2016-07-05 17:41:19 |
My Brother's Genie - Chapter 07_(1)
Not finished yet. Don't know when it will be. StoriesOnline has lightning-fast moderation though so when I finish it it'll be up within an hour likely. |
2016-07-12 15:47:40 |
My Brother's Genie - Chapter 07_(1)
Chapter 9 still in progress. I want to finish it tonight or tomorrow. Chapter 8 still waiting for moderation. |
2016-07-13 22:27:52 |
My Brother's Genie - Chapter 07_(1)
Oh God, I said I'd probably post the chapter either last night or tonight, didn't I? Guess I need to write half a chapter now don't I? |
2016-07-18 16:27:58 |
My Brother's Genie - Chapter 07_(1)
Chapter 9 still in progress (And Chapter 8 still in this site's moderation queue). I've had a bit of a problem with the plot which is why I'm taking so long. I am writing other stuff during this time though so I should have an extended one-shot coming (Or cumming) soonish. |
2016-07-19 20:13:29 |
My Brother's Genie - Chapter 07_(1)
I submitted it to the moderators on the 29th of June and it's been in the queue ever since. If you'd like to read it now, it's up on storiesonline.net |