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Iliafray and Sophia enjoy themselves
Iliafray slept the sleep of the exhausted, her sleep undisturbed by bad dreams, she finally came awake to a pleasant sensation which it took her dazed mind a while to recognize as she slowly woke up, finally she recognised it as the sensation of a very skilled tongue working on her cunt in a gentle motion slowly arousing her , looking down she saw the bump under the covers which was Sophia working away. For a moment she was tempted to just lie there and enjoy the morning , but then other sensations began to make themselves felt most pressing was feeling of a full bladder demanding she take care of it “Thank you my pet, your wake up is most pleasant...” she lost her train of thought and voice for a moment as Sophia stepped up her action thrusting her tongue deeper into Iliafray’s cunt and running the stud over a most sensitive spot, “ Stop that, I have to go to the toilet and I have things to do this morning”. “ No” came the muffled reply, muffled by the mouth voicing it still being pressed against the cunt of it’s mistress and at the same time Iliafray felt Sophia shift her body to pin Iliafray’s legs in place “You need to relax, so lie there and let me take care of you. I know you like it when I drink from your cunt , and I want to serve you now” then the tongue was back pressing deep into Iliafray and putting further pressure on her aching bladder and she felt warm lips sealing themselves around her cunt. Unable to resist any longer she released her bladder trying to control the flow as she felt Sophia gulping down her piss, finally as her bladder ran dry she felt Sophia licking around her piss hole to clear away the last few drops before returning to play with her clit and this time Sophia’s hands came into play first two then three fingers thrusting into Iliafray’s cunt while a single finger from the other had penetrated her anal ring, finally as she felt herself on the crest of an orgasm, Sophia’s teeth closed in nipping her clit and the final burst of pain and pleasure pushed her over the edge into an explosive orgasm.

As she came down to earth from the crashing sensation she felt Sophia pulling herself up and then felt Sophia’s lips against hers with a kiss that tasted on Iliafray’s own juices. “What has got into you this morning my pet, you really are being naughty.” “Does that mean my Lady will have to punish me ?” came the reply at the same time she felt Sohia’s cunt pressed against her right thigh rubbing up and down leaving a wet trail “Assuming of course that my lady can stand up” Sophia was panting now as cleary the friction was pushing her towards a climax. Iliafray made a show of pushing against the weight of her slave pinning her down but was content to wait unit Sophia climaxed and rolled off her. “We will see about this insolence and impertinence this evening my pet, now off to your room I really do have to take care of some business and then this afternoon we can catch up on seeing how your education is coming along, then when I can see how naughty you have been I punish you this evening”. Sophia rolled out of the bed “Yes My lady I await your summons in my chamber , and tremble at the thought of your dread punishment” although few slaves of a drow would make such a statement while trying to hide a grin in the darkness and in such a light tone.

It took Iliafray a few minutes longer to bring herself the effort of getting out of bed and heading into the lounge, she did not bother to dress the suite was warm and the only other person around would be Sophia. She headed over to the box of the matriarch’s gift and took out the two scroll’s, the first was the scroll containing ritual of demon summoning which had been the payment she had earned, the other was the one which interested her for now it contained the details the matriarch had chosen to share of her scheme and the part Ilisfray would play in it.

It seemed that agents of the matriarch had captured a paladin of the elven sun goddess Sashala and rather than just cut her heart out on the altar she wanted to maximise the return from the paladin and a simple sacrifice returned little as the paladins soul would be protected, so she intended to try and break the paladin by imprisoning her with an agent ,Iliafray and having that agent gain the trust of the paladin either causing her to fall or at least tricking her into trusting agent before betraying her to sacrifice. To Iliafray the obvious problems were surviving the abuse of being a prisoner and then avoiding being sacrificed alongside the paladin , but the odds were better than refusing. She spent the rest of the morning thinking of ways to improve her chances and writing a letter to the matriarch accepting her role in the plan and some suggestions to help her fulfill the matriarchs goals, she did not mention the ideas she had to try and improve her own chances. She continued working on her plans until a bell rang indicating the delivery of lunch.

Lunch came from the mansions kitchens delivered by a dumbwaiter arrangement , providing convenience without having to risk exposure by venturing outside her suite, there was a kitchen as part of the suite but Iliafray had never bothered with cooking and Sophia was a terrible cook, Iliafray’s preference was not to have more than one slave around so food from the kitchens it was, for lunch simple stuffed mushrooms provided the meal. The chime of the dumbwaiter also summoned Sophia back from her rooms and the pair ate together.

