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An unfulfilled English teacher is asked to step in and chaperone the football team.
It was a typical Friday afternoon for Mary as she lingered in the classroom diligently working on lesson plans for the next term, long after the final class of the day had been dismissed.

She was looking forward to driving home, opening a bottle of wine, and falling asleep in front of the television. A career ambitious woman, Mary Chambers was proud of her position within the English department at Westbridge Comprehensive School. Given her relative inexperience, only having graduated from university three years prior, she had grown quickly and established herself as a professional and dependable member of the department.

Sat at her desk, Mary was wearing her predictable attire. Today’s blouse of choice was a short-sleeved pale yellow number tucked into a knee-length pencil skirt. The remainder of her legs were covered by modest thick black tights. Mary’s soft and round facial features were dominated by the same pair of thick-rimmed, square glasses she had worn since university. Another long-standing habit was the sensible single ponytail used to keep her dirty blonde hair away from her face.

Watching a straggling group of schoolgirls out of the window, gossiping and laughing as they left the school gates, Mary’s mind wondered as it was prone to do at the end of a busy week. She had worked tremendously hard during her own stint in education, making many sacrifices to achieve the qualifications that she was told were necessary to be a success in life. Studying in the library during lunchtimes, working a shitty retail job during the holidays, rejecting invites to house parties; All viewed at the time as logical, mature decisions but in hindsight left some regrets of missed opportunities to socialise and let loose. Opportunities that she had learnt, don’t come around as often in professional adult life. Mary couldn’t help feel a twinge of envy noticing the attention some of the more uninhibited girls received in her classroom. They understood how to make the most of their youthful exuberance while still maintaining respectable grades.


A knock at the door startled Mary out of her daydreaming and she turned to see the face of Tim, one of her sixth form English language students grinning at her through the dirty glass pane.

Mary waved him in, “Hello Tim. I’m surprised to see you still around at this time. I don’t imagine you are here because you’ve had an epiphany about the themes in Of Mice and Men that couldn’t wait until after the holiday break”.

“Funnily enough, no miss. But I am happy to catch you. The football team is supposed to be playing the big final tonight but coach Johnson has had a family crisis and can’t chaperone. We need a school representative to join us but there is barely anyone still here and every teacher I’ve bumped into has plans already. I was hoping you fancied sacrificing your Friday evening to come and watch a bunch of amateurs play a sports game that you don’t care about?” Tim finished and flashed his most charming smile.

Mary considered the proposition. Ignoring the immediate reluctance to modify her usual Friday evening routine, she analysed the benefits of helping with the extra-curricular activity. It would be another example she could bring up at the next meeting with the department head as she looked to solidify her claim for that deputy head position. Plus, it’s not like she didn’t have plenty of open evenings with no plans coming up over the winter break to lounge around in pyjamas and watch netflix.

“I’m not saying yes yet, but what would I have to do?” queried Mary.

Tim peaked up at the lack of immediate denial, “Dead simple. Travel with us to the game, check in with the organisers, watch us win the match and then travel back. You don’t even have to drive us, Dan’s older brother is driving the minibus.”

She paused briefly while Tim put on his best puppy dog eyes. ”Okay, I’ll do it...but I’m expecting you to be the most engaged, model student in my class next term”.


Mary packed up her things, taking along a stack of papers she hoped could be marked on the journey, and met up with Tim and the rest of the guys in the car park. Alongside Tim there stood the rest of the Westbridge sixth form five-a-side football team. A total of eight players including the substitutes, all 18 year olds in their final year of schooling representing the elite of athletic excellence at Westbridge. Mary scanned the boys faces but only recognised Tim, a clear indication of the lack of crossover between their two disciplines.

The minibus surprised Mary with its spacious arrangement and modern interior, sat around 20 at full capacity with 6 rows, two seats on either side of a spacious walkway. Mary noted that the sports teams at Westbridge must be way better funded than her department and filed that away to bring it up at the next teacher conference. Most of the team opted to use the 5 elevated seats that comprised the back row of the bus. This meant that Mary was able to sit close to the front, away from the noise, and dump the pile of papers on the seat next to her.


The boys were rowdy and rambunctious, building adrenaline for the game but Mary did her best to concentrate on grading papers as they sped down the motorway towards the rival school.

“Sorry Miss, we will try to keep the noise down” one of them shouted after what must have been a hysterically effective bit of comedy produced a cacophony of laughter from the back.

She turned around in her seat to engage the boys. “Don’t worry about it. Not sure I can stomach any more reading with the motion of the bus. How long does it take to get there?”

“Around 3 hours we think. Setting off late after all the problems we had with the coach so it's going to be tight. Not sure we are going to have time to get changed when we get there. I think the guys are just going to get changed into our uniforms on the bus if you don’t mind?”

