Comments from BiStander
Date | Story title | Comment |
2009-05-04 17:15:28 | My Neighor's Incest | I don't get it. 33,453 reads, but only 665 votes? Is it that hard to click the button? Also, for you expert writers who see mistakes, point them out, because I obviously missed them and then maybe I will not make the same one again. Also include your username so I can see your stories. Thanks. I spend way too much time on these for a below 80% rating. Do you think there should be a 1 star to 5 star rating system? The other site I post on has that. That way it's not good or bad, only. Part two is waiting validate, and part three is being reviewed. |
2009-05-22 18:42:05 | My Neighor's Incest IV | "Unknow 2009-05-22 12:34:09 He took her virginity in the last story.... Also, the sunscreen he'd been rubbing his junk in would be like hell in her ass, and taste bad. Details, man. " Have you ever tried the sunscreen thing? |
2009-05-26 20:39:58 | My Neighor's Incest IV | Part V is on the way, but you'll have to go back and review part III when it comes on line again. The plot could not continue past III without a change. Just pretend it was a day dream when Susan lost it, and read part V. Hopefully, it will be worth all the work I did to make it happen. I was going to let it die at the end of III. Peace. |
2009-05-28 12:43:28 | My Neighbor's Incest part III | Dude, Get a grip on yourself. If I had that much time, I'd spend it making the stories even better. Also, I'd get my other stories out of the 70% range. Thanks for wasting your time reading it, though. I'm almost done with this one, maybe you can take it over and do it justice. Have a nice day. |
2009-06-03 16:35:19 | My Neighbor's Incest Part V | "Could you rename the titles so they happen in the correct order? Thanks!" I messed up the name of part three and requested to have it renamed two weeks ago, but it hasn't happened. It's not easy to get changes. Sorry. |