This afternoon Iliafray was continuing her efforts in teaching Sophia the arcane arts, although their aptitudes diferred they had been making progress Sophia had talents rooted in her skills as a performer, while Iliafrays skills were linked to the power of her bloodline, in Iliafray’s case it came by her father who had been a weretiger rajput one of the elite guards of the matriarch.

Sophia was kneeling in front of Iliafray who was seated on the large and well padded couch , Iliafray was demonstrating the casting and control of cantrips while Sophia copied the gestures and words trying to increase her control over the cantrips, the cantrip they were working with was mage hand lifting and controlling objects . Iliafray was demonstrating by moving the utensils from lunch and Sophia was supposed to be doing the same. Iliafray first realised that her pupil had both learned control of the spell and has wondering concentration when she felt invisible fingers running over her labia, much clumsier than Sophia’s actual fingers. “Sophia, that’s not what you are supposed to be doing” Sophia replied with a “Sorry My Lady I will try and focus” and indeed for a few minutes the lesson continued as expected then Iliafray felt a hand tweaking her nipple rings “Sophia! Will you stop misbehaving , magic is a serious business.”, “Yes my lady , Sorry I won’t let myself be distracted again”. Again the lesson continued this time trying to demonstrate fine control of the utensils , after a few minutes Iliafray once again felt an invisible hand playing with her labia and trying to probe further into her cunt. “ That’s it Sophia! I think it’s time I taught you a different lesson, all day you have been disobedient . It’s time to punish you”. “Sorry My Lady, you don’t have to punish me, I’ll be good I promise” Sophia replied , her face showing a touch of fear, internally she was smiling her mistress had been rather withdrawn for the last few days, even more so since yesterday and pushing her into taking charge and asserting herself was worth a bit of punishment , particulary because Iliafray never really hurt her and sometimes it was even fun, and even if it wasn’t Iliafray was normally so turned on by it that afterwards they would end up having more conventional sex which would be more fun.

Iliafray stood up from the couch standing over her slave, who cowered back a bit projecting the air of a frightened rabbit, she was a good actress. “I think Sophia I should show you some of the advantages of really studying magic, “ with that she cast a spell and Sophia felt her muscles freeze locking her body in place and unable to move. While she was frozen in place Iliafray circled around behind her, and pulled her wrists together touching the bracelets together to lock them behind her. Then pulled her with some effort onto the large chair behind her, spreading her legs and locking the anklets against the side of the chair, then taking some fine and short chains from a side table which fastened together Sophia’s breast and clit piercings with a taught fastening which would hurt if she stretched or moved along with a ball gag which filled her mouth and left her drooling and uncomfortable, then finally she took a crystal from the the same table and slid it into Sophia’s cunt were it began to glow and vibrate. “Well my pet, that should help keep your attention, the vibration stone will bring you to the edge of orgasm and keep you there , and the restraints will make sure you are a good pet and not touching yourself. Now when the paralysis wears off you will stay in that chair and listen while I read to you on the history of the surface elven nations, then there will be a written test , and for every question you get wrong I will add to your punishment”

Iliafray returned to her seat and picked up a scholarly tome, if Sophia had been on her best behaviour they would have read this and discussed it something which Ilifray had been surprised to find she enjoyed instead, she would use it as part of the chastisement of her naughty pet. She began to read largely losing herself in the book , although part of her was enjoying the sight of the red faced, wriggling and drooling young lady on the chair opposite. Sophia could hardly make out the words she was hearing the buzzing in her cunt was driving her to distraction, she was desperate to orgasm but every time she was close the buzzing would stop rubbing herself against the chair could not generate enough friction and even the tugging on her clit from the chain was not enough, she could feel the drool running down her chest and breasts and the juices running from her cunt onto the chair. It was maddening and Iliafray’s voice could hardly be made out over the beating of her heart. To Sophia it felt like eternity , but it was only an hour and half of Iliafray reading to her.