“Hmm, well then do it now. I’m going to keep my eyes firmly on the road for the next 5 minutes only.” she warned. Mary swiveled back round to face the front of the bus. She could hear the rustling of movement and the usual chatter of locker room banter. The road stretched on indefinitely ahead as the driver attempted to weave the ponderous bus past the early weekend traffic.

Absentmindedly she glanced at the rearview mirror, conveniently placed above the windscreen, giving a clear view of the boys in various undress as they dug through kit bags and chatted about the upcoming game. She could see one of the players rummaging through some equipment only wearing his boxers. His bare abs toned from years of athletic competition. There were thick powerful thighs on display, the kind that could make a girl weak at the knees. His spandex skin-tight underwear left little to the imagination. Mary felt a flutter in her nether regions and her nipples harden, poking against her bra.

When was the last time I came? Mary wondered to herself, embarrassed at her inappropriate reaction. Clearly, I need to get out more if I’m this desperate for it.

While in the classroom it was easy to stick to the conventional student/teacher roles, out here the lines were more blurred. There was less of a barrier between them and Mary struggled to reconcile the image of these boys with the ones in her lessons. After all, these boys had the bodies of men and towered over her petite 5’5’’ frame. Her mind wandered back to the image of Tim’s bare chest. They could do as they please.

Mary jumped as Tim slid into the seat opposite her. Now kitted out in his football uniform with his toothy grin beaming on his face, he launched into a speech.

“Miss, it’s a tradition that if we win we celebrate on the way back to Westbridge. Just a couple of beers, nothing crazy. Coach encouraged it, and its worked wonders on our results this season. In fact, he tends to join us, and since he isn’t here tonight, I wanted to get approval from our stand-in coach”.

Mary hesitated, “You might be off school grounds but you still represent Westbridge during these events. I don’t think it’s a sensible idea.”

Tim spoke in a spirited manner and with conviction, never breaking eye contact. “Okay, if we lose we all go home with our tails between our legs. But if we win the trophy it's a cause for celebration! We already have the beers in the cooler. We are only going to drink them on the bus - out of sight. What do you say, if we win you join us for a beer? How many students can say they’ve had a chance to have a beer with their English teacher? A bit of extra motivation for the lads.”

The boys well into their pre-game hype train now were chanting team slogans in the back. Mary stared at Tim and considered the risks of allowing the boys a couple of drinks against the effort required to articulate a staunch defense of her position.

“Well let us see if you actually win first” she concluded with a wry smile.


Now dark outside, the boys piled back onto the bus in jubilant spirits. They had managed to equalise the game deep into injury time and went on to win the game on penalties.

“I never actually agreed to this,” Mary stated disapprovingly.

“Hey Miss, don’t get all tight on us now. We saw you jump out of your seat when that goal went in.”

The boys dragged the ice cooler out from under one of the seats and started handing out cans. Mary glanced inside and spotted about 50 beers mixed in with the ice. Much more than the casual amount Tim has protested earlier. Mary reluctantly caught the one that came her way and examined the label. It wasn’t a brand she recognised but she never had been a prominent beer drinker, much more fond of her wine. The team noticed her doubt and started to holler and chant her name. Realising that the 3 hour journey home was going to be tiresome at best even without actively resisting the celebrations she decided to relax. After all, this was her Friday evening as well.

“This never leaves the room” she said seriously looking around the bus at all the players before flicking open the can and bringing it to her lips. It was a typical cheap beer she thought, not too bad, as long as you keep drinking quick enough to not register the bitter aftertaste.

Mary joined the group scattered around the back of the bus and sat in an empty row adjacent to the rambunctious teenagers. For the next half an hour or so, Mary sipped her drink as the players chugged theirs and recalled their favourite moments of the match. She had some alarm bells ringing in her head about the volume they were consuming but couldn’t bring herself to verbalise her concerns. Boys will be boys. She was enjoying the comradery of the occasion and why would they listen to their stupid teacher outside of school anyways.

Now trundling down the motorway in the dark, Mary felt very hot inside the bus. The boys still lounging about in their sweaty and muddy uniforms started to make themselves more comfortable, some of them removing shirts, boots, or socks. Mary was sweating herself and used the ice cold beer to cool down. She protested weakly when a replacement can was thrust into her hand. The nagging voice in her head slowly getting quieter and being replaced by calm and contentment.

Mary was just about done with her second beer when a party game was proposed. Two truths and a lie but with a twist, if the group guesses your lie correctly you have to shotgun a beer. Not wanting to actively participate Mary stared out the window and enjoyed the buzz she was feeling, letting the regular motion of the bus lull her into a relaxed state.

“Miss it’s your turn.” Mary heard from behind her. She turned her head to see the group staring at her expectantly. With an apathetic sigh, she reluctantly shifted to the aisle seat, swinging her legs to rest in the aisle. Mary wracked her brains for some interesting facts.

