Comments from BlackRonin
Date | Story title | Comment |
2013-11-14 02:10:24 | The Banshee | Hello, Anonymous Reader: Glad you liked the story. If you check on my profile there are a few other ghost stories: "Phantom" and "A Pale Horse." Also, "Wendigo," "The Yellow Sign," and "The Red Masquerade" are not ghost stories in the strict sense of the word "ghost," but they certainly invoke the same atmosphere. "Grave Robber" and "Til Death" are technically about the walking dead and "Enigma Mothman" is about aliens (more or less...), but they too could be termed ghost stories as far as atmosphere goes. Thanks for reading. |
2015-08-08 07:16:13 | Roses are red_(2) | For anyone wondering: I've been going back to old stories and giving them a polish. Usually this involves minor but important things like fixing typos and trimming wordy graphs. This story was a problem case, though: On one hand, it's a favorite of mine, and it seems relatively popular. On the other, I frankly always felt like I dropped the ball here. The originally version was padded because at the time I felt obligated to give readers longer and more graphic sex scenes. It really hurt the story, which clearly wanted to be more incisive. The idea of overhauling it was tempting, but I wasn't sure if I was comfortable doing it. Many people had read the original draft and liked it, after all. I vacillated, but after finally breaking down and writing a new version I couldn't deny that it was superior, and I hated the idea of letting a worse story stand if I knew I could do better. I'm still not sure this was the right thing to do. But I am sure it reads better this way. |
2015-11-02 04:40:29 | The Last Halloween | Actually, dear Anonymous Reader, it sounds like you're talking about a story from another writer entirely. The title was "You Will Welcome Death." |
2016-10-16 18:01:13 | Flesh for Satan | Well, I very rarely write sequels, for a variety of reasons. In this case, the story is about one woman's transition from innocence into experience; once the climactic scene is over, I don't feel there's much else to say. So, never say never, but a follow-up isn't likely. I am, however, working on a similar story for next Valentine's Day, so maybe that will gratify anyone who is waiting on more. Thanks for reading. |