Finally Iliafray finished and stood up walking over to Sophia, she ran her hands over Sophia’s breasts teasing her hard nipples. Reaching down to Sophia’s sopping cunt she pulled out the vibrator , then wiped the juices off it with Sophia’s hair. “Now my little pet let us see if you can answer my questions , or perhaps you want me to punish you. Now let me get you ready,” She pulled Sophia forward and unfastened her wrist bands then slid a tray with a pen and paper on it over Sophia’s bound legs. “Now answer these questions, if you were paying attention” Iliafray proceeded to ask a series of questions pausing briefly to allow Sophia time to write an answer, not that she seemed to be writing much it seemed she was still somewhat distracted and had little idea of what had been said. Finally Iliafray looked down on Sophia’s answers noting that all they seemed to consist of was begging to be allowed to come to a climax. Shaking her head “Oh dear it looks like you were not paying attention at all, I am afraid it’s time to punish you” She picked up the vibrator and slid it back into Sophia’s cunt before unfastening her legs. “Now Sophia no touching yourself , crawl over to me and lie across my lap.” Iliafray sat down on the sofa and waited as Sophia crawled over towards her , wincing as the chains tugged on her breasts and clit and pausing as surges in sensation from her cunt nearly overwhelmed, liquid dripping from her mouth and cunt spotted the floor as she crawled forward. Reaching Ilifray’s side she paused before crawling up and put her hands to the chains on her breasts and looked wide eyed at her mistress. Iliafray reached down and disconnected the chains, “Yes my pet , I agree if you tried to lie across me with those in place it would tear your nipples or clit off and , I am not that angry with you.” Sophia rubbed her ball gag across Iliafray’s thigh in a gesture of thanks before crawling up and laying with cunt above Iliafray’s dripping down and her buttocks in the air . Iliafray smiled down at the squirming body lying across her and raised her hand bringing it down with a firm slap on the right buttock , before repeating it on the left, she kept up the tempo landing twenty blows on each buttock leaving them a delightful shade of red, each blow seemed to bring a muffled squeak from behind the gag, then “Roll over Sophia, let me see your other side and remember you are not allowed to climax” Sophia rolled over and felt Iliafray shifting beneath her until she could comfortably reach her breasts, then she began to smack them alternating stikes on each breast and watching the ripples go through their firm flesh, again she struck each of them twenty times turning then a deeper shade of red, finally she raised her had over Sophia’s cunt before striking firmly down on her spread lips and exposed clit each of the dozen smacks producing much squirming and squealing. “Well know that was unpleasant my pet but you know you need to behave” Both Sophia and Iliafray could feel the evidence that Ilifray at least had not found it unpleasant her cunt was juicing and Sophia could feel it were her body pressed against Iliafray’s. “I know you want to climax, but naughty pets don’t get to climax until after their mistress and I want dinner first. While we wait for the food to arrive , you need to clean up all that slime you left on the furniture. Take out the ball gag and get cleaning.” With an attempt at indifference, Iliafray picked up her book and made an attempt at looking like she was returning to reading, while watching Sophia crawl across to the chair and began to lick up her juices, although it was fortunate she did not have to clean the floor as the vibrator kept her cunt dripping as she worked, once the chair seemed clear Sophia crawed back over to the sofa and began to lick that clean and then her tongue strayed to cleaning her mistress’s thigh , she looked up at her mistress and received a nod of approval before continuing to run her tongue over the sticky thighs and cunt of her mistress, although this seemed to produce more liquid rather than less as she lingered over her mistress’s cunt.