“I have a pet cat named Ginger”

“My favourite colour is yellow”

“I am a published author”

“If she was a published author, she wouldn’t be stuck teaching at our school” one of the boys quipped as the boys laughed and agreed, coming to the conclusion that must be a lie. Mary, blushed deeply and quickly nodded yes. She internally reprimanded herself for caring that the guys were laughing at her expense. Even worse, she now realised under the rules of the game she had to shotgun a beer. An activity she had never done in her life. She watched the boys grab a can from the now low-stocked cooler.

Eager to get the group of eyes off her, she accepted the can and held it horizontally, in both hands, cradling it gingerly. Mimicking the actions of the boys earlier she placed her mouth over the hole prepared for her and lifted the can directly above her head.

Struggling to pull the tab cleanly with her nails, with great difficulty Mary managed to unfasten the can but not without disturbing its rotation. Cold beer plastered her face and blouse as she scrambled to plug the hole with her mouth. Panicking and unable to think clearly, the entire contents of the can quickly emptied before Mary gathered the sense to give up. The liquid seeped into her blouse which became transparent and clung to the bra underneath. The form of Mary’s perky 34C breasts, usually completed hidden beneath shapeless blouses or dresses, were now front and present. A trail of beer dripped down her body, pooled in her lap. Her business skirt soaking up the excess alcohol. The boys sat back, silent in collective awe.

Tim was the first to react. “That doesn’t count,” he exclaimed, “I don’t think you actually drank any of that. Let me show you how to do it.” Tim clambered his way over the rows of seats until he got to the window seat next to Mary.

Pulling a beer out of somewhere, he prepared a new can and stood directly behind his teacher.

“Okay, so I’m gonna hold the can this time so all you have to do is drink” he instructed.

Frozen in embarrassment, and acutely aware of Tim’s presence, Mary nodded feebly. Tim reached his arms around Mary and held the can in position.

This time the liquid flowed directly into her mouth, the sudden carbonation a shock to her nasal passage. She persevered, making a dedicated effort to gulp down the liquid and not embarrass herself again. Only a minimal amount of beer escaped and added to the mess on the sopping shirt. The beer fizzled on her taste buds. The boy's chants filled her ears. Tim’s naked upper body enveloped her own and added to the overload of sensations that engulfed her brain. Mary finished the beer to a chorus of cheers, and subsequently collapsed into the weight of Tim behind her.

The boys can’t believe their eyes as they look upon the sight of Mary. Eyes closed. Hair previously held up now hung around her shoulders with strains wet and stuck to her face. Make up running slightly from the sweat and beer combo on her face. Her breasts heaved below her visible bra as she panted. Her previously charcoal grey skirt now a wet black, hiked up to only cover the couple top inches of her thighs. the back of her head leant back into the chest of Tim behind her.


Recovered, but still drenched in a full can of beer, Mary was feeling increasingly uncomfortable in her sticky clothes. Castrating herself for not bringing along the change of clothes she always kept in her classroom for such troubles she looked around for an alternative. The boys, enjoying their teachers' escalating situation, wanted to prolong the fun as long as possible. Discreetly hiding the more suitable clothing options in the team's kit bag they formulated a plan.

“Hey Mary, nice one! That was faster than some of the boys here. Sorry for laughing at that first beer explosion, it was just a bit of fun. That shirt does look ruined though.”

Mary didn’t notice the change to now being addressed by her first name. “Don’t worry, it takes more than a couple of playground embarrassments to affect me”, she looked down at her soaked outfit, “ I am pretty uncomfortable though, how long do we have left on the road?”

“At least 2 hours... I think we might have some spare stuff in the team kit bag. Maybe it makes sense to change for the rest of the journey?”

“Thanks Tim, that would be great.”

Tim leaned over the back seats and zipped open the holdall that stored the additional kit in case a replacement is needed mid-game. Ignoring the more suitable pairs of shorts he retrieved a pair of 2XL mens shorts and a L football shirt.

“Sorry Mary, it is slim pickings back there, looks like we could do with a refill for the new season. Hope these work okay” he said, handing over the clothes, “Go get changed down the front of the bus and I’ll make sure there are no wandering eyes back here.”

Once positioned in the front row of the bus directly behind the driver, Mary assessed her situation, or at least did the best a dizzy headed girl can do. She was feeling the effects of downing that last beer. Her shirt and skirt were probably unsalvageable but Mary hoped she would be able to save them in the wash. Her tights were wet in places and a couple of small holes had developed on each leg but they still provided adequate coverage and protection over her white cotton briefs. These well-worn tights were ready for the bin anyways. She felt her basic white bra for dampness and wished she had put on some newer underwear that morning.

