2015-04-27 19:16:24 |
A Dish Best Seved Cold or Bryan's Revenge 2
As an avid fan of your writing I congratulate you on a trilogy well written. I only ask that you give us some closure regarding Leah and Bryan. |
2016-04-17 22:24:58 |
Mind Fuck - Chapter 1a (Unfortunate Day)
Honestly, I don't know. I write when I'm at work and extremely horny, which helps the creative juices flow. It's a mood thing. |
2016-04-17 22:10:00 |
Midlife Teen
So good, I didn't even notice the formatting until it was mentioned. Write more! |
2016-04-25 14:21:34 |
Midlife Teen
Excellent writing. I'll be waiting for part two. |
2016-04-29 15:37:59 |
The entire story was fairly ridiculous, but it was good for being so ridiculous. |