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A porn story based on Star Trek.
1980 New York, Summer time.

No one knows where he came from, it's like he just appeared, no one knows his real name but everyone calls him the King. He's only been in New York for a few months and he's already a legend, he's drowning in gold, a thick solid gold necklace ( Both ends fused together ) around his neck, a thick solid gold watch around his right wrist, a thick solid gold bracelet around his left wrist and two solid gold rings on both his pinky fingers.

He always wears a cap, a black vest, black shorts, a tee shirt, running shoes and glasses with black frames but he always matches, sometimes he wears a red cap with a red tee shirt and red running shoes. Other times he'll wear a blue cap with a blue tee shirt and blue running shoes, other times it's white, grey or black.

From what I've heard from all the Women that hang out with him is that he always smells really good, the way these Women keep talking about him I'm pretty sure he's fucked all of them. What the King is really know for is that when he goes to bars or strip clubs he always spends thousands of dollars, if he's at a bar he'll spend $5,000 ( $3,000 on drinks for himself and all the Women in the bar and a $2,000 tip ).

If he's at a strip club he'll spend $10,000 ( Drinks for himself and all the strippers plus several private dances with all the strippers ). Another thing about the King is that he'll drink just as much if not more than everyone else in the bars or strip clubs but he never gets drunk. All bar and strip club owners in the city love the King, he gets the VIP treatment everywhere he goes.

Women LOVE rich Men that are very generous and the King is both, he never loans money to anyone but he makes sure that everyone has a good time. He's fucked so many Women from the bars, even the barmaids, married or single it doesn't matter to the King, he's also fucked many of the strippers from the strip clubs.

He always takes the Women from the bars and the strippers to the nicest rooms in the most expensive 5 star hotels. He spoils the Women with very expensive bottles of champaign and whatever they want from Room Service. It's no surprise that hotel owners, managers and staff absolutely love the King, after drinking and eating the King spends all knight fucking these Women until they pass out from exhaustion.

From what I've heard from these Women when the King is fully erect his cock is 20 inches long and 4 inches wide, he can fuck hard, fast and deep for an hour before cumming but his cock stays rock hard.

Again nobody knows where the King comes from but he's white and his English has no accent. Your probably wondering why I'm telling you all of this well that's because I'm a reporter and trying to find out who the King really is, how he makes his money and where he comes from is the story I'm working on.

A lot of married Men don't like the fact that the King has been fucking their wives, a lot of Men don't like the fact that the King has been fucking their stripper girlfriends. These Men decided to do something about it and here's where story gets really weird, all these Men got together and waited for the King outside the back of the bar where he was drinking.

One of these Men entered the bar and went to the bathroom where the King was pissing, there was no one else in the bathroom and the Man said " There's some really gorgeous Women waiting for you outside the bar, they don't want to deal with the Men inside the bar, they want you all to themselves, when we finish pissing I'll take you to them ".

After pissing and washing their hands the King tells the bartender to pour shots of Jack Daniels for himself and every Woman in the bar and that he'll be back in a few minutes. Following the Man they both go to the street behind the bar, no one knows what happened but the King came back into the bar, drank his shot of Jack Daniels and told the bartender to call the Police because he's just been assaulted.

The King didn't have a scratch on him, the bartender checks outside and see's 30 Men on the ground and unconcious. The bartender asks the King if he's okay and the King says " Oh yeah I'm fine, call the cops and then pour more shots for me and all the ladies in the bar ". After drinking with the ladies the cops show up and the King takes them to the street behind the bar, the 30 Men are still unconcious, one of the cops asks the King how he knocked out 30 Men and doesn't have a scratch or bruise on him, the King says " Black belt in Karate ".

The King tells the cops that he doesn't want to press charges but asks the cops to tell all 30 Men not to try that again or he will get restraining orders against them. Another thing about the King is that sometimes it seems like he just dissapears, he's been seen walking in a park during the day, he'll walk behind some very big trees and then he's gone.

I don't know how or even where to start but one day I will discover who this mysterious Man everyone calls the King really is. The king is in a very nice room at a very expensive 5 star hotel with two very beautiful, very sexy strippers, there's 3 bottles of very expensive champaign ( 2 of them are empty ) in a bucket of ice, there's 3 empty plates that had 3 steaks, french fries and rice.

The King is in the shower with both strippers, he's standing and the two strippers are on their knees. One of the strippers is sucking his huge cock and the other is sucking and fondling his balls, this goes on for quite a while with the strippers taking turns sucking his cock and licking his balls.

Turning off the shower the two strippers and the King make their way to the king sized bed. For 50 minutes the King eats and fingers the two strippers pussie's while the two strippers kiss and feel up each other, grabbing the ankles of one of the strippers he slides his cock into her pussy as the other stripper sits on her face.