Mary shuffled out of her skirt with difficulty, falling over in the process. She placed it on the headrest of the bus seat to dry out. Picking up the shorts she instantly recognised that this wasn’t going to work. Pulling them on over her tights, she stretched the elasticated waistband and mused that you could fit about three Mary’s in these. Releasing the shorts they immediately dropped to the floor. It’s fine she reasoned with herself. These thick tights are practically leggings, and the large mens shirt will come down to at least mid-thigh. It’s a more presentable look than the beer-soaked blouse and skirt combo she was currently rocking and figured if she was going to be caught in this predicament then the football shirt was the lesser of the two evils. Coming to terms with her decision she started to unbutton the blouse.

Tim and the rest of the boys in the back were having the time of their lives. A hot girl wearing only the team's jersey was a common sexual fantasy amongst them. This was the most interested any of them had been in English for a long time. Tim congratulated himself on the idea of finding a female teacher to be their supervisor. He had purposely avoided many male teachers before reaching Miss Chambers classroom that afternoon. Taking discreet glances, Tim peeked at Mary as she changed, not wanting to be too obvious should she turn around suddenly. He could see her back, completely bare except for a white bra strap. The shape of her butt was clearly visible through the snug tights. A tear just below the left buttcheck offered a tantalising glimpse of the flesh underneath. Her rosy skin, flawless and stunning, effused a rosy glow under the interior bus lighting. Tim watched her struggle to find the armholes of the shirt. Finally succeeding, the hem of the shirt dropped down to land about 3 inches below her butt. Checking on the other boys he found they were all mesmerised by the display. Some had their phones out, discreetly taking pictures on their phones. Souvenirs to enjoy later.

As presentable as she was going to get, Mary made her way back to the boys. This time she was guided to sit in the middle seat of the back row, a boy perched on either side, now the focal point of the whole group.


Another round of beers was handed out to signify the next round. The game progressed with an increasingly lewd focus. The boys, all worked up and full of testosterone started to make sex-related boasts about themselves for facts.

“I fucked a girl in the locker room last term”.

“I’ve had a threeway”.

“I’ve done anal”.

The captain of the team was even goaded into briefly whipping out his knob to back up the truthful claim of having a “horse dick”.

Mary’s attention drifted as she imagined herself participating in some of the sexual escapades being described. The alcohol flowing through her system and the itch in her loins overpowered any processing of rational thoughts in her brain. It was taking significant effort for her to remain fully cognizant of the world around her.

The lucky boys sitting adjacent to Mary took this opportunity to be adventurous. Resting their hands on her knees, they lightly traced up and down her legs. Pausing at the hem of the football shirt, which when seated rested only a tantalizing few inches away from her twat. The absence of a negative response to the intrusions encouraged the boys to become even more aggressive. They inconspicuously nudged her knees wider, causing the shirt to hike up. They groped and massaged her thighs. They gently tugged at and fingered the holes in her tights, slowly unwrapping Mary’s legs like a present.

After watching Tim put away his 9th beer, a consequence of failing to convince the group that he had once made a girl squirt, again they turned to Mary. Feeling loose in the way that only alcohol can achieve, Mary was eager to not appear naive again. Doubly, with her head spinning, she had no intentions of being caught out and having to down yet another beer.

“I own a buttplug”

“I lost my virginity during high school to a football player”

“I have my nipples pierced”

The boys were amazed at the filthy words stumbling out of their teacher's mouth. At the same time, they had a dramatic effect on Mary’s state. To speak with such vulgarity, in front of students nonetheless, was a taboo act that caused goosebumps all over her body. She was being a naughty girl. Listening to the boys' debate about the cruder details of her body and sexual history was enthralling. The group concluded that their vanilla teacher couldn't have pierced nips and chose that as the lie.

Part of a quarter-life crisis post-university, Mary determined she needed a spark as she transitioned into working life permanently. After reading about the bedroom benefits in a girly mag, she spontaneously decided to get her nipples pierced. Well as spontaneous as driving 100 miles to the other side of the country to ensure you aren’t recognised at the tattoo parlor can be. It had hurt like hell, but they were right, Mary loved to pull on them as she masturbated.

“Wrong”, Mary proudly exclaimed to the boys.

“Prove it!” demanded a voice from the crowd, “If I had to whip out my todger to provide evidence then she should have to do the same. I don’t believe for a second that boring Miss Chambers has pierced nipples like some kind of slut.”. The others keenly voiced their agreement.

Mary knew she was in trouble. “I can't,” she stuttered, her hazy mind looking for a way out. “You are all men...I’m a girl, it's not fair”.

“Okay okay”, Tim interrupted to mediate the dispute, “I agree with Mary. I don’t think it's fair that as a girl she should have to expose herself to all of us dudes. We gotta stop shortly at a service station to fuel up. How about Mary nominate one individual to go into the restroom with in order to prove her claim?”

