do this. My husband is right there. I'm a faithful wife."

Bobby had no plans of relenting and started to finger fuck me, like he did in the bar. But now, using two of his fingers. He put his other hand over my mouth to muffle my cries of pleasure so as not to alert the driver of anything or awaken Jacob.

Bobby whispered in my ear as he was furiously driving his fingers in and out of me, "Good wife, huh? A good wife wouldn't be getting finger fucked in the back of a cab with her husband 3-feet away. A good wife wouldn't be grinding on another man's cock at a bar."

I must have orgasmed 2 or 3 times. I was in a pure state of ecstasy!

"And," Bobby continued, "a good wife wouldn't be sucking on another man's cock." Right after he said that he pushed my head down on his lap and I greedily opened my mouth.

I was a cock hungry slut. Slurping, gagging, and moaning on his cock while he was slow finger fucking me, Bobby started telling me how my mouth was made for his cock, that my body was to be used by him however he wants.

Bobby grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled me up off his cock which made me gasp as a trail of spit was falling off my lower lip. “Do you agree to my terms, slut?”

Bobby abusing me like this turned me on so much I just gave into him.

“Yes, daddy. I agree to your terms.”

Nodding in approval he pushed my head back down on his steel rod and said in a low growl, “Breathe in this cock, slut.”

My whole body was aching with pleasure as I slowly descended taking in three-quarters of his 8-inch dick before I reached my gag reflex.

I’ve totally dishonored Jacob, but Bobby unleashed something I never knew was in me, a slut!

Bobby just held my head in place and commanded, “Just relax your throat and take it in, you can do it.”

Taking a deep breath with his cock in my mouth, I moaned yes when he asked me if I was ready. He proceeded to push my gag reflex beyond its limits.

Reaching the base of his cock he held my head in place. “Ooooh yeeeah. Good girl. Take it!”

He lifted his hips up a little to push his dick further in my throat which made me almost hurl.

“Don’t you dare vomit. Sluts breathe in cock. Just hold it in there.”

While trying to concentrate on not to vomit, I was on the verge of suffocating with this massive phallus in my throat.

Just as I was about to completely pass out, Bobby pulled my head off his dick. The retching sound my mouth produced caused the cab driver to ask, “Is everything ok back there? Do you need me to pull over?”

Struggling to catch my breath and spit tattered all over my face, Bobby with a handful of my hair pulled me to him and ordered me to answer the driver.

“Ummm… it’s… ok…. Sir.” I took a deep breath. “I’m…fine.”

Bobby nodded in approval. For some odd reason his approval made me happy. I now knew what Claire felt like in the bathroom with him. You have this desire of wanting to make him happy.

“You never looked more beautiful than you do right now,” Bobby commented as he smeared my saliva all over my face.

He’s treating me just like Claire.

I gave him a big smile and replied, “Thank you, daddy.”

Just then I could hear Jacob utter my name. I fixed my dress and quickly got up from the back seat to move closer to him. He was getting a little restless but I just caressed his head and let him know I was there. “We’ll be home soon, honey.”

Jacob turned over to me with a drunken smile. “I love you, baby.” I didn’t have the strength to reply. I felt horrible. With a forced smile back down at him, a single tear ran down my cheek and I mouthed, “I love you too.”

How can I do this to Jacob? He has done nothing but love me. What have I done?

“Lift up your dress, bend over and keep talking to your husband,” Bobby ordered from behind me.

I pleaded with him not to make me do it but he gave me a stern stare and snapped his fingers at me. “Honor the fucking agreement.”

I reluctantly lifted my dress and turned back to Jacob who was still staring up at me in his drunken stupor.

In the back of my mind I am thanking the heavens above that it’s way too dark mixed with the fact that Jacob is drunk out his mind to see my face right now. I must look like a cheap whore.