The King's cock is so long and thick the stripper he's fucking is moaning so loudly as she licks the other strippers wet pussy. For 1 hour the King fucks both strippers hard, fast and deep in every position known to Man, the King cums deep in the ass of one of the strippers. He pulls out his cock and it's still rock hard so he starts fucking the other strippers pussy in doggy style position.

The stripper he's fucking is slurping the Kings sperm that's leaking out of the other strippers ass. The King can keep going but the strippers need a break so they stop to drink the last bottle of champaign, returning to the bed the King fucks both of them for another hour before cuming down the throat of one of the strippers. Eventually the two strippers fall asleep from exhaustion so the King takes a shower, gets dressed, calls Room Service and orders a bottle of champaign, two hamburgers with french fries.

Generously tipping the Room Service waiter before he leaves the room the King eats the two hamburgers and french fries, drinks his champaign and then watches tv. Several hours later the strippers finally wake up and after ordering breakfast from Room Service he watches the two strippers shower together. After getting dressed the Room Service waiter enters the room with 3 plates of bacon, ham, scrambled eggs, potatoes and two pots of coffee.

Generously tipping the Room Service waiter before he leaves the room the trio sit down to eat their breakfast. While eating one of the strippers starts asking the King some questions but he interupts her and says " No questions just fun, that's the deal ". After eating and leaving a generous tip for the chamber maid the trio leave the room and take the elevator down to the Lobby.

After giving back the room key to the front desk lady the King tells the strippers that he has to take care of some buisness and that he'll see them at the strip club soon and after kissing both of them goodbye he leaves the hotel. He goes for a walk enjoying the sites and sounds the city he now calls home, he walks into an alley but is followed by two Men, one of the Men says " That's a really nice gold necklace, give it to me ".

The King laughs and says " Try to take it, if you can ", no one saw what happened but the two Men are on the ground unconcious and the King is gone.

The King?

After the two Men fall unconcious the king says " Doc Holiday beam me up ", now aboard his ship the King says " Ships status ", the medical hologram King calls Doc Holiday says " The orbit is stable, were still cloacked so the ship can't be seen by anyone not even Earths primitive satelites and the solar panels keep absorbing the Suns solar energy so power is at full ".

The medical hologram Doc Holiday says " How was your latest adventure Mr Sim? ", King says " Doc, I told you to call me Kevin but yes it was incredible, everything is going exactly as I planned ".

Kevin Sim's plan.

Life in the Federation ( 24th century ) is incredible, there's no wars, no diseases, no hunger, no crime, we don't use currency of any kind and we are protected by Star Fleet from any and all threats. Thanks to Federation replicator technology all Federation members can replicate anything they need, food, clothing, medicine, etc, etc. Thanks to Federation medical technology all races ( Human and Alien ) in the Federation have extended lifespans.

I'm a Human from Earth and like all Humans I have a lifespan of 120 years, considering I'm only 30 I have 90 years ahead of me. All Federation members are free to do whatever they want and can visit any planet within Federation space. All Federation members have access to a holodeck, an amazing piece of technology that allows you to play any game, watch any play, visit any place, visit any planet and go to any time in history.

Because we don't use currency of any kind sex is based on sexual attraction and not financial gain. I had sex with 3 females last week ( Two of them weren't Human ) just because they said I was cute. Everyone in the Federation is equal and that's the problem, I don't want to be equal, I want to be superior, I want Men to fear and respect me, I want Women to lust after me, not just because I'm cute but because of my power and status.

There are non Federation aliens that do use currency, the Ferengi that use gold pressed latinum for example. I have thought about leaving the Federation and joining these aliens but I would be just another merchant, no that's not what I want.

I've always loved history and I would read about all the great achievments and discoveries of the past ( Both Human and alien ) and that's when it hit me. I remember reading about 20th century Earth, they were an economic based society where the rich and powerful were feared and respected by Men and lusted after by hypergamous Women.

I created a program for my holodeck where I can visit 20th century Earth specifically the 1980s. I would spend hours in the holodeck learning how to interact with the people of that time, learning how to answer any and all possible questions they might ask me, learning how to deal with the criminals of that time.

Because of Federation replicator technology I can replicate infinite amounts of the paper money they used as currency in 1980 America. This paper money is a perfect copy of the money they used so there's no way I can be accused of trying to use forged or fake money, this will give me unlimited wealth, power and the status I want.

As for the violent criminals the clothing I'll wear will actually be armor, it will look and feel like normal clothing but the armor is 2 times stronger than titanium, is incredibly light and absords impact energy.This armor wouldn't protect me from phaser or disruptor weapons but in 1980s Earth the armor makes me bullet proof, stab proof, fire proof, acid proof and lightning proof.