The rest of the boys, although disappointed at missing their opportunity to see the tits they had been lusting over all evening, failed to come up with a counterplan and murmured in agreement.

“Tim, I’m your teacher. I can’t do that, I could lose my job.” moaned Mary.

Tim, always calm and smooth in his delivery, replied “You’re the one who decided to tell us about your tits miss. I’m just trying to help you here. A quick peek just to confirm you aren’t lying, it's in the spirit of the game. Nothing we say or do is ever going to leave this bus, right boys?”.

Mary blushed deeply and looked down at the floor.

“Fine, just you and me Tim, one quick peek.”


“Okay, you got 15 mins here before we head off, stretch your legs, take a piss” shouted the driver as the bus pulled to a stop in the massive dimly-lit and very empty at this time of night parking area. Stopping in the designated bus parking at the back of the lot, it was a good walk to the main building where the usual assortment of fast food, convenience stores and toilets were housed.

“Mary have you ever considered contact lenses?” Tim piped as he playfully removed the glasses from her face.

“...hey, no, I’m too squeamish to put them in my eyes” she responded grappling with Tim to retrieve the glasses.

“You really are hiding a pretty face under these hideous things”

“...Hey Tim, chuck those over here”, another one of the boys shouted. Tim complied, throwing the glasses to the other side of the bus where the lads started using them as a prop to a hilarious rancor.

“Nooo“ Mary moaned under her breath. She felt awful vulnerable without her glasses. The world outside the bus was now mostly a blur. Though Tim did call me cute though, she noted to herself allowing the warmth of the complement to put a smile on her face.

Any apprehension Mary had at leaving the bus in her current attire was overruled by a desperate desire to pee. She followed behind the main gaggle of boys, who were shouting and being generally disruptive in their drunken state. Occasionally leaning on Tim, who strolled along next to her, she slowly stumbled her way through the automatic doors into the foyer. Eager to make the most of their time alone, Tim took Mary by the hand and directed her towards the disabled toilet cubicle.

Tim locked the door as Mary rushed straight to the toilet to relieve her bladder. Tim turned around. His English teacher, the authority figure who on Tuesday was lecturing about the prose used in MacBeth, was openly peeing in front of him. Tights and panties bunched around her knees, the sports shirt filled the gap between her legs enough to keep her pussy just about hidden for now. Head in hands, she used her elbows propped on her knees for support. She giggled and chatted to herself inaudibly. Tim, also at this point heavily under the influence, had any moral scrupulations torn away by the rarity of the occasion. His erection poked prominently through his shorts. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity. He needed this.

Mary after having some difficulty pulled back up her tights, staggered across to the sink.

Tim grabbed her by both shoulders and spun her around 180 degrees until they were face to face, close enough that even in Mary’s state she could see the lustful look in his eyes.

“Don’t forget about the deal Mary, you promised.”

Mary paused for a few seconds. “I’m not sure this is a good idea”.

“shhhhhh” Tim whispered as he reached for the hem of the shirt.

“Okay, stop, let me do it.”. Mary said with a sudden confidence as she batted away his hand.

Mary leaned her butt back against the sink counter and grabbed the hem of her shirt with both hands. In a single swift movement, as if the willpower might leave at any moment, she lifted the material up past her waist, her toned stomach coming into view. Mary’s perky boobs sprung out, now unrestricted from the confines of the bra. A small handful but perfectly round and full, topped with symmetrical slightly puffy areola. Her nipples hardened instantly in response to the cool air and protruded out from her chest, desperate for attention. A silver barbell adorned each one and glinted under the artificial light in the bathroom, flaunting and inviting the eye.

Mary felt a warm giddy rush at showing off her jewellery. Only a crazy slut would openly advertise her sexuality in such a way. She bounced on the balls of her feet in nervous anticipation, her breasts jiggling gently in kind; Holding the position, arms gripping scrunched up shirt and bra fabric around her neck, as if waiting for some acknowledgement or compliment. But Tim said nothing.

Tim closed the gap between them and locked his lips to hers. Mary did neither return the kiss nor reject the sudden invader. Mary in this state of compliance left Tim to passionately explore her open mouth with his unrestrained tongue. Taking charge, his eager hands moved to Mary’s tits and slowly flicked each piercing as Mary, unable to disguise her arousal, moaned deeply into his ear. Enjoying the response he continued to gently tug on each nipple, feeling Mary quiver against him with each assault.

Mary was paralysed by lust. The intense stimulation to her nipples sent waves of pleasure throughout her body and flooded her brain with endorphins. Engaging in such a lewd act with a student was freeing her most primal urges. This is what she needed. Not a promotion or a cushy salary. She wanted to be lusted over. She wanted to be used. Mary broke the kiss and in between breathy mumbles managed to speak her mind.