With his large fingers, Bobby started kneading my ass, brushing against my pussy and clit ever so often. I focused on my breathing, like in Pilates class, as to not moan too loud while listening to Jacob. He continued his drunken rambling on about how he loved everyone, how much he respects the cashier from Publix who double bags the groceries for us, and how he hates the fact that the next Avengers movie is a year away. As he talked, I would add in the occasional ‘Yes, honey’ or ‘Mhmm” while Bobby bottomed out his middle and ring finger inside of me with his thumb popping in and out of my ass.

My breathing became shallow as Bobby’s fingers were sending shivers throughout my entire body and I unexpectedly let out a small cry, “Aaaaahhhhhh.”

I opened my eyes quickly thinking Jacob might have caught me. Looking down at him, he didn’t even notice as he continued his babble.

Oh my gosh, I dodged a bullet!

Bobby just laughed at my predicament then he took his fingers out of me. He held them up to my face and they were covered in cunt juice. He ordered me to suck the juice off his fingers. With great pleasure I opened my mouth and sucked them nice and slow as if it was his cock. I was lost in lust tasting myself while staring at him.

Just as I was about to moan again the driver announced, “Ok folks, we have reached our destination. I hope you enjoyed your ride.”

Oh, you have no idea how much I enjoyed it.

I fixed my dress and got out of the cab first followed by Bobby. We tried standing Jacob up but it proved quite difficult. The cab driver came out and offered to help. When he reached our side, his reaction was priceless. He turned deep red as he took notice of my makeup and lipstick smeared all over my face and Bobby’s pants were unzipped. Bobby didn’t seem to care as he gave a cocky nod and grin to the driver. Meanwhile, I was totally embarrassed. I put my head down to search for my keys in my purse and quickly walked to my front door. They finally managed to get Jacob to his feet and Bobby told the driver he had it from there then gave him an extra few dollars. The driver thanked him and wished us goodnight.

Helping to walk Jacob to the front door I hear Bobby tell him, “Come on buddy, I got you.”

Jacob gave him a goofy smile and babbled, “Thanks BUUUUDDY. I LOVE YOUUU.”

Bobby laughed while walking him along until Jacob looked up and saw me at the doorway. Somehow, he got a sudden surge of energy. He started to sing loudly and terribly Something Just Like This by The Chainsmokers:

But she said, where'd you wanna go?

How much you wanna risk?

I'm not looking for somebody

With some superhuman gifts

Some superhero

Some fairytale bliss

Just something I can turn to

Somebody I can kiss

I want something just like this

Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo

Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo

Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo

If I was embarrassed before I was totally mortified as Jacob was serenading me at three in the morning! I kept telling him to quiet down before he woke up the neighborhood but he was too drunk to care when all of a sudden, he said he was getting lightheaded. Bobby grabbed him before he fell over and brought him inside.

We got him upstairs and into bed. Looking down at him then up at me, Bobby praised, “You guys have a great thing going. I can see there is true love here.”

Before I could thank him, he grabbed me by the hand pulling me just outside my bedroom door, pushing me up against the wall. “Too bad I am going to fuck his slut wife for my own pleasure!”

He tongued me down and unzipped the back of my dress letting it fall to the floor. I stood there before him with just my bra and heels. Bobby traced his fingers down my body inspecting me like a piece of meat.

“We’re going to have a lot of fun together. I’m going to enjoy using you. Do you want to be used, slut?”

I nodded my head without saying a word.

“Good, lie down on the floor.” Bobby tossed his clothes off and grabbed his monster of a cock. “Since we first met, I’ve been waiting to put this inside of you.”

He got on top of me and hoisted both of my legs over his shoulders. A broad smile came across his face as he patted his cock on my waiting pussy.

I wanted him inside me. There was no need for lubrication because my pussy was drenched with excitement.

He lined up at my entrance and pushed in slowly. My mouth opened with a quiet hiss. I was in shock at how he stretched me. Bobby fucked me half-speed so I could get adjusted to the length and girth of his cock. We tongue kissed like wild animals.