Speaking of lightning my belt carries an electrcal charge, by pressing my belt buckle an electrical barrier forms around me, If I'm attacked, anyone who gets close to me will get a massive shock, not enough to kill them but enough to knock them out for an hour or two, the electrical barrier around me stays active until I press my belt buckle again.

The glasses I wear are a modified tricorder and vizor combination, the glasses allow me to see in the dark, see through solid objects, see if my drinks and food have been drugged and I can tell if someone is lying to me by checking their heart rate. The glasses only work when I wear them ( Retina scan ), if anyone else tried them on it would just be another pair of glasses, the glasses also contain a transporter beacon and communicator.

Getting my own ship was easy, one of my best friends Steve works at a star base, I went to go visit Steve at star base 12 and after he gave me the grand tour we had lunch in the cafeteria. While eating lunch I told Steve my plan and to my surprise he loved it, I told him to come with me, that we can live like god kings together but Steve is married and his wife is pregnant and he doesn't want to leave her.

Steve told me to give him a list of everything I need inside and outside the ship, I already knew what I needed so I gave him the list while eating lunch. Steve told me that his crew would start working on it right away, making all the modifications to the ship according to my list, Steve told me to go home and that the ship would be ready in two days.

Good old Steve, he's never let me down, true to his word two days later he calls me and tells me that the ship is ready. I was so happy that when I got to star base 12 I must have thanked Steve and his crew 50 times, the ship had everything I wanted, 2 solar panels on the left and right sides of the ship, shields, phasers, a cloaking device, a transporter pad, a medical hologram, a computer, a replicator, a bed, toilet, sink and a shower.

I would never see Steve again so after a long goodbye I wished him and his family the best of luck, then getting into my ship I left star base 12 to start my new life in the 20th century. I used the same technique Captain James T Kirk used when he and his crew went back in time, the technique worked and after a bumpy ride all instruments told me I was in Earths orbit in the year 1980.

Turning on the cloaking device my ship becomes invisible, turning on the 2 solar panels they immidiatley start absorbing the Suns solar energy. I turn on the medical hologram and after a brief introduction and giving him the name Doc Holiday I tell him my plan. I tell him that he'll be on at all times, making sure the ship stays in orbit, the cloacking device and the solar panels stay on while I'm on Earth.

I told him to beam me up or down whenever I want and to constantly moniter my vitals. I then asked Doc Holiday to preform 4 medical surgeries on me, the first is a vasectomy, the second is a penis enlargement, the third is to increase my sexual stamina and keep my cock hard even after I cum and the fourth is that I can't get drunk no matter how much alchohol I drink.

Thanks to Federation medical science all 4 surgeries took 1 hour for Doc Holiday to complete but recoverey time was 5 hours. Doc Holiday told me that no matter how much alchohol I drink my body would turn it into protein giving me increased energy. While waiting to recover I used the replicator to replicate my clothing armor, all the gold I would wear, the belt that activates the electrical barrier around my body and the parts I need to create the glasses I woud wear.

Once that was all done I replicated $20,000 of the paper money Americans use in the 20th century. My black shorts are Khakis so I can put two stacks of $10,000 all in hundred dollar bills in each pocket. I asked Doc Holiday to create a perfume that smells very good and has a pheremone that makes Women want to have sex.

Still waiting to recover from the surgeries I lay down on my bed and fall asleep, walking up hours later I'm fully refreshed and fully recovered. After taking a shower, brushing my teeth and getting dressed I put on all the gold, the glasses and the $20,000 in both my Khaki pockets, now I'm ready to beam down and live like a god king in New York city.

A few months after Kevin beamed down.

After spending $5,000 in a bar the King brings two married Women to one of the very expensive 5 star hotels he usually goes to. Paying in cash like he always does he gets their best room for the night and after getting the room key he and the two married Women go to the room where the King orders 3 bottles of very expensive champaign and whatever the ladies want to eat.

Just like he always does, after eating and drinking the King spends the rest of the night fucking these two Women until they pass out from exhaustion. Kevin is so happy, his plan has worked perfectly, he's feared and respected by Men, lusted after by hypergamous Women. With an infinite amount of money he has the power and status he's always wanted, being invunerable he has nothing to fear and Doc Holiday can easily cure any std's or illness he might get, with 90 years ahead of him he's free to live the rest of his life like a god king.

The end.

For all the hardcore Star Trek fans, in this story this is an alternate Earth where there was no Eugenics war and world war 3 never happened so Kevin Sims can live like a god king until his death in 2070.
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