2012-09-10 22:53:15 |
A Game of Inches - Part Fifteen
Rhiannon !!! Dont you dare second guess yourself. I'm wriitting this here for all to see. You have TENS OF THOUSOUNDS of readers that log on to this site EVERYDAY just to see if you have posted another beautiful, well written, AMAZING chapter, I for one of thousands loved this chapter, and you know I did. You are truly in touch with your readers and they asked to bring Ashley back, and you did, Thank you, Please dont let the few get you thinking any other way. For those of you that found this boring or predictable or had enough, please direct us to your stories so we may judge. I highly doubt that you could write more than 3 sentences that made any sense at all. This wonderful writer has kept us glued to this site for months!!! Give him the respect he deserves..... |