“Fuck me Tim”.

Tim wasted no time and bent Mary over the bathroom counter. Mary’s swollen nipples brushed against the cold countertop as she placed both hands on the bathroom mirror and presented herself. Tim grabbed the central seam of her tights with both hands and pulled in opposite directions, tearing the garment. Tattered remains of tights dangled from Mary’s hips, her juicy ass now covered only by a pair of conservative cotton panties Tim roughly groped the exposed flesh, fervently taking pleasure in the thickness and elasticity of the upturned rear.

His fingers slid under the edges of her panties and lightly taunted Mary’s slit with his fingers. Gently tracing and caressing the labia, deliberately slowing down to indulge in the absolute power he held over Mary. There was no mistaking the yearnings of his teacher, who gasped at every touch. Visible dampness seeped through the cotton and slicked the inside of her thighs. Tim could smell her arousal.

Moving her panties to one side as he freed his boner from the constraints of his shorts, Tim positioned his girthy dick at her entrance. Making eye contact with his docile companion through the mirror he pushed forward slowly opening up her tight hole with his tip. He pressed forward until the warm and sultry pussy enveloped the full length of his teenage member.

Grabbing onto her hips, he started thrusting, making the most of each invasion into the teacher's womb. In response, Mary shuddered and let out a low guttural moan. She had never been so desperate to be filled. Like a carnal beast her mind was singularly focused on the pleasure building between her legs. The pace quickened. Mary bit her lip, worried about the attention she might draw with the loud stream of dirty noises escaping her mouth. Tim’s balls slapped against her clit on every impact bringing her ever closer to orgasm. She angled her pussy intently, rocking back in rhythm to meet Tim’s cock.

Suddenly, the pleasure abated. Tim had withdrawn and was staring at his phone.

“Shit, the guys are back on the bus already. They are waiting on us.” he muttered and forced his still erect member into his shorts.

“Noooo, I was so close” Mary cursed, slamming her fists onto the counter like a spoiled child. Still leaning over the counter she reached back and attempted to finish herself off.

“Come on you horny bitch”. Tim grabbed Mary’s hand rubbing her clit and pulled the red-faced hottie upright. Mary rearranged her shirt just in time to be dragged out of the public bathroom door.


On the bus, Tim guided Mary to her central position in the back row. The players, consuming refreshments and chatting in groups, seeing their source of amusement return, gathered around and focused attention back on the now disheveled looking older woman. This time, Tim took the seat and jerked Mary down onto his lap. Her long shirt rode up such that her panty covered arse was placed directly on Tim’s shorts. She could feel his boner and shuffled her buttocks until the hard ridge lined up directly with the gusset of her panties, where she started to subtly grind.

One of the boys produced a wine bottle from a carrier bag, “We felt sorry that beer wasn’t your preference so we got you some wine instead” the lad explained with faux chivalry.

“I’m not…” but Mary had no time to complete her thought as the bottle was already uncorked and shoved into her face. Mouth opening automatically she wrapped her lips around the neck of the bottle as it was tipped upwards. She rushed to gulp down the neverending flow like a baby bird. Mary began to gag and splutter uncontrollably, red wine and spit dripping from her chin. After a temporary reprieve the bottle was pushed back into her mouth and the same ordeal repeated. This time managing several more mouthfuls before her burning nasal passages forced her to choke.

“Well done Mary '' the boys joked in a condescending manner as they started passing the now half-empty bottle around between themselves. “So Tim, did you get a good long hard look. Was Mary telling the truth?"

Tim laughed from behind Mary “Yes lads I did. And instead of taking my word for it, we both agreed that everyone should get a chance to see for themselves.” Without warning, Tim grabbed the hem of Mary’s shirt and lifted. Managing to pull the front of the shirt up and over her head, with the sleeves still in place, the shirt bunched up in a tight bind around the back of her neck. This had the effect of pushing her bare chest forward, presenting her tits to the room. Tim moved his arms to Mary’s side forcibly taking her hands with his, averting any attempts at modesty.

Head swimming in a fog of lust and booze, Mary meagerly struggled against Tim’s grip. She searched around for a saviour but was greeted with 8 pairs of eyes laser-focused on her exposed tits. There was no coming back from this. She had turned into nothing but a sex object to these drunk teens. A senseless, sexy little harlot who still very badly needed to cum.

“Boys, this slut is hot, I think she wants to continue fucking right here.” Tim roared, arousing the spirit of the group. He shifted in his seat until his cock appeared in between Mary’s legs, resting directly against her slit. Mary just stared at the erect member, shiny with precum that leaked from the bulbous tip. Using his strength to lift her body upwards, Tim repositioned her pussy directly above his knob and released. Mary sank pussy first onto his thick shaft until every inch invaded her body and she rested once more in his lap fully impaled. Mary was giddy to be jammed full of cock again, so engrossed that she didn’t resist as another couple of the boys untangled her shirt before removing it entirely and tossing it out of sight.

