2016-05-14 22:56:15 |
My Brother's Genie - Chapter 05
So neither of those days have resulted in a posting unless I finish writing it in the next 4 minutes. Hopefully tomorrow will be the day. |
2016-05-15 23:49:20 |
My Brother's Genie - Chapter 05
Chapter 6 is NEARLY done. I just have the last bit to write. The bit that takes ages is the level of planning I do. I'll talk about it in the Author's Message, but there's a lot of planning I do BTS which may or may not ever matter, but Chapter 6 has a lot of this potentially unnecessary planning which I do because it makes keeping track of stuff easier for me. |
2016-05-17 01:08:14 |
My Brother's Genie - Chapter 05
Forgot to mention, Chapter 6 has been submitted. |
2016-05-17 22:59:12 |
My Brother's Genie - Chapter 05
Loving Eurovision? Although they were WAY too harsh on Germany. Judge her by her song not by her K-pop fetish. |
2016-12-10 14:04:29 |
That Time I Died
Thanks. I have a chapter and a half of my next story written already. I break up for Christmas this Friday coming so hopefully I'll have more time free to write. |