Before things could go further the chime of the dumbwaiter sounded , and Iliafray stood up pushing Sophia to the floor, Ilifray walked across to the dumbwaiter and slid a tray containing a delicious smelling steak dinner over to the table along with pitcher of fruit juice, she also took a bowl and placed it on the floor by the table, several other pitchers remained in the dumbwaiter. “Crawl over here my pet, good girls get to eat at the table with their mistress naughty pet’s eat from the bowl like a pet”. Sophia crawled over glad to be missing the chains but still tormented by the pressure between her legs. She saw the bowl contained a mixture of minced meat and chopped vegetables and lowered her mouth and began to eat ignoring the mess it made of her face, she did realise that the food was salty and spiced with fiery peppers, which stung when some of the juices reached her nose, and left her feeling desperate for a drink. Finally she could not bear it any longer.”My lady please may I drink and please can your naughty pet climax” She could hear the desperation in her voice and could she Iliafray react to it with a smile.” Very well my pet , kiss my cunt and I will give you something to drink and another lesson in the value of magic as well”. Quickly Sophia crawled under the table and started to lick at her mistress’s cunt ready to catch the flow of piss she expected, when it came she was shocked at first it tasted sweet then as bitter as vinegar and then finished as a sweet liquid “As you can tell me pet a little simple magic allows me to change the flavor of a liquid or food, one I believe I have taught you”, Sophia gulped down the liquid desperate to help with her thirst and as she did a wicked idea occurred to her one which she thought her mistress would appreciate and bring this punishment to the end. “My lady your pet begs you to let her climax, she would love to see you demonstrate your magic’s your pet remembers that your magic’s let you take many shapes perhaps you could take one appropriate to mate with a pet”. Iliafray was startled at the suggestion , looking down at Sophia she could see her face was eager and she thought it was not just the urge to climax but a genuine desire to please her mistress and see her power , it was something Iliafray had never considered but it would be different and bring this session to and end.”What an interesting idea my pet, do you have something in mind?”, Sophia replied “My Lady when your pet lived on the surface she had a pet, a big dog perhaps you would feel it appropriate to take her as that which used to be her pet”. “Very well Sophia, take out the vibrator and watch”. Iliafray stood up and walked away from the table , watching Sophia pull out the vibrator from her cunt , lick it clean and then place it on the table , before assuming a kneeling position and watching her mistress. Ilifray chanted a few arcane words and made some gestures, then began to glow, and her body began to twist and change until finally she took the form of a black wolf looking at Sophia with predatory eyes. Sophia crawled over and kissed the muzzle of the wolf, and was surprised by the length of its tongue probing her mouth and throat, then the wolf broke off the kiss and Sophia saw a red cock starting to protrude from it’s sheath beneath the wolf, it was clearly not yet erect and she rolled on her back sliding beneath the wolf to take the penis in her mouth , running her tongue over the hot and unfamiliar shape until she could feel it lengthening and hitting the back of her mouth as she did so she felt the wo;f run it’s rough tongue over her cunt lapping up her juices and she felt new shocks running through her body , then the wolf pulled free of her mouth and she could see it’s long penis was definitely erect now. She moved back to her position on all fours , ass raised into the air then she felt the wolf mount her fumbling uncertainty as it tried to slide it’s unacustomed penis into her cunt, she reached back to help and soon felt it slip into her , stretching her and battering against her cervix with it’s great length. Sophia came almost immediately as the wolf thrust into her , pent up tensions breaking like a wave over her, the wolf continued to thrust in and out of her and she felt the claws on it’s front legs scratching at her shoulders as it thrust in and out of her, she came again before she felt the wolf’s cock explode within her . Both she and the wolf were surprised as it’s cock swelled following the climax , the knot leaving the wolf stuck in her cunt and the , attempts to withdraw pushed Sophia to her third climax. Eventually the cock shrank and withdrew allowing Sophia to slump to the floor with the wolf’s semen running out of her cunt. The wolf shimmered and blurred leaving Iliafray standing over her. Sophia gasped out “Thank you mistress your pet found that most interesting”, Iliafray smiled down at her “It was interesting, I think we may try some other variations in the future, but know have a rest , clean yourself up and then join me in the bedroom. I think you have been punished now and I think we would both enjoy a chance to play a bit”. Sophia smilled , “Yes my Lady”. Iliafray headed into the bedroom taking a few things from the dumbwaiter. Sophia lay on the floor for a few minutes recovering from her orgasm’s then she stood up and cast a few spells the first closed the wounds on her shoulders , the second cleaned her body of all the fluids which had covered it, finally she went back to her room and took a potion which left her feeling refreshed and rested. In the bedroom Iliafray took a similar potion and positioned the pitcher’s of liquid by the bed along with a ***********ion of dildo’s some double ended and some which magically rooted themselves to a females cunt allowing her to feel the sensations.

Iliafray was lying on the bed resting, against the cushions when Sophia entered the bedroom , seeing her she swung herself to the edge of the bed and stood up walking towards Sophia as she reached her she stretched up on tip toe kissing the taller human woman on the lips and pressing her breasts against Sophia’s. She felt Sophia returning the kiss and their tongues duelled as they pressed into each other’s mouths. After a few moments Iliafray broke the kiss and pulled Sophia by the hand over to the bed and pushed her over to lie on the bed before joining her on the bed and reaching down to devour Sophia’s cunt , her lips and tongue running over Sophia’s cunt licking around her lips and across her clit but not penetrating her with her tongue, she felt Sophia’s hands reach down to stroke her hair as she began to moan and raise up her hips to press against Iliafray’s tongue. Next Iliafray brought up her hand’s probing the recesses of Sophia’s cunt with first two then three fingers eliciting even louder moan’s, then she started to slide her entire hand into Sophia’s well lubricated cunt, there was a little resistance but soon she had her hand inside Sophia’s cunt and started flexing her fingers and running her nails across the sensitive spots inside, at the same time she focused the attention of her tongue and lips on Sophia’s engorged clit, it did not take long to bring Sophia to an orgasm but she kept up the pressure forcing another orgasm from the girl and leaving her face slick with Sophia’s juices after the second orgasm she pulled her hand out and then crawled up Sophia’s body leaving a trail of kisses up her stomach and between her breasts until she was kissing Sophia’s lips. Meanwhile she slid one leg between Sophia’s legs pressing their cunts against each other , soon both of them were rubbing their cunts against each other and kissing , slowly they brought each other to another orgasm