Mary, brought back to earth with a harsh tugging of her nipples, registered the waving bottle in her face and took it into her mouth for a third time, guzzling down the alcohol, desperate to pass whatever test the boys were subjecting her to. Failing to finish the bottle completely before gagging again the remaining contents were poured out over her tits, quickly followed up by the mouth of a hungry player, sucking and tweaking her wine-soaked nipples.

Determined to reach her climax, Mary ignored the staring eyes, crude insults, and aggressive hands. Leaning forward in Tim’s lap Mary planted her feet on the floor and began grinding in small circular motions allowing his dick to massage every crevice of her pussy. Tim’s hand moved to her pelvic bone, playing with her clit as she rode. Many of the boys watching made no secret of pleasuring themselves to the slutty display. A couple of them, erect member in one hand, phone in the other, recorded plenty of usable fap material for later.

The clapping sound of the two sweaty bodies intensified as Mary, desperate for her orgasm, picked up the pace and started bouncing eagerly. Tim concentrated on not orgasming as felt her creamy pussy slide a few inches up his shaft only to bury itself to the hilt over and over.

Drool dripped from Mary’s stuck out tongue onto her tits that bounced in a continuous mesmerising motion.

Mary was willingly defiling herself in front of students and the loss of dignity was making her hotter than she’d ever been. Eyes closed, she reached the peak and squealed as the unequalled waves of pleasure radiated throughout her body. No more worries about exam results or pta meetings. Just a simple cock hungry whore designed to cum and make others cum. Some fundamental switch had been flipped in her overstimulated mind. Resting back on the dick Mary flicked her clit making the most of every aftershock. After a few moments and finally satisfied, she returned to the room and opened her eyes, momentarily shocked to see the naked teenagers staring back.

“Nobody is gonna believe this shit”

“Holy crap, what a filthy slut”

“I’m getting that cunt next”

Still stunned from her climax, Tim pushed Mary off his lap onto the sticky floor of the bus. A circle of drunk, horny teens climbed over the seats and formed a tight barrier around her. Rather than remove the remains of her tights, many hands grabbed the remaining patches and yanked all at once. The sound of ripping fabric and feisty cheers followed as the players held up bits of nylon like trophies. The teacher was down to only her disarranged white panties, stained with a vivid concoction of alcohol, sweat, and her own juices.

A hand on Mary’s head guided her up onto her knees. Instinctively she reached out and started playing with the cocks that appeared at her sides. Mary did her best to satisfy, trying to give each one some attention. Stroking a dick in each hand, Mary stuck out her tongue like a puppy dog, an open invitation for her mouth to be used as well. The boys jockeyed for position, grabbing the exposed flesh of her tits and arse, twisting her one way and the other to get their fair share of the stripped educator. Mary had never seen so much dick in her life. Each one had its own unique qualities and she examined each one intently imagining what it would feel like inside of her vacant pussy.

Rotating around the circle everyone got a turn at receiving a blowjob. Like a crash course in dick sucking, by the fifth boy she was expertly licking up and down the shaft, caressing the balls, taking the tip into her mouth and watching the reactions on the faces staring down at her. One boy grew frustrated by the teasing, grabbed a couple of fistfuls of Mary’s blonde locks and without warning jammed the entire length of his member into her mouth. Pubes tickled Mary’s nose as she thrashed about with her arms, throat too blocked by cock to breathe freely. Through watery eyes, Mary looked up at her attacker and silently pleaded to be released.

Just as she was on the verge of passing out the cock was withdrawn with a loud squelch sound as it left Mary’s throat. She collapsed onto her stomach gasping for air.

From her subservient position on the floor, Mary caught the concerned expression on the boy's face.

“Are you okay?” he said in a sheepish fashion.

Mary felt a twinge of guilt as she slowly nodded her head ‘yes’. Again she was being embarrassed by her inexperience and a student was being made to feel bad because of it. How can I do my job properly if I can’t even deepthroat a cock, Mary thought to herself. She knew she could do better. Determined to do so she made her way back onto her knees, lips millimeters away from the cock that had almost choked her. Placing her hands on his buttocks she voluntarily initiated the next attempt, fighting past her gag reflex and relaxing her throat to properly accommodate the cock. Gaining confidence, Mary started to move her mouth from the base, up and down the shaft, using her distended throat to milk the cock. Drool trickled down her chin as a mixture of sloppy noises filled the bus. The boy groaned as Mary continued to abject herself to a brutal facefucking, the shock and pleasure evident on his face.

