Comments from Clover Ernest
Date | Story title | Comment |
2016-07-23 08:55:09 | A Nun Defliled_(0) | ah, pyroclast, you sly dog. but yes, very seldomly do we hear of the Droit de Signeur, and being executed with such deviousness!! My, i can see this storyline rising to some great heights. afterall, its got at least 97% |
2016-08-26 05:28:07 | SOVEREIGNTY 19 | Amazing end to a gorgeous story. Keep up the great work on everything else, pars. As always, Semper Fidelibus Fidelis, Clover. |
2016-07-29 06:47:17 | Neighbor's Daughters | i laughed pretty damn hard at the casual familiarity of lesbian questions. "Can iask something? I think I know...", "I dont want to say something wrong". and the casual "I know you want to ask." "whats it like?" |
2016-07-29 08:30:46 | SOVEREIGNTY 3 | I, for one, second Naenae's comment. It really isnt that hard to get past the typos. And personally, Id like to see the 2 anon jackasses - or any condescending motherfuckers for that matter - create better stories AND keep up a regular posting schedule as you have, pars. |
2016-07-29 08:56:27 | SOVEREIGNTY 4 | ARRRGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! i hate it when the chapter-ending cliffhanger is this good!!! i want to know what happens next, and i want to know NOW!!! |