I loved how his cock felt in me. It was big and fat but it hurt so good!

“Your pussy is so tight!” He gasped, sliding inside of me. “I love how it sucks my cock in.”

“Yes daddy, stretch me and fill me up with that dick.”

We both were panting and moaning. Bobby didn’t seem to care how much noise we made but I kept a careful eye inside the bedroom to see if Jacob was going to wake up.

He started picking up the pace and was grunting even louder as he gave me more of his dick. I’ve never felt so full in my life. Squeezing his ass, I pulled him further into me. He finally bottomed out inside of me which led me to let out an inaudible scream.


I slid my tongue in his mouth to muffle his sounds as he slammed that 8-inch rod in and out of me. The smacking sounds his cock and my pussy made I thought for sure Jacob was going to wake up.

Finally, Bobby slowed his stroke and looked over again at Jacob was sleeping. The feelings of sadness, disappointment, and frustration started to seep into my mind. I looked back up at Bobby who seemed to know what I was thinking. With a devilish grin, he bottomed out in me again which made me forget what I was thinking and only focus on him.

He knows he has me. I’m his slut now.

“Erin, I don’t take anything by force.” He kissed me softly on the lips. “I only take what’s offered to me.”

Wait…This is the first time he has called me Erin since we met at my front door.

“Just say the word and we can stop this at any time.” He slowly bottomed out in me again. “Do you want to stop?”

I teared up. I didn’t want to stop. Deep down I loved the way he fucked and treated me.

I kissed him and confessed, “No daddy. I don’t want to stop.”

He continued to make love to me with deep long strokes. “What do you want, baby?”

“I want you to cum deep inside me. Fill your slut up with daddy’s milk.”

With that Bobby pushed all the way into me as if trying to puncture my cervix and unleashed a massive amount of baby batter in me. We both moaned into each other mouths and I started trembling with such an intense orgasm. Bobby rolled up off of me then scooped out some cum from inside my wet box and fed it to me.

“You’re such a good slut, Erin,” he said while out of breath.

I was writhing on the floor in ecstatic joy!


Morning came and as I was in the bathroom staring at myself going over the previous night's events. I kept thinking why did I let this happen? I’m not unhappy with Jacob, in fact, I love him with all my heart.

But Bobby makes me feel so ALIVE.

Just then I hear footsteps stumbling along towards the bathroom.

Jacob, holding his head moaned, “Hi honey. My head is pounding. Remind me to never drink that much ever again.”

“Poor baby, the aspirin and water are right here.”

He gave me a kiss on the cheek and thanked me. “I don’t even remember coming home. Did you bring me upstairs?”

I explained to him what transpired after we left the bar. I excluded the sex stuff. Jacob was in disbelief and shook his head.

“Did I really do that?” he asked with a little embarrassment.

When he saw my expression, Jacob just put his hand over his face.

“I got to give Bobby a call to apologize for my behavior.”

“Trust me, he was fine with-it honey. He brought you to bed and then he left,” I replied rubbing his hand.

“He’s a good dude,” he said and walked out of the bathroom.

Oh yes, he is I thought myself as my pussy started getting wet.

I am a slut. Bobby Johnson’s slut.

Post Note:

I sincerely thank you readers for all of your support. WaDaSM Part 6 is currently in the works but this story has always been a favorite of mine and it was sorely in need of a facelift. Until next time.


2022-12-09 22:53:57
Thank you very much. I appreciate the feedback. This is actually my favorite story because it's more in line of who I am. It probably does need additional chapters but I've stopped writing. Thanks again.


2022-12-07 16:41:54
I had read WaDaSM and loved it. I am not sure why I didn't read this one at the same time, but just noticed it when I checked to see if you had posted anything new. Really well done! You tell a hell of a story. But it feels like you left this one undone. It needs a second chapter to finish out Bobby's stay and his continued domination of his new slut. I hope you will revisit and give us a second chapter.

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