The group enjoyed the new direction and it soon became a game to see how long Mary could deep throat each cock before needing air. The boys counted aloud as a group each time Mary went balls deep on a new cock. They jeered at each failure and hollered encouragement on every renewed effort as she circled the group attempting to beat some sort of slutty high score.

Finally, after every boy had felt the inside of her throat Mary threw in the towel. Pleased with herself for not missing anyone out, her throat was raw and crying out to be soothed, which she did with another cheap beer. By now the itch had returned to Mary’s cunt and she idly fingered herself while drinking.

After being thoroughly worked up the boys were ready for the main event. Manhandling her body into the central backseat Tim peeled off her sodden panties without resistance. Mary's legs were pulled forward, dragging her midsection down until her bum was hanging off the edge of the bus seat. Legs lifted high and back they were tied to the headrest of each window seat utilising football socks as makeshift ropes. Her hands lifted above her head and guided to the same position. The boys produced some athletic tape to secure the wrists and ankles together.

Taking the dirty panties, Tim used them with little success, to wipe some of the spit and running makeup off of Mary’s messy face. As a finishing touch, he placed the underwear on Mary’s head, lining the gusset up with her nose and mouth so that she could still see clearly out of the two leg holes. Mary smelt her own juices on the material and sniffed deeply, intoxicated by the musky scent that represented her humiliation.

The boys lined up in the aisle. Looking straight towards the back of the bus they could see the completely exposed naked figure of the English teacher. With her arms and legs completely immobilised and spread painfully wide, Mary personified the appearance of a sex doll. Her swollen pussy jutted out and glistened with moisture. A stunning contrast from the usual professional appearance of the woman who maintained the highest English pass average in the county.

The first boy stepped up, wearing nothing but his football shirt, and thrust deeply. Mary moaned like a whore through the panties that covered her mouth, an uncontrolled outburst of pure gratification. Fucking bareback with reckless abandon, the boy didn’t last long, the warm slick hole gripping his virgin cock. Unable to hold on and wanting to avoid a potential pregnancy, he pulled out and ejaculated. Thick strands of semen landed on Mary’s tits and stomach.

Most of the boys did not last much longer, a testament to the deprived sexuality of the scene. Each boy found an untouched space on her flushed body to blow their load. Mary’s boobs were coated in spunk. It pooled on her stomach. Particularly explosive cumshots covered her face where the thick liquid globbed up and dripped from her chin. Someone removed the panties from Mary’s head, doused them in cum before replacing them onto her face. Mary sucked the dregs of cum from the fabric because she thought it was the right thing for a slut to do.

Every few mins a cock would exit her pussy, leaving Mary feeling empty and unfulfilled until a vibrant youthful new cock took its place. Mary had no control over the fucking. She was at the mercy of each player The inexperienced youngsters fucked in hard, fast strokes focused on embedding their cocks deep. Using the teacher pussy like a fleshlight for their own pleasure.

Mary mumbled noises of gratitude when they occasionally stimulated her clit or nipples, the penetration and external sensations heightening her climaxes to new levels. She was grateful for her restraints, which held her body in place while she drifted in and out of semi-consciousness. Mary couldn’t track the orgasms she achieved, only the ebbing and receding flows of pleasures as they used her body. Throughout it all, she never stopped moaning.

Finally, after the team was drained and even the bus driver, who had pulled over at the side of the road to have his way, Mary was released from her bind. Now acutely aware of her exhaustion, she curled up in a naked ball on the seat and drifted off, a content little smile on her messy face.


Mary felt unusually anxious and out of sorts as she got ready for the first day back at work. Winter break had been unremarkable. The standard cycle of opening presents and conversing with family members until you remember why you ignore them for the rest of the year. Maybe it was the vivid dreams that disturbed her nights; Waking up horny and frustrated, unable to sleep until frigging herself to orgasm. Possibly a more likely cause was the missing memory from that Friday afternoon school football trip. Recollections of cheering the boys and the beers that followed were there, but none about how she actually got home that evening. The empty wine bottle found on the counter could justify the memory loss, and the soreness she felt just a drunken over-enthusiastic session with her dildo - It would not be the first time she had overindulged on a lonely Friday night. Calming herself in the mirror, she rehearsed her defense should rumour spread around school about alcohol being consumed by students under her supervision.

Running late that morning, the classroom was full of waiting year 11 pupils by the time Mary arrived. Apologising, she instructed them to start reading and sat at her desk to get situated. Unpacking her bag she noticed, out of the corner of her eye, a tangled up ball of fabric on the end of her desk. Hesitating, she slowly picked up the mysterious package and held it up to her face. The disturbance caused the ball to unravel revealing an old crusty stained pair of panties. Her missing white panties. Mary’s heart in her mouth she rushed to drop the garment into a drawer before any of the class could notice.

Maybe she wasn’t going to be able to talk her way out of this one after all.
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