. There was a pause as the two lay against each other before Sophia slid out from under her mistress and reached over for one of the pitchers checking that it was full of the sweet syrupy nectar she expected, she poured it over Ilifray’s breasts and then bent down over her mistress licking the liquid off and teasing her nipples as she did , then pouring more of the nectar over Iliafray’s stomach she worked down her body licking the nectar off as she went, as she worked her way down her mistress’s body she slid a cushion under Iliafray’s hips raising them up. With the cushion under Iliafray she began pouring the nectar over Iliafray’s cunt and licking it out of the folds and crevices of her sex, clearly drawing Ilafray’s approval and soon Iliafray’s hands were pressing Sophia’s head against her cunt pulling her head back Sophia poured more nectar dribbling it down so it ran over Ilifray’s anal sphincter and licking away at her rosebud before driving her tongue into Iliafray’s asshole. As her tongue explored Sophia’s ass,she slid her hand round to Iliafray’s cunt driving three fingers deep into Iliafray’s cunt and ground her thumb down on Iliafray’s pierced clit. Iliafray could feel her cunt stretching as the fingers penetrated her and rubbed on her sensitive vagina walls, the stimulation of her anus and clit combined to drive her to another orgasm, Sophia feeling Iliafray spasm around her kept going bringing her other hand around to replace her tongue she drove first one and then a second finger into Iliafray’s asshole feeling her fingers rubbing against her other hand through the thin separation between the two passages, she could feel Iliafray thrusting back against her hand’s and rising towards another climax, smiling wickedly she muttered the words of a cantrip bringing a spark arcing from her thumb into Iliafray’s clit and causing Iliafray to explode into a massive orgasm , shocked both literally and physically by Sophia’s cantrip her bladder exploded spraying across Sophia and the bed.

Following the explosion Iliafray collapsed back onto the bed, Sophia pulled out of her mistress returning to gently lapping at her cunt but without any intention of bringing her to another orgasm after a few minutes of this gentle rest Iliafray pushed Sophia off her and reached over to the sideboard picking up one of the dildo’s and seating it in her cunt. She rolled Sophia over on to her back pushing Sophias leg’s back towards her shoulders and fastening the wrist bracelets to the ankle bracelets. With Sophia stretched both her holes were open and exposed. Iliafray ran the head of the dildo around Sophia’s cunt and asshole teasing her by sliding the tip of it into the holes, finally as Sophia began to whimper she thrust the dildo deep into Sophia;s cunt in a single strong thrust pressing her clit against Sophia’s then she began to thrust in and out ploughing deeply into Sophia with each thrust , she could feel Sophia’s cunt clamping down and squeezing the dildo as it reamed her out , and driving both of them towards an orgasm, Sophia came first and Iliafray forced herself to pull out before she came , then as both of them came down from the edge she pressed the dildo well lubricated by Sophia’s juices against her rosebud then forced it through slamming it in until her pelvis pressed against Sophia in a single forceful thrust bringing a cry from Sophia then she continued to thrust in and out of Sophia;s tight back passage until both of them climaxed, disengaging the dildo with a mental command, and Iliafray rolled off Sophia leaving the dildo jammed in her ass. Both of them lay back on the bed feeling exhausted and in Sophia;s case immobilised by her arms and legs being fastened together and stretched over her head.

The pair lay quietly content in the afterglow of their love making and exhausted by their exertions, after a few minutes Sophia leaned her head over to lick at Iliafray’s sensitive pointed ears. Iliafray gently pushed her away “I think we’ve both had enough for now, you have been a good pet, I’m glad you’re here” She reached over and ran her hand through Sophia’s hair “Thank you my Lady, I wouldn’t be anywhere else” , Iliafray rolled over onto her stomach and leaned over to kiss Sophia and lick her own juices and nectar off of Sophia’s face “Do you want to go back and sleep in your own room or stay with me tonight”, Sophia leaned up and kissed her mistress “I’ll sleep with you tonight , Iliafray reached over and unfastened Sophia’s arm and ankle bracelets , “Time to sleep” Sophia smiled and reached over to the side board picking up a short chain, “Just one thin before we sleep my lady , I should be in my place as your pet” as Iliafray lay back on the bed Sophia crawled down the bed and used the chain to link her nose ring to Iliafray’s clit ring and settled down with her face resting against her mistress’s cunt, “Good night my lady” she said her voice muffled by her Iliafray’s cunt, “Good night